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Defensive Buff Questions (BaBS)

Jan 13, 2020
Defensive Buff Questions (BaBS)
  • Defensive Buff Questions (BaBS V2.11.13)

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    If you have any questions related to the usage of Defensive Buffs or defense increases in general, it should be covered here.

    There are 16 questions related to this section.

    Question 1: With the Mutation and Poison Shield Buffs, what does it mean when they expire?
    The Mutation and Poison Shield Buffs are buffs that will expire after a limited amount of time has passed of them having been used from your inventory.

    Question 2: With the Guardian Moustachio or Guardian Dispenser Buff, what happens when the Executioner Tank bypasses it?
    When the Guardian Moustachio or Guardian Dispenser Buffs is bypassed by the Executioner Tank, it will protect you from 1 hit only (which happens as soon as the tank hits you). The tank will then kill you on the next hit afterwards.

    Question 3: In terms of buff activations, what would activate when you take lethal damage to stop you from dying?
    In terms of buff activations, if any of the below buffs are to be equipped in your buff sets, the order of them being activated is:
    1. |E| Auto-Medical
    2. Guardian Moustachio
    3. |V| Guardian Dispenser
    4. Avenger
    5. |E| Bodyguard
    6. |E| Dying Berserk

    Question 4: What buffs/things can protect you from a tank explosion?
    When the bomb tank or any tank in desperate state explodes, they will permanently kill any player above level 100. These are the things that can protect you in such a case:
    1. Blast Padding
    2. |V| Protective Bag
    3. Being Incapacitated at the current time
    4. Being pinned by any special infected at the current time
    5. Moustachio Bless skill (only protects from Bomb Tank explosions)

    Question 5: With maximum defense, what is the defense cap for survivors?
    The defense cap for survivors based on the following situations are: <top>
    • Common and Special Infected: 90%
    • Tier 1 Tanks: 80%
    • Tier 2 Tanks: 70%
    • Tier 3+ Tanks: 60%

    Special Cases:
    • Tenacity Buff: lowers maximum defense to 70%
    • |V| Persistence Buff: lowers maximum defense to 80%

    Question 6: What is CC?
    CC stands for Crowd Control. Crowd Control is knockback received from any sources that can inflict it. Whether that would be through infected buffs, skills or tank abilities. You can prevent being knock backed (or give others knockback prevention) through the following buffs:
    1. |E| Super Moustachio Bless
    2. Unstoppable
    3. |V| Protective Bag
    4. |E| Dying Berserk
    5. |E| Hidden Strength (with the Inner Might buff enhancement)
    6. Avenger (with the Respite buff enhancement)

    Question 7: What buffs give defense against Common Infected?
    The following buffs give defense against Common Infected:
    1. Infected Swarm Protection
    2. |E| Love is in the air
    3. |V| Persistence
    4. Steadfast Aim
    5. Pain Stimulant (with the |E| Pain Analeptic buff enhancement)

    Question 8: What does it mean when the max buff defense percent is 90%?
    It means that the survivors can equip defense buffs and activate defense boosters that add up defense as a % up to a maximum of 90% defense. This only applies when going up against the Common and Special Infected as the amount of maximum defense you can have is capped at a lower % against tanks. You can check question 5 to find out more on these maximum caps and other information.

    Question 9: What is increased aggro from tanks?
    Increased aggro from tanks means that when you normally deal damage to tanks and/or are near them, there is a higher chance that they are far more likely to choose you as the current aggro target compared to other survivors. These are the following buffs that can increase tank aggro or even change tank aggro to only target you:
    • Tenacity
    • |E| Tank Duelist
    • |V| Enraging Waves
    • |E| Dying Berserk

    Question 10: What is the maximum amount of HP that you can have within mgftw?
    The maximum amount of HP that any 1 survivor can have in mgftw right now is 9,999. This amount of maximum HP can be achieved with:
    • max level Immortal Blood upgrade (1,500 Maximum Health)
    • Tenacity (+5,000 Additional Maximum Health)
    • |E| Promise (+1,000 Additional Maximum Health)
    • |V| War Wounds Buff (+2,500 Additional Maximum Health at max stacks. Only if you equip the buff after having achieved max stacks in another buff set without the Tenacity Buff being equipped.)


    Question 11: What is missing HP?
    Missing HP is when your survivor has any missing HP out of the total amount of maximum HP that he/she has. For example, if the survivor currently has 900 HP but his/her maximum HP value is 1,000, then they will have 100 missing HP.

    Question 12: What is Damage Resistance and how does it work?
    Damage Resistance is a defense against infected that affects their base damage dealt against you before it is calculated. This is different to defense as a % which is applied through buffs and lowers the amount of damage dealt throughout the calculation. Damage Resistance cannot be bypassed unless any infected buffs, skills or tank abilities bypasses all defense modifiers. Damage Resistance also won't work if the tank deals fixed damage.

    Question 13: If you use the Protective Bag Buff while the Enraging Waves Buff is active, would it have any effect on tank aggro?
    If you were to activate the |V| Protective Bag Buff while the |V| Enraging Waves Buff effect is active, then there will be no change in tank aggro. Tank aggro also won't change if the tank is taunt immune or is on taunt cooldown.

    Question 14: Under what circumstances does the Bodyguard Buff not work?
    Any lethal damage or fall damage that your Bodyguard takes that permanently kills them will not make the |E| Bodyguard Buff work for you.

    Question 15: If you have gained any temporary health with the |E| Pain Moderation Buff, would having Pain Stimulant Buff equipped stop temporary health decay?
    No. The Pain Stimulant Buff would still require you to have used Pain Pills, Adrenaline Shot or have been revived to stop temporary HP from decaying. This would stop any temporary health gained from |E| Pain Moderation Buff being decayed.

    Question 16: Can you have both acid and fire immunities active at the same time with the |E| Ground Absorbent Buff?
    Yes, if you were to be both affected by acid and fire at the same time, you'll become immune to both effects for a short time as per the buff effects of the |E| Ground Absorbent Buff.