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List of Ability Comparisons 4 (TI)

Oct 5, 2020
List of Ability Comparisons 4 (TI)
  • List of Ability Comparisons Page 4 (TI V2.10.2)

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    31. Increased Rocks Abilities

    1. (Passive) Fragmentation: Tank rocks thrown on contact will split up into several smaller rocks. Each rock flies off in a different direction. | Craggy Tank
    2. (Passive) Tri-Rock: Whenever the Tank generates a rock, it will generate two more along side it, each also affected by the Mystery Rock ability. | Flinger Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Craggy Tank with his rocks will split into smaller rocks upon making contact. The Flinger Tank with his rocks will instead generate 3 of any random types at a time when he goes to throw any rocks.

    32. Aggro Focusing Abilities
    • (Passive) Frozen Sentence: The tank will focus frozen survivors. | Freezing Tank
    • (Passive) Trapped Sentence: The tank will focus survivors trapped on bear traps. | Hunter Tank

    The Difference?:
    With these abilities, they will change the tank aggro of the tanks and make them focus certain survivors. The difference for each tank is the conditions required, such as needing a frozen survivor or a survivor trapped on bear traps.

    NOTE: The Butcher Tank, Executioner Tank, Cupid Tank, Imprisoner Tank and Supreme Executioner Tank can all focus on certain survivors with their passive abilities as well, given they're not mentioned within the tankinfo.

    33. Fury Abilities

    1. (Passive) Fury: The tank gains 4 stacks of fury each 2 seconds and each time it hits a survivor. It gains more fury the more survivors are near. At 100 stacks the tank makes a lethal ability. | Heartbroken Tank
    2. (Passive) Fury: When the tank does not hit anyone with it's weapons it will gain fury. Guns have a probability equal to fury to do critical damage, that will double the original damage. The tank loses fury when its bullets deal damage to survivors. | Soldier Tank
    3. (Passive) Fury: The tank accumulates 1 stack of fury each 2 seconds. At 100 stacks the tank does the only lethal ability it knows yet. | Dormant Anguished Tank
    4. (Active) Lethal Ability: When the tank performs a shadow attack, it will start gaining frustration stacks. Upon 100 stacks, the tank performs a lethal ability. | Shadow Tank

    The Difference?:
    All these tanks that can gain fury mostly use it for lethal abilities. The Soldier Tank however uses fury for critical damage with his weapons.

    34. Hard Skin Abilities <top>
    1. (Passive) Hard Skin: Shoving the tank will cause 10 HP damage to the attacker. | Glutton Tank
    2. (Passive) Hard Skin: Shoving the tank will cause 40 HP damage to the attacker. | Supreme Glutton Tank
    3. (Passive) Hard skin: Bullets that reach the tank will be reflected to random directions after damaging it. Bullets that reach survivors will do 1% (Min: 5 HP) max health as damage. | Heartbroken Tank
    4. (Passive) Reflective Shards: Shots towards the Tank have a chance to be reflected back. The reflected shot doesn't hurt the Tank but isn't completely accurate. If it hits a survivor, it deals 4% of the damage the Tank would have taken. | Reflective Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Hard Skin ability depending on the tank does different things. When up against Glutton/Supreme Glutton Tanks, shoving them deals damage back to you. However when up against the Heartbroken Tank, bullets that reach the tank will be reflected to random directions after damaging the tank.

    35. Heat Radiation Abilities
    1. (Passive) High Heat: Being near the tank if not in water deals moderate damage. | Ember Tank
    2. (Passive) Intense Heat: With the Fire Shield active, the tank deals heavy damage to survivors nearby. | Infernal Tank, Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The heat from the Ember tank will only damage you if you're not in water. When taking on the heat from an Infernal or a Supreme Infernal Tank however, they'll only damage you if they have the fire shield active on land.

    36. Hydrophobic Abilities
    1. (Passive) Hydrophobic: The tank moves and attacks slightly faster when in water. | Ember Tank
    2. (Passive) Hydrophobic: The tank moves much faster when in water. | Infernal Tank
    3. (Passive) Hydrophobic: The tank moves faster when in water. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Hydrophobic ability on the Infernal Tank gives it the highest boost in terms of movement speed, compared to Supreme Infernal Tank and Ember Tank. Ember Tank however can also attack faster while the other 2 tanks can only attack at normal attack speed in water.

    37. Fire Abilities
    1. (Passive) Infernal fire: Fire deals 25 HP + 0.5% of the target's current health per tick. | Infernal Tank
    2. (Passive) Searing Fire: Fire deals 10 HP damage per tick. | Ember Tank
    3. (Passive) Supreme Fire: Fire deals 2% of the targets current health per tick. Additionally, the fire will quickly deteriorate the legs of the survivors slowing them by 1% per tick. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Supreme Infernal Tank's fire is more damaging, and also slows you down compared to the Infernal Tank's and Ember Tank's fire which both do less damage respectively.

    38. Irradiation Abilities <top>
    1. (Passive) Irradiate: The tank deals 1 to 90 HP of damage to nearby survivors based on proximity to the tank. | Shaman Tank
    2. (Passive) Irradiate: The tank deals 1 to 120 HP of damage to nearby survivors based on proximity to the tank. | Supreme Shaman Tank

    The Difference?:
    Between the two abilities, the difference is that the Supreme Shaman Tank has a more powerful AOE effect, dealing more damage within the same range.

    39. No Escape/Survival Abilities
    1. (Passive) No escape: The tank gains move speed every second it hasn't damaged the survivor. It's move speed resets once it does. | Dormant Solidified Tank, Dormant Brutal Tank, Dormant Pulverizer Tank, Dormant Boiling Tank, Dormant Anguished Tank, Dormant Repugnant Tank, Decaying Tank
    2. (Passive) No survival: The tank gains move speed every second it hasn't killed a survivor. It's move speed resets once it does. | Hybrid Tank, Awakened Brutal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The tanks that have this ability can increase their movement speed until they hit any survivor or they kill any survivor. The difference is in how the ability works for the tanks that can use it.

    40. Projectile Deflection Abilities

    1. (Passive) Projectile Blowback: Projectiles thrown near the tank will be bounced back towards the survivor who threw them. | Tempest Tank
    2. (Passive) Projectile Incinerator: Incinerates any heavy projectiles (grenades, molotovs, bottles) that go near the tank. It can also incinerate throwable traps. | Executioner Tank

    The Difference?:
    Between the two abilities, the difference is that throwables and traps near the Executioner Tank get destroyed while throwables thrown at the Tempest Tank just get reflected back at you instead.