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Recommended Charger Role Buff Sets (IBaR)

Dec 4, 2020
Recommended Charger Role Buff Sets (IBaR)
  • Recommended Charger Role Buff Sets (IBaR V2.0.1)

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    Damage Dealer Role

    This buff set is more situated towards doing powerful damage when pounding survivors. This can also be useful for when you need to be doing it alone so you can avoid being killed or to go for a potential karma charge when the chance arises.
    Damage Dealer 1 <top>
    Name of Buff Set: Powerhouse Pounder
    1. (CHRG) Pummel Incapped
    2. (INF) Rushing Massacre
    3. (INF) Assassination Boost
    4. (INF) Bounty Saving
    5. (INF) Nightly Killer*
    6. (CHRG) Charger ramp

    Benefits of this buff set
    • Pummel Incapped: You can grab incapacitated survivors and pin them as a charger. Aim, Crouch, and then do your claw attack.
    • Rushing Massacre: 0 - 100% increased damage towards survivors based on their distance from last survivor in the back.
      <Bots don't count as survivors in the back>
      <Does not affect tanks>
    • Assassination Boost: When you kill enemy survivor, +200% increased damage dealt until you die. Effect won't work with tanks, bots, low level survivors and does not accumulate. You must be alive at all times, returning to ghost mode ends increased damage effect.
    • Bounty Saving: For every 4 bounty, +1% additional damage.
      <Maximum Bonus: 30%>
    • Nightly Killer: When on night time maps, +30% increased damage dealt.
    • Charger ramp: Allows you to charge incapacitated survivors.

    Tips of this buff set
    • If you know a survivor has low incapacitation HP or is on their last strike, make sure you focus them down instead of the other survivors. Once you kill them you can get to work more easily on the other survivors.
    • When the opportunity arises for you to be able to karma charge a survivor, take that chance to get the karma charge.

    • *If the map your on is not during night time, replace the Nightly Killer Buff with the Accumulated Rage Buff.

    This buff set is more situated towards doing powerful charge impact damage to a lot of survivors at once. If you want to become a powerful stopping force here, this buff set is the way to go against them.
    Damage Dealer 2 <top>
    Name of Buff Set: Powerful Force Stopper
    1. (INF) Assassination Boost
    2. (INF) Accumulated Rage
    3. (INF) Bounty Saving
    4. (CHRG) Impact Time
    5. (CHRG) Charger ramp
    6. (CHRG) Great impact

    Benefits of this buff set
    • Assassination Boost: When you kill enemy survivor, +200% increased damage dealt until you die. Effect won't work with tanks, bots, low level survivors and does not accumulate. You must be alive at all times, returning to ghost mode ends increased damage effect.
    • Accumulated Rage: While alive, +3% additional damage added every second. Additional damage accumulated resets after you attack a survivor.
    • Bounty Saving: For every 4 bounty, +1% additional damage.
      <Maximum Bonus: 30%>
    • Impact Time: +30HP increased damage dealt when impacting survivors as a charger.
    • Charger ramp: Allows you to charge incapacitated survivors.
    • Great impact: On impact while charging, throw away survivor with 30% more power.

    Tips of this buff set
    • If you are able to charge with a lot air space to launch the survivors. be sure to take that opportunity to charge them especially in areas where the fall damage is likely to get them killed.
    • If you want to have better charge impact damage, spawn yourself early and stay in a location hidden away from the survivors. Then when it is the right time, go charge on them all to add insult to injury.

    Controller Role

    This buff set is more situated towards the separation of survivors by doing long distance charges. Having the patience and time to get the charge right is the key to making it work well.
    Controller <top>
    Name of Buff Set: Survivor Separator
    1. (INF) Electricity Wave Protection
    2. (INF) Sweep Bile
    3. (INF) Witch Resistance
    4. (CHRG) Charger ramp
    5. (CHRG) Great impact
    6. (CHRG) Morale Drop

    Benefits of this buff set
    • Electricity Wave Protection: You won't instantly die when within range of an electricity knife, but will be left with 1 HP instead.
    • Sweep Bile: -80% decreased biled duration as infected after being hit with vomit jar.
    • Witch Resistance: +1000 additional Maximum HP for witches spawned. Witches have +90% reduced damage taken for 10 seconds after being startled.
    • Charger ramp: Allows you to charge incapacitated survivors.
    • Great impact: On impact while charging, throw away survivor with 30% more power.
    • Morale Drop: On karma charge, reduce bounty of all survivors by 5.

    Tips of this buff set
    • If you can, try to charge survivors down the long ways instead of the short way or down a way which results in you hitting any obstacles within your way earlier. That way you will be able to separate and or damage your pinned survivor for a lot longer.

    Tanky Role

    This buff set is situated more towards defending other infected from harm, and pinning other survivors near them too so you can benefit from being defensive.
    Tanky <top>
    Name of Buff Set: Infected Defender
    1. (INF) Vampire
    2. (INF) Electricity Wave Protection
    3. (INF) Common Farming
    4. (INF) Damage Return
    5. (INF) Witch Resistance
    6. (CHRG) Protection duty

    Benefits of this buff set
    • Vampire: You heal yourself for 10x the amount of physical damage dealt to survivors.
      <Incompatible with Regeneration Skill>
    • Electricity Wave Protection: You won't instantly die when within range of an electricity knife, but will be left with 1 HP instead.
    • Common Farming: For each common infected killed, you heal 8% of your Maximum HP back.
    • Damage Return: Low chance to return 20% of the damage taken from survivors. Increased chance if current HP = or less than 10% of Maximum HP
    • Witch Resistance: +1000 additional Maximum HP for witches spawned. Witches have +90% reduced damage taken for 10 seconds after being startled.
    • Protection duty: -2HP damage blocked for each nearby survivor.

    Tips of this buff set
    • If you need to cover for other infected, be in front of them so that you can take the damage for them instead.
    • If you see another survivor trying to save a pinned survivor, be sure to charge them down before you don't have the chance to do that easily. That way you can benefit from increased defenses for yourself and help out the infected team.