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Tyler's Questline (QG)

Nov 3, 2021
Tyler's Questline (QG)
  • Tyler's Questline (QG V2.3)

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    17. Tyler

    List of Quests:
    1. 1. Protect the People 1 (Lv. 240)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. Sara's Questline Completed: 20. Something seems wrong (Lv. 240) (Sara)

      Yo, how goes it? Sara gave the word about you, told me some of the shit you've done for her. Gotta be honest, while I appreciate you helping out a friend of mine, I ain't completely convinced.

      You injected yourself with some strange shit from someone you ain't never met before? No questions asked? No thoughts about side effects? Shit man, that's beyond crazy. You appear to be sane for the time being, but I still need to make sure.

      I don't wanna waste my time training someone who is only in it for themselves. Show me you haven't gone off the deep end. That you still care for your humanity. That you ain't some selfish power crazed nut job like Will was.

      Show me you still care.

      Quest Tasks:
      • Defeat 3 Tier 2+ Tanks with no more than 3 dead when the Tank falls
      • Revive 40 downed Survivors

      Quest Rewards:
      • Exp: 5,240,360 Exp
      • Unlocks Quest: 2. Protect the People 2 (Lv. 240)

      Alright so you're not a sociopathic monster, good start. But I ain't fully convinced yet. Speak to me again whenever.
    2. 2. Protect the People 2 (Lv. 240)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. 1. Protect the People 1 (Lv. 240)

      Right, that first one was a warm up, show me that you're for real. Hopefully I ain't asking too much for ya. And if I am, well, I guess we're done talking then. Call me back if you get it done.

      Quest Tasks:
      1. Defeat a Tier 3+ Tank with no more than 3 dead when the Tank falls
      2. Heal 20 wounded allies

      Quest Rewards:
      • Exp: 7,356,140 Exp
      • x1 |Q| Specialization Training Kit
      • Unlocks Ethan's Questline: 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240) (Ethan)

      Well shit, I didn't think you had it in you. Hell, don't think that's something my squad could even do. Alright, you seem legit, take that Specialization Training Kit I left in the Supply Box for you. It ain't gonna do a damn thing on it's own though, you need some training on top of it.

      I'll set you up with my pal Ethan, he helps me when it comes to training the special forces around here. Once he's got you through your introductory phase, the two of us will offer training towards certain specializations. I'd recommend doing them all before you commit to one so you have choices, but ultimately it's your call. I'll speak with you again after you chat with Ethan, peace.
    3. 3. Specialization - Technician (Lv. 240)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240) (Ethan)

      Master of the machines, the Technician. Takes full advantage of Turrets and Drones, and enhances them in ways not possible before. They also come with some new toys to play with too. Here's what you have to do to train as a Technician.

      Quest Tasks:
      1. Hit 200 unique specials/tanks with true damage
      2. Use 100 instant direct abilities

      Quest Rewards:
      • Exp: 6,000,000 Exp
      • Unlocks the Technician Class

      Alright, nice work. This class is now available for you to specialize into. Just use the Specialization Training Kit to begin, or take on other training if you want some options.
    4. 4. Specialization - Control (Lv. 240)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240) (Ethan)

      Ah, the Control, my personal favourite. Tired of having these Specials run you and your team's day, you can now ruin theirs. By keeping the infected near you, you can focus them down giving the rest of your team some breathing room. Here's what you have to do to train as a Control.

      Quest Tasks:
      1. Block 100 unique special infected from pinning you
      2. Reduce incoming damage by 10,000 points

      Quest Rewards:
      • Exp: 6,000,000 Exp
      • Unlocks the Controller Class

      Alright, nice work. This class is now available for you to specialize into. Just use the Specialization Training Kit to begin, or take on other training if you want some options.
    5. 5. Specialization - Debuffer (Lv. 240)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240) (Ethan)

      Those afflictions them infected inflict are a right pain, right? Well what if I told we can finally dish some back? The debuffer will debilitate and slow down infected in ways not possible before, enabling you and the rest of your team to focus down a weaker target. Here's what you have to do to train as a Debuffer.

      Quest Tasks:
      1. Inflict 100 stuns/freezes to specials/tanks
      2. Stagger 150 unique special infected

      Quest Rewards:
      • Exp: 6,000,000 Exp
      • Unlocks the Debuffer Class

      Alright, nice work. This class is now available for you to specialize into. Just use the Specialization Training Kit to begin, or take on other training if you want some options.
    6. 6. Search for Prowess (Lv. 250)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. Reach Class Level 4 with any active Class

      Yo wassup? What can I help ya with? ...Ah I see, you reached a stopping point for your training? Gotta say, impressed you made it this far.

      So the final tier of specializations provide a big powerful final bonus, as a result we felt it only worthy to the best of the best. Whilst our group does already feature a select few, we felt these should only be allowed for the elite members, as a way to signify potential future leaders, in the event we ever need to be replaced.

      What I'm gonna ask for you might be a little tricky, but remember, you are part of a team, they can give you a hand, and your current class bonuses are all fair game to use, so be sure to use them.

      Quest Tasks:
      1. (Changing buffs/lists after round starts blocks progress for the map)
        (Binded buffs do not block progress)
        (Must be present from map start to end)
      2. Survive 10 Expert non-finale maps w/no buffs equipped
      3. Deal 10k+ damage to T2+ Tanks w/no buffs equipped 5 times
      4. Survive 3 Expert finale maps w/no buffs equipped
      5. Perform 100 class actions w/no buffs equipped
      6. Collect 1 Tank Head

      Quest Rewards:
      • x1 |Buff| |Q| Prowess
      • x1 (LEGENDARY) CEDA Research Notes
      • x10 Precious Box

      Well there ya go, you've earned my respect for real. Get that item I left in the supply box and have it on and you'll be able to make progress towards the final tier. I also left ya some other gifts as well, consider it a promotion bonus.