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Tier 1 !tankinfo (TI)

Jun 28, 2024
Tier 1 !tankinfo (TI)
  • Tier 1 !tankinfo (TI V2.18.1)

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    This page contains the !tankinfo for all tier 1 tanks. You can click on each tank within the spoiler box to check out their !tankinfo information. If you wish to see the !tankinfo for the other tanks across all the other tiers, you can click on the other links above to see the information for those tanks there. Have fun reading!

    1. Paranoid Tank

    This tank hates the company of anything besides itself and won't rest until it has made sure there's nothing around it.

    Health: 50,000 HP
    Speed: 1.5
    Hit Interval: 0.5
    Punch Damage: 180 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Explosive Punch: The tank's punch will cause an explosion that will damage nearby survivors.
    2. (Passive) Earthquake: The tank's punch on incapacitated survivors will generate earthquakes that will launch survivors far away.
    3. (Passive) Aggro Attraction: The tank's punch will randomly bile the target.

    Additional Information:
    The Paranoid Tank used to be called the Paranoia Tank back in the V1.5 days of mgftw. It still retains the same abilities that it has, but it used to deal more punch damage.

    • If the tank manages to pound multiple incapacitated survivors at once, earthquake strength increases, causing survivors to be sent higher into the air.
    2. Drainer Tank

    The tank is able to force the blood from the survivors to flow towards itself through open wounds and heal with it. It was not named a Vampire Tank because it doesn't need direct contact with its victims.

    Health: 50,000 HP
    Speed: 1.4
    Hit Interval: 1.5
    Punch Damage: 90 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Drain: The tank drains between 1 HP to 60 HP (depending on distance) of nearby survivors despite of any walls or obstacles. The tank heals each time it absorbs health by 1000% of the amount absorbed.
    2. (Passive) Stay Close: The tank's punches will not knock the victim away causing them to suffer further exposure from the drain.

    Additional Information:
    The Drainer Tank is made available in VS, however it's health is reduced to 25,000 for balance reasons and it drains less HP.
    3. Armored Tank

    This tank has really hard to penetrate skin that makes weapons useless against it. It's heavy armor must be melted with fire exposing it to damage.

    Health: 62,500 HP
    Speed: 1.2
    Hit Interval: 1.5
    Punch Damage: 125 HP

    1. (Passive) Metalized Skin: The tank resists bullets, melee and blast damage unless it is set on fire. Resistance increases based on current difficulty. Once on fire, this resistance drops but increases it's move and attack speed.

    Additional Information:
    The Armored Tank used to be called the Metalized Tank back in the V1.5 days of mgftw. It also used to take way longer to kill him with fire, especially in the Hard Rain finale map with all the water around to extinguish the fire. Since the most recent V2.0 changelog, he is now susceptible to damage when set on fire, through other damage sources other than melee.
    4. Bomb Tank

    The Bomb tank, as survivors call it, obtained its name after it was observed that no matter how much it is attacked, it will only die after a set period of time, in one violent explosion.

    Health: Immortal
    Speed: 1.0
    Hit Interval: 1.5
    Punch Damage: 100 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Internal Bomb: The tank explodes after a set amount of time dealing immense amount of damage to survivors. At higher difficulties, the damage destroys bodies, preventing them from being resurrected.

    Additional Information:
    The Bomb Tank's explosion can be avoided if you are: incapacitated, pinned by any SI, have any damage immunity buffs active or if you have the Blast Padding Buff equipped.

    • Players lower than level 100 are not permanently killed by the Bomb Tank's explosion. Players that are lower than level 50 are incapacitated instead.
    5. Ghost Tank

    This tank is barely visible and will make most survivors panic and wonder where the tank will make its next move.

    Health: 40,000 HP
    Speed: 1.5
    Hit Interval: 0.8
    Punch Damage: 150 HP
    Blocks: Fire, Bile

    1. (Passive) Invisible: Tank has 95% reduced visibility.
    2. (Passive) Backstab: Tank deals double damage from behind.
    3. (Active) Scare: The tank scares survivors around making them have the Fear status. Survivors with Fear cannot attack, and revive and heal themselves and teammates slower.

    Additional Information:
    The Ghost Tank used to have it's Scare ability to scare people to death by giving them a heart attack, instantly killing them. This was since changed in V1.6.3.0 to now inflict the Fear status effect instead.
    6. Poison Tank

    The tank is completely poisonous and toxic. You should not get near the tank or allow it to inject poison into your system.

    Health: 50,000 HP
    Speed: 1.4
    Hit Interval: 0.9
    Punch Damage: 75 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Poisonous Spores: Deals damage to nearby survivors. The more damage survivors receive, the higher the chance to get poisoned for 6 seconds.
    2. (Passive) Poisonous Claws: Instantly poisons survivors upon a claw hit for 3 seconds.

    Additional Information:
    The Poison Tank used to be a very dangerous tank to deal with in V1.5 back when everyone had lower amounts of maximum HP. It became hard to save any incapacitated survivors when they were inflicted with the Poison bad status effect. Thankfully in later mgftw versions the tank is of little threat to the survivors now.

    • Immune to Poison
    7. Ice Tank

    The tank is covered in really cold ice and will rapidly reduce temperature around itself, slowing survivors down. Don't underestimate this tank! It is strong enough to walk around with ice in its body!

    Health: 55,000 HP
    Speed: 1.45
    Hit Interval: 2.0
    Punch Damage: 200 HP

    1. (Passive) Ice Emanation: Reduces the speed of nearby survivors by 5% each 0.5 seconds. Effect slowly vanishes after going away from the tank.
    2. (Passive) Ice Rock: The rock can explode and the debris will slow down survivors by 35%.
    3. (Passive) Burning Hatred: If ignited, the Tank gains a small bonus to it's move speed.

    Additional Information:
    The Ice Tank in !tankinfo used to specify the amount of speed that the tank would have when on fire, which was 1.25. However this information is no longer mentioned since an unknown mgftw update.

    • Immune to Slows
    • Immune to Freeze
    8. Guardian Tank

    This tank will try to help other infected and tanks by enhancing their aggression, causing them to feel less pain.

    Health: 75,000 HP
    Speed: 1.4
    Hit Interval: 0.75
    Punch Damage: 100 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Protection Aura: Decreases damage taken by other tanks and special infected nearby by up to 70%. Less effective the further away from the Tank. (Radius: 1000).

    Additional Information:
    The Guardian Tank used to be one of the only tanks that had a barricade aura around itself, other than a purple aura being seen during Executioner Tank's Stand still ability. This is well known, going back since V1.4.
    9. Grenadier Tank

    This tank is smart enough to use grenades to attack survivors. It is speculated that these tanks escaped a military facility of some sort.

    Health: 50,000 HP
    Speed: 1.5
    Hit Interval: 1.5
    Punch Damage: 100 HP
    Blocks: Fire, Blast

    1. (Active) Grenade: Throws a grenade that deals maximum 60 HP damage.
    2. (Active) Multiple Grenade Shot: Throws 4 rapid grenades at random locations.

    Additional Information:
    The Grenadier Tank alongside the Infernal Tank can do a random grenade launcher projectile attack on survivors with certain abilities, dealing up to 1000 Blast damage should a survivor get hit.
    10. Speedy Tank

    This tank is known by its incredible fast speed and fighting abilities. It tends to focus on a single victim at a time until it gets bored or the victim dies.

    Health: 45,000 HP
    Speed: 5.0
    Hit Interval: 0.1
    Punch Damage: 60 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Light Fist: The tank's punches won't stun the target, but will throw them around.

    Additional Information:
    The Speedy Tank alongside the Tempest Tank are the only two tanks who will show a blur when they run around the area. In the case of Speedy Tank, this blur is always active, where as with the Tempest Tank this blur is shown with the Gale Force ability.
    11. Thief Tank

    This tank understands the value of bounty and items and will attempt to steal these from the survivors to ensure victory.

    Health: 50,000 HP
    Speed: 1.5
    Hit Interval: 1.5
    Punch Damage: 100 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Pickpocketing: The tank steals 2 bounty and $2 on each hit.
    2. (Passive) Loot Ignite: The tank destroys all its monetary loot when it dies. Survivors will only get experience as reward.
    3. (Active) Grand Theft: On use, all survivors inside 500 range of the Tank lose 5 bounty and cash equal to their current level.

    Additional Information:
    The Thief Tank is considered to be one of those beefed up normal tanks, but only with abilities that let him steal bounty and cash.
    12. Duelist Tank

    This tank only seeks to beat single survivors on duels. It has developed a unique immunity to bullets, and can only be sliced or bludgeoned.

    Health: 40,000 HP
    Speed: 1.5
    Hit Interval: 1.0
    Punch Damage: 80 HP
    Blocks: Fire, Bullets

    1. (Passive) Stay down: Increased the time to revive nearby incapacitated survivors by 2 seconds.
    2. (Passive) Fair duel: If there are more than 2 opponents nearby, the tank gains 5% defense multiplied by the amount of additional opponents around. A survivor is considered an opponent if they are within 150 units of the tank.

    Additional Information:
    Back in V1.5, if there were more than 2 rivals near the tank, it would have implied that the tank blocked all damage according to it's PR description. But instead it still reduced melee damage dealt to the tank as usual.
    13. Assassin Tank

    The tank focuses all its energy and power in offensive moves, leaving it completely vulnerable.

    Health: 30,000 HP
    Speed: 1.3
    Hit Interval: 2.5
    Punch Damage: 1,000 HP (Fatal)

    1. (Passive) Fatal Claw: The tank's claw ignores defense and incapacitation, causing death if the victim's health reaches 0.

    Additional Information:
    Back in V1.5, when all survivors had less than 1000 HP, the Assassin Tank, despite it having just 10,000 HP was actually a big threat to deal with. This is because it could become hard to kill when more survivors were killed off by the tank. Now, the tank is still worth watching out for.
    14. Pestilent Tank

    The tank is completely sick and rotten and won't be able to attack. It contains a dangerous disease that will affect survivors health.

    Health: 40,000 HP
    Speed: 1.55
    Hit Interval: ---
    Punch Damage: ---

    1. (Passive) Rotten: The tank's flesh is rotten and is unable to use its arms to attack.
    2. (Passive) Noxious Gas: The tank releases a toxic gas that contains a severe disease. Survivors near the tank will slowly accumulate SICKNESS stacks. For each stack, the survivor will lose health by 0.1% (min. 1 HP) of their max health every 5 seconds.

    Additional Information:
    Back in V1.5, the Pestilent Tank when it became a normal spawning tank in COOP was able to inflict SICKNESS stacks to survivors, that would reduce their maximum HP. If combined with the Corrosion stacks from Corrosive Tank, this could lead to any affected survivor being fragile enough that a single hit would be enough to incapacitate or kill them.
    15. Electric Tank

    This tank utilizes electricity in its fists and rocks to shock and stun its victims, leaving them defenseless for a few seconds.

    Health: 50,000 HP
    Speed: 1.45
    Hit Interval: 0.95
    Punch Damage: 100 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Shocking Source: Damage from the tank will stun the victim for a few seconds. A victim can't be stunned again for 5 seconds.
    2. (Active) Electric Shock: The tank will release a jolt of electricity, stunning nearby survivors, bypassing Shocking Source immunity. If bypassed, stun time is shorter.
    3. (Passive) Electrocute: Targets stunned in water will also be electrocuted, causing them to randomly suffer small stuns afterwards.

    Additional Information:
    The Electric Tank in its !tankinfo was known for its electricity to be a dangerous mutation of itself when it was first released in 2016.

    • Immune to Stuns and Electrocution
    16. Warrior Tank

    This tank will encourage infected and empower them to deal more damage.

    Health: 75,000 HP
    Speed: 1.6
    Hit Interval: 0.35
    Punch Damage: 100 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Courage Aura: Increases damage done by other infected by up to 300%. Less effective the further away from the Tank (Radius: 1000).

    Additional Information:
    The Warrior Tank is the 2nd tank alongside Guardian Tank to have a barricade aura around itself. It was introduced back in V1.6.2.0 as one of the newer tier 1 tanks.
    17. Void Tank

    This tank absorbs the light around it, causing survivors to lose their vision if they focus on it.

    Health: 50,000 HP
    Speed: 1.5
    Hit Interval: 1.5
    Punch Damage: 75 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Dark Abyss: Looking at the Tank will slowly darken the survivor's vision. If their vision becomes fully darkened, they will be blinded for 5 seconds.
    2. (Passive) Knockout Punch: The tank will significantly darken the victim's vision if they get punched. If they are already blind, the victim takes double damage and will be stunned for 3 seconds.

    Additional Information:
    The Void Tank alongside the Warrior Tank was not introduced to mgftw until V1.6.2.0.

    • Immune to Blind
    18. Mirage Tank

    This tank summons additional tanks along side it to try and distract survivors. While the summoned tanks are considerably weaker, they can quickly overwhelm a lone target.

    Health: 40,000 HP
    Speed: 1.5
    Hit Interval: 1.5
    Punch Damage: 80 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Trickster: The tank summons two fake tanks along side itself on spawn. The fake tanks deal half as much damage as the Mirage Tank and takes three times as much.
    2. (Passive) Death Pact: If the real Mirage Tank dies, its fellow fake tanks die with it.
    3. (Passive) Flawed Design: Fake Tanks occasionally fail to stun their punch victim.
    4. (Passive) Nothing for you: If the fake tanks die, survivors get nothing for it.

    Additional Information:
    The real Mirage Tank can also have a fake name when it gets stunned/frozen along with the fake Mirage Tanks. The fake names can be: Mlrage, M1rage, Miroge and Mirage Tonk. It was introduced into mgftw alongside the Splitter Tank during early March 2017.

    • The only true way to distinguish the Mirage Tank from the fake versions is to damage a tank. The tank with lower damage values is usually the true version, especially if you see that it's HP has changed using the !tankhp command.
    19. Acid Tank

    This tank secretes an acid that is of similar composition to Spitter spit. As a result, the acid shares similar traits with it, slowing and dealing more damage over time.

    Health: 60,000 HP
    Speed: 1.4
    Hit Interval: 1.2
    Punch Damage: 120 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Active) Acid Leak: The tank periodically drops acid at it's feet.
    2. (Active) Acid Spit: The tank will spit acid at the nearest survivor.
    3. (Passive) Acid Claws: Tank punches will deal small damage over time afterwards.

    Additional Information:
    The Acid Tank is the degraded version of the Corrosive Tank. It's acid produced is non-corrosive and far less damaging. This tank was introduced in V2.0.
    20. Healer Tank

    This tank sacrifices its offensive capabilities to assist other specials and tanks by healing them, and granting a temporary shield acting as bonus health.

    Health: 90,000 HP
    Speed: 1.35
    Hit Interval: 1.0
    Punch Damage: 100 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Heal Aura: Heals nearby Specials/Tanks. Heals more on higher difficulties.
    2. (Active) Shield: Gives a shield to nearby Specials and all other Tanks. For specials, shield capacity is 3000 HP and stops igniting/headshot damage. For tanks, shield capacity is 5% Tank's max health, with a minimum value that increases based on current difficulty. Heal Aura doesn't heal shielded targets.
    3. (Passive) Fired up: Shield cooldown is reduced for each use.

    Additional Information:
    The Healer Tank is the first tank of its kind to be able to directly heal other Specials/Tanks, as well as with giving them shields. A true support tank by many means, introduced during V2.0.1.1 in late January 2020.
    21. Nullifier Tank

    This tank emits an aura around it very similar to the Mutation status effect. You should stay as far away from it as possible. This aura has had an adverse effect on the Tank itself, reducing it's physical capabilities.

    Health: 35,000 HP
    Speed: 1.0
    Hit Interval: 2.5
    Punch Damage: 50 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Null Aura: Survivors close to the Tank fall victim to a condition similar to Mutation, disabling all upgrades, buffs and skills. Moving away from the Tank removes the effect.
    2. (Passive) Null Instability: The Tank gains move speed until someone falls victim to Null Aura. The Tank's move speed and Null Aura radius lowers while someone is falling victim to Null Aura.
    3. (Passive) Stay Close: The tank's punches will not knock the victim away.

    Additional Information:
    The Nullifier Tank is the first tank that can inflict a status like effect on you while you're near it, with this status like effect disabling all upgrades, unlike the normal Mutation bad status effect. This tank was introduced during V2.0.1.1 in late January 2020.
    22. Reflective Tank

    This tank has some metallic shrapnel embedded as part of its flesh. As a result, some shots to it may be deflected back towards the shooter.

    Health: 55,000 HP
    Speed: 1.5
    Hit Interval: 1.0
    Punch Damage: 175 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Reflective Shards: Shots towards the Tank have a chance to be reflected back. The reflected shot doesn't hurt the Tank but isn't completely accurate. If it hits a survivor, it deals 4% of the damage the Tank would have taken.
    2. (Passive) Hunker Down: if the Tank's health falls below half, it enters a hunkered state. In this state it crouches, loses 20% move speed but increases the chance, accuracy and damage of reflected shots.

    Additional Information:
    The Reflective Tank is considered to be the downgraded tank of the Deflection Stance fury ability that the Heartbroken Tank has. This tank is able to randomly reflect shots at survivors, despite them not being accurate and dealing less damage. It was introduced into mgftw during V2.0.1.1 in late January 2020.
    23. Vacuum Tank

    The tank constantly relocates survivors by vacuuming them in closer.

    Health: 65,000 HP
    Speed: 1.4
    Hit Interval: 0.7
    Punch Damage: 125 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Active) Vacuum: The tank periodically bellows, sucking in all survivors and projectiles in range towards it. This pull will not stun or debilitate survivors.
    2. (Passive) Repulsion Punch: Tank punches have a small chance to inflict a Repulsion Gland on the victim. The gland decays after a few seconds.
    3. (Passive) Vacuum Rock: Upon tank rock detonation, a vacuum will pull nearby survivors towards it.

    Additional Information:
    The Vacuum Tank is a downgraded version of the Tempest Tank, with it mainly being able to relocate survivors using its abilities. It is also the only tank to inflict the Repulsion Gland status effect outside of Debuffer Jockeys in VS. It was introduced into mgftw during V2.0.1.1 in late January 2020.
    24. Cleaver Tank

    Using axes instead of conventional claws for damage, this tank chips away at survivors with higher vitality. It also benefits from a Meat Shield after enough hits.

    Health: 45,000 HP
    Speed: 1.7
    Hit Interval: 0.5
    Punch Damage: 100 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Axe Chop: The tank attacks with an axe, dealing an additional 1% of the victim's current health as bonus damage and slowing for 3%.
    2. (Passive) Meat Shield: Every 15 axe chops on any target will give the tank a small Meat Shield, blocking all damage. It can be removed with melee weapons. Hits are not counted while the Tank has an existing Meat Shield.

    Additional Information:
    The Cleaver Tank is a downgraded version of the Butcher Tank. While this tank cannot permanently kill survivors, it is still able to deal additional damage to survivors with higher maximum HP and can benefit from a small Meat Shield, similar to the Butcher Tank. It was introduced into mgftw during V2.0.1.1 in late January 2020.
    25. Drunkard Tank

    This tank mutated off of an alcoholic. Somehow despite not being human they maintain their alcohol addiction, as well as it's detriments.

    Health: 50,000 HP
    Speed: 1.6
    Hit Interval: 1.2
    Punch Damage: 250 HP
    Blocks: Fire, Bile

    1. (Active) Barf: The tank will throw up, dealing acidic damage and inflicting fatigue and dizziness. The damage is increased if the survivor does not have Goggles or Cheap Goggles equipped.
    2. (Passive) Drunken Stumble: The tank will randomly stumble about the place. While stumbling the tank has a 66% chance to evade damage and survivors nearby will also begin to stumble.

    Additional Information:
    The Drunkard Tank is a completely new tank with a new bad status effect (Dizziness) that can be inflicted. The dizziness status effect used to be an admin only feature since several years ago where any admin could drug you for some time, giving similar effects. This tank was introduced into mgftw during V2.0.1.1 in late January 2020.
    26. Ember Tank

    This tank possess the ability to generate fire to use offensively, however it lacks much in physical power.

    Health: 60,000 HP
    Speed: 1.45
    Hit Interval: 2.2
    Punch Damage: 125 HP
    Blocks: Fire

    1. (Passive) Hydrophobic: The tank moves and attacks slightly faster when in water.
    2. (Passive) Searing Fire: Fire deals 10 HP damage per tick.
    3. (Passive) Combustion: Punches from the tank occasionally generates fire.
    4. (Passive) High Heat: Being near the tank if not in water deals moderate damage.
    5. (Passive) Fire Trails: The tank leaves slightly weaker fire behind when moving.

    Additional Information:
    The Ember Tank is the fire based tier 1 tank that first came out on 1st June 2020. Its fire is known to be quite dangerous to the survivors, even more so than the acid from the Acid Tank, thus avoiding its fire as much as you can is recommended.