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Economy and Exp Buffs (BaBS)

Sep 8, 2022
Economy and Exp Buffs (BaBS)
  • Economy And Exp Buffs (BaBS V3.2.9)

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    1. Offensive Buffs
    2. Defensive Buffs
    3. Ability Buffs
    4. Equipment Buffs
    5. Utility Buffs
    6. Economy and Exp Buffs
    7. Miscellaneous Buffs

    For Others Buffs, head back to the Main Guide Page.

    Economy and Exp Buffs allows you to have ways to improve your bounty through other means. There are also buffs that help to boost the amount of exp and cash gained from infected sources.

    Currently, there are 6 Economy and Exp Buffs.

    * Indicates that there needs to be an event currently active in order to be able to get the Buff from that event.
    + Indicates that the Buff has a Buff Enhancement that can be applied to it.

    1. Moribund Farming

    Buff Requirements:
    Cost: $4,455 Cash
    FR-Pills Cost: 1 FR-Pills
    Required Level: 90

    Each percent of permanent health missing below 50% gives an extra 2% exp and cash. If you are incapacitated, you will gain a flat 25% extra exp and cash instead.

    Tips on Buff Usage:
    • If you find that you aren't gonna be able to keep yourself healthy in terms of your HP %, then Moribund Farming Buff might be worth equipping for the extra exp earned in COOP. As a lower level player this buff can be seen as a useful equip since there's a lack of daily exp sources from quests until you reach level 180, 215 and 221 respectively. If you still do feel like you're in need of more experience at a faster rate however, then consider the Observer Buff instead.

    Benefit in Buff Sets:
    Each % of HP missing below 50% gives +2% additional exp and cash. If incapacitated, gain a flat +25% additional exp and cash instead.
    2. Survival Payment+

    Buff Requirements:
    Cost: $13,500 Cash
    Required Level: 60

    Gives you 1 bounty every 2 minutes after the round starts. On 3rd subsequent activation without death, 2 bounty is given until death.
    <Bounty not awarded if inside saferoom>
    <Cooldown freezes while you have 150+ bounty or while downed>

    Tips on Buff Usage:
    • The Survival Payment Buff is quite good at what it does, giving you bounty as long as you can stay alive. In COOP, if preparing for dormant tank fights, you can use this and the Hunting Reward Buff to allow yourself to earn more bounty within a short amount of time before you have to go fight the dormant tank or help someone out with theirs. In Scenario, given the Cleanse/Prison/Heartbroken and other Scenarios, you can use this buff as a means to earn more bounty to be on the safe side. Being able to buy 1 more defib or other health item could be helpful at a critical time where help is necessary in order to get the main tank killed/scenario cleared.

    Benefit in Buff Sets:
    Gain +1 bounty every 2 minutes after the round starts. On 3rd subsequent activation without dying, gain +2 bounty until killed.
    <Bounty not awarded if inside saferoom>
    <Cooldown freezes while you have 150+ bounty or while downed>

    Buff Enhancements that can be applied to this Buff:
    • Accelerated Payment: Survival Payment is now given every 90 seconds.
    3. Peanut Blessing

    Buff Requirements:
    Cost: $886 Cash
    Required Level: 105

    While under the effect of Moustachio Bless, each bounty earning action will grant you a stack of Peanut Blessing. You will gain extra bounty equal to the number of stacks you have, up to a maximum of 3 stacks. On reaching 3 stacks, stack count resets to 1.

    Tips on Buff Usage:
    • In VS, the Peanut Blessing Buff could be considered if you do know that you'll be able to earn bounty from a number of sources (SI kills, reviving survivors, etc). Considering that you can also heal yourself with a first aid kit before the start of the round, any bounty gain earned could come in handy later. Consider the Survival Payment Buff instead if you want a better way to earn bounty.

    Benefit in Buff Sets:
    While under Moustachio Bless, gain +1 stack of Peanut Blessing for each bounty earning action. Additional bounty earned = number of stacks, max 3 stacks which resets to 1 after.
    4. Hunting Reward+

    Buff Requirements:
    Cost: $8,865 Cash
    Required Level: 92

    For each Special Infected killed in the current map, you gain a 2% chance to gain an extra point of bounty whenever you perform a bounty earning action.
    <Does not activate if you have 150+ bounty>
    <Max: 30%>

    Tips on Buff Usage:
    • In COOP, if farming bounty, the Hunting Reward Buff is the perfect buff to equip to help with your bounty needs, whether its in general or for when you're doing a dormant tank fight/helping someone with one. As long as you can kill SI often, you'll be able to rack in bounty quickly.
    • In Scenario, if you plan on supporting the team in general and/or are a guard/controller who does plan to buy defibs, consider the Hunting Reward Buff. You may want to focus on killing the SI early towards the start of Scenario until you can start earning extra bounty by chance from performing bounty actions, if you want to get the most out of Hunting Reward's buff effect. You're also recommended to get the |+| Trusted Consumer Buff Enhancement as soon as possible, as being able to buy 1 more defib or health item can mean the difference between winning and losing a scenario vs main tank.

    Benefit in Buff Sets:
    On each SI kill, gain +2% chance to get +1 additional bounty on any bounty earning action.
    <Does not activate if you have 150+ bounty>
    <Max: 30%>

    Buff Enhancements that can be applied to this Buff:
    • |E| Trusted Consumer: When at maximum chance, you can buy any item if you have at least 50% of the required bounty cost, putting you into negative bounty.
      <Cannot be used on items in the Miscellaneous category>
    5. Observer+

    Buff Requirements:
    Cost: $3,150 Cash
    Required Level: 40

    You are more observant of the behaviour of the infected, causing you to learn more about them faster. Experience earned from common or special infected kills is increased to (current level * 5) %, up to 1500%.

    Tips on Buff Usage:
    • The Observer Buff is good to equip if you want to earn any exp faster from CI/SI killed as a lower level player. In terms of class exp, you're recommended to get the Trainee Buff Enhancement if you want to be able to earn the same exp bonus from survivor actions. It may just help with your Support Class in terms of class exp grinding.

    Benefit in Buff Sets:
    Experience earned from killing CI/SI is increased to (current level * 5) %, max +1500%.

    Buff Enhancements that can be applied to this Buff:
    • Trainee: You now gain the same experience bonus for protecting, freeing, reviving, healing and resuscitating teammates with defibs.
    6. |E| Sharing is Caring*+

    Event Requirements:
    • Get it for X Christmas Cookies from the Event Market within !event. Only during the Christmas 2021 event.

    Every minute, a purchase from the bounty market will give a random alive survivor 25% of the bounty spent. While on cooldown, spending bounty reduces this ability's cooldown by 25% of the bounty spent.
    <Only selects survivors with below 100 bounty>
    <✖ VS>

    Tips on Buff Usage:
    • The |E| Sharing is Caring Buff could be used if you do a lot of bounty purchases as a support/other class a lot. Keep in mind however that you don't benefit in any way and you do only give bounty to an alive survivor, so consider buying defibs if you need one. Given the RNG aspect of this buff, you may wish to consider using another buff that benefits you better instead.

    Benefit in Buff Sets:
    Every 60s, purchasing from the bounty market gives a random alive survivor 25% of the bounty spent. While on CD, spending bounty reduces CD by 25% of bounty spent.
    <Only selects survivors with below 100 bounty>
    <✖ VS>