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Recommended Hunter Role Buff Sets (IBaR)

Dec 4, 2020
Recommended Hunter Role Buff Sets (IBaR)
  • Recommended Hunter Role Buff Sets (IBaR V2.0.1)

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    Assassin Role

    This buff set is situated towards dealing massive damage on every pounce hit to pinned survivors. The more increased damage, the faster the hunter can kill survivors.
    Assassin 1 <top>
    Name of Buff Set: Quick Survivor Killer
    1. (INF) Rushing Massacre
    2. (INF) Assassination Boost
    3. (HUNT) Open Wounds
    4. (HUNT) Murderer
    5. (HUNT) Dead Sentence
    6. (HUNT) Face Bite

    Benefits of this buff set
    • Rushing Massacre: 0 - 100% increased damage towards survivors based on their distance from last survivor in the back.
      <Bots don't count as survivors in the back>
      <Does not affect tanks>
    • Assassination Boost: When you kill enemy survivor, +200% increased damage dealt until you die. Effect won't work with tanks, bots, low level survivors and does not accumulate. You must be alive at all times, returning to ghost mode ends increased damage effect.
    • Open Wounds: +1 additional damage on each hit while pouncing.
      <Max bonus: 30HP>
    • Murderer: +10HP additional damage for each survivor killed for entire round. Damage dealt bypasses all defenses and immortality effects.
      <Only applies as the hunter special infected>
      <BOTS and LOW LEVEL players don't count>
    • Dead Sentence: Pinned, lonely survivors can't use knifes.
    • Face Bite: On each 13th hit while pouncing, deal 3x damage.

    Tips of this buff set
    • Be sure to get rid of the lonely survivors first. The more rushers you can stop getting to the saferoom, the easier it becomes with killing the rest of the survivors as a hunter.

    This buff set is more situated towards dealing very high impact pounce damage to survivors. If enough damage is dealt against incapacitated survivors who don't have Guardian Moustachio Buff then that incapacitated survivor can be considered to be good as dead.

    Assassin 2 <top>
    Name of Buff Set: Power Pouncer
    1. (INF) Rushing Massacre
    2. (INF) Assassination Boost
    3. (INF) Accumulated Rage
    4. (INF) Bounty Saving
    5. (INF) Nightly Killer*
    6. (HUNT) Devastating pounce

    Benefits of this buff set
    • Rushing Massacre: 0 - 100% increased damage towards survivors based on their distance from last survivor in the back.
      <Bots don't count as survivors in the back>
      <Does not affect tanks>
    • Assassination Boost: When you kill enemy survivor, +200% increased damage dealt until you die. Effect won't work with tanks, bots, low level survivors and does not accumulate. You must be alive at all times, returning to ghost mode ends increased damage effect.
    • Accumulated Rage: While alive, +3% additional damage added every second. Additional damage accumulated resets after you attack a survivor.
    • Bounty Saving: For every 4 bounty, +1% additional damage.
      <Maximum Bonus: 30%>
    • Nightly Killer: When on night time maps, +30% increased damage dealt.
    • Devastating Pounce: On successful pounce from over 150 feet, instantly incapacitate pinned survivor. Survivors under intense pain will lose 2% current health per second until medication is used.

    Tips of this buff set
    • The more time you wait to pounce, the higher your impact pounce damage is against survivors, and in most cases they do not have the means to reduce said damage.
    • If you want to greatly debilitate any survivor, be sure to pounce from higher than 150 units in height in order to cause them trouble. This can help the other Special Infected against the other survivors for when they need to help their pounced on victim.

    • *If the map your on is not during night time, replace the Nightly Killer Buff with the Pounce steroids Buff.

    Damage Dealer Role

    This buff set is situated towards being able to gain bounty quickly through damaging and incapacitating survivors.
    Damage Dealer <top>
    Name of Buff Set: Bounty Hunter
    1. (INF) Rushing Massacre
    2. (INF)) Assassination Boost
    3. (INF) Accumulated Rage
    4. (INF Bounty Saving
    5. (INF) Nightly Killer
    6. (HUNT) Binded

    Benefits of this buff set
    • Rushing Massacre: 0 - 100% increased damage towards survivors based on their distance from last survivor in the back.
      <Bots don't count as survivors in the back>
      <Does not affect tanks>
    • Assassination Boost: When you kill enemy survivor, +200% increased damage dealt until you die. Effect won't work with tanks, bots, low level survivors and does not accumulate. You must be alive at all times, returning to ghost mode ends increased damage effect.
    • Accumulated Rage: While alive, +3% additional damage added every second. Additional damage accumulated resets after you attack a survivor.
    • Bounty Saving: For every 4 bounty, +1% additional damage.
      <Maximum Bonus: 30%>
    • Nightly Killer: When on night time maps, +30% increased damage dealt.
    • Binded: On successful pounce, make pinned survivor unable to crawl for 1 - 20 seconds depending on pounce travel distance.
      <2000 unit pounce distance gets max time>

    Tips of this buff set
    • If you want to incapacitate survivors quickly without waiting to pounce, be sure to pounce on them when they have 200 HP or less. Also be sure to try not to miss.

    Slower Role

    This buff set is situated towards slowing down the survivors in general. It is more important to slow down the survivors at the front rather than the ones at the back unless the survivors at the front are not far away from their destination: saferoom, cresendo/gauntlet event, etc.
    Slower <top>
    Name of Buff Set: Slow Pounce Down
    1. (HUNT) Escape Leap
    2. (HUNT) Sticky Blood
    3. (INF) |E| Fear
    4. (INF) Fatigue
    5. (HUNT) Hugs For Everyone
    6. (HUNT) Binded

    Benefits of this buff set
    • Escape Leap: Allows you to leap without crouching. Cannot pounce with this leap.
      <Press the LEFT CLICK button to leap>
      <Works only 6 times during the current spawn>
    • Sticky Blood: On death caused by headshot, -40% reduced fire rate, -50% reduced swing rate, -25% reduced movement speed to nearby survivors.
    • Fear: -1 temporary reduction in level of pinned victim every 15 seconds.
    • Fatigue: -5% decreased movement speed on claw hit on survivors.
    • Hugs For Everyone: On each successful pounce, -10% less damage taken on a single spawn.
      <Max: 60%>
    • Binded: On successful pounce, make pinned survivor unable to crawl for 1 - 20 seconds depending on pounce travel distance.
      <2000 unit pounce distance gets max time>

    Tips of this buff set
    • Be sure not to miss your pounce when you are attempting to get survivors slowed down.
    • If you want to try avoiding damage, be sure to use your Escape Leap buff effect to get out of there much easier.