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List of Quests (QG)

Jun 18, 2024
List of Quests (QG)
  • List of Quests (QG V2.4)

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    The list of Quest Givers is in the order of the Quest History:
    1. 1. Kyle

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Welcome to Hell (Lv. 1)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Hello? Hello! Oh thank god somebody finally replied to my calls! My name is Kyle and I'm trapped here on one safe room. I'm trapped because I'm not immune to the infection and if I go out, I might catch the flu and become one of those little bastards. I've been talking to other refuged survivors and you must know that there are a lot of us out there.

        Some say that the infection is airborne, but I'm really sure they are wrong, or else we would all be infected by now, wouldn't we? Well, you and a few amount of people are immune to the infection. We don't know why, but people like you never show the symptoms and never get aggressive like the rest.

        So, could you please do me a favor? I'm really starting to starve now and since I cannot go out and look for food by myself I would really appreciate if you could bring me something. I know what you are thinking at the moment. How can you give me the food without infecting me in the process? Well is really simple. I told you that we were a lot out there right?

        We have putted several empty supply boxes around different locations so immune survivors like you can put and retrieve stuff from them. I know it sounds crazy, but with the help of some ex-ceda members, we protected the boxes from the infection so not even blood on them will infect food or any items inside.

        But still, try to be careful when you open up the box, the risk is always there. Would you please bring supplies to a box? I'll go get them when things are a little more calm out there, specially when the zombies chase you ...Heh... So, Will you help me?

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 5 Snacks
        2. Collect a Box of Food
        3. Collect 3 Bottles of Water

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 3,500 Exp
        • Cash: $275 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 2. The Antidote 1 (Lv. 50)

        Hey, you got the snacks! Oh thank you very much, I was losing all my hopes on you. You might be immune, but these fuckers can kill you if you are not careful enough. I left some cash as well on the supply box. Cash is really valuable these days!

        People stole everything from everywhere, including the books from the libraries and book stores that contain crucial survival data! It's impossible to learn new survival tactics without buying new skill books from them. Also, if you want to upgrade your weapons and equipment you will need cash too! I'm really happy to know I have a buddy out there. Don't lose contact with me!
      2. 2. The Antidote 1 (Lv. 50)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Welcome to Hell (Lv. 1)

        Hey there! It has been a long time since the last time we talked... Do you even remember me? Oh well, let me get to the point. I must warn you about something... I've been watching the infected out there and they seem to be causing mutations on immune survivors. Basically some infected have a strange variant of the original infection that attacks immune survivor's neurons and make them forget how to use their recent upgrades or the latest learned skills.

        Is a really powerful variant but the effect can be easily countered with an antidote I'm able to make. Ow, did I ever mention that I was a doctor? Anyway, all I need to make some antidote are a few samples of blood from Paranoia Tanks.

        It'd be really hard for me to explain how the antidote works, but all you need to know is that Paranoia Tanks are under constant attack of these infection variant and they seem to perfectly counter it.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 1 Mutated Blood Sample

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 17,500 Exp
        • Cash: $1,800 Cash
        • x1 |Buff| Mutation Shield (1 Day)
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. Medical Research (Lv. 50)

        Awesome news! I'll go get the samples as soon as I'm able to leave this damn place. Also, make sure to visit a supply box after I'm done as I'll leave the antidote there. Good luck now!
      3. 3. Medical Research (Lv. 50)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. The Antidote 1 (Lv. 50)

        Hello again! Yes I know... the antidote didn't last long enough to protect you from the variant. I'm really confused though as I really hoped it would have a permanent effect, but seems like I'll have to study the infection a little bit more.

        Since I'm still unable to get out of here, would you please help me do some research? I luckily have a microscope here so all I need is some information to examine. We first have to check if animals are related to this so it would be wise to examine a couple of them. I'm sure you will find a few dead cows around to examine.

        Next thing would be examining the infected blood. Just collect a few samples and we'll be able to proceed. That's pretty much it, let me know when you have done everything. Out!

        When you go to hold E on the pile of dead cows:
        Examining bodies...

        The result: If this quest is active, the above action will complete the examine task.
        [PR] Bodies have been examined! They stink and look creepy.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Examine a pile of dead cows
        2. Collect 10 Infected Blood Samples

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 16,500 Exp
        • Cash: $1,300 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 4. The Antidote 2 (Lv. 55)

        Nice! Leave the blood samples on the supply box. So, what did you find around the cows?...

        Ah, It's a real shame that you couldn't find anything useful on them. They may just not be related at all. Well, catch me up later... I have some work to do!
      4. 4. The Antidote 2 (Lv. 55)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 3. Medical Research (Lv. 50)

        Hey, it's me Kyle again. I have good and bad news. The good one is that I found a way to make the mutation antidote last way longer, over a month or so. It took me some time but I finally got it working. The bad news are that I found out that some blood fell inside a bottle of water during my research... and I already drank from that water.

        That's why I was so dizzy yesterday. It explains the nightmares I had last night too. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it longer than a few days but I want to help you out as long as I can. In order to create more antidote, you will have to collect a few more mutated blood samples from Paranoia tanks.

        Please be careful and don't let these bastards eat you!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 8 Mutated Blood Samples

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 16,500 Exp
        • Cash: $1,300 Cash
        • x1 |Buff| Mutation Shield (30 Days)

        Good to hear you are still alive after fighting all those tanks! You are really starting to get stronger and I'm certain that you will survive all this mess. I'm also sure you have a good crew helping you out.

        I have to warn you though. You aren't around all the time to hear the weird chatter that goes on the radio. People are really starting to lose it and are treating this as a game! The more zombies you kill the better... That's crazy!. This is the last time we will talk to each other, so please make sure to remember my words...

        Don't let the power get you. My words may not make much sense right now but believe me, after you talk to a few other survivors, you will understand.

        Well, I guess this is it. I'll just end it with a bullet on my head. So long buddy, and remember what I said...
    2. 2. Roger

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Green Meeting (Lv. 5)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Hey hey... Are you immune?... Oh it doesn't matter... My name is Roger, but people call me "The Hawk" and they all love me so much. WAIT! Don't switch the channel! I'm not crazy, just... just a little bit nervous but, still, hawks are awesome! What am I saying... Hey psssst, dude, I'm running out of time, I need some of my green treasure to keep me alive...

        Come on, can you get me some? Some weed you know, I need it to survive, just go get me some and leave it on those fucking boxes out there, I'll get it. PSSSST!!! Don't speak too loud! Nobody can follow you, just get the weed oh please get my treasure for me. Now GO, GOOO! I SAID GO! HURRY!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Find Weed for Roger

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 1,000 Exp
        • Cash: $200 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: Sexy Witches (Lv. 10)

        YOU GOT IT? OHHHH YEEEES! Thanks , THANKS TO YOU OH YES! I'll get it soon but before I have to (*Screams in the back*)... SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH! Oh fuck I gotta' go. OUT...
      2. 2. Sexy Witches (Lv. 10)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. Green Meeting (Lv. 5)

        OH! Hey there again! Oh thank you so much for the weed, my girlfriend and I enjoyed it so much! By the way, the bitch escaped a few hours ago screaming and looking at me with her sexy eyes! She has white hair and her skin is pretty pale, she also tends to cry a lot so please be nice with her!

        When she ran away some other survivors screamed 'WITCH' and she killed them with her very own hands! Incredible, she doesn't like to be called like that I believe. I don't think I'll ever see her again ever after I gave her all that pleasure. Well, she probably didn't enjoy it because I had to tie her up before having some action.

        Oh I feel so sad now but, you know what I need? I need some of her hair to remember the beautiful night we just had. Please, can you get me some of her hair? If you do I'll give you some cash!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 5 witch hair samples

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 3,500 Exp
        • Cash: $1,100 Cash

        About time! I'll go for the hair later. I guess i have to thank you, so... thanks. Hope we meet in the future but at this point is really hard to tell because... (*Huge Witch Scream*) HOLY SHIT AHHHHHH (*Transmission Ended*)
    3. 3. The Voice

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Looking for power 1 (Lv. 200)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        (Whispering) Hey... Hey you. I know that you are looking for more power and strength. Is not about surviving anymore right? Is about kicking zombie asses and wiping absolutely every single infected cell from this world and is also about being better than your pathetic partners...

        You need more power, more of EVERYTHING! I can help you but your body will not resist the power I got in my hands, so first you will have to complete my list of tasks. Don't ask and just go do them!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill a Tier 1 Tank (Paranoia, Drainer, ...)
        2. Kill a Tier 2 Tank (Shaman, Knight, ...)
        3. Collect 20 Mutated Blood Samples

        Quest Rewards:
        • Cash: $20,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 100 FR-Pills
        • x3 (RED) CEDA Research Notes
        • Unlocks Quest: Looking for power 2 (Lv. 200)

        Excellent job my friend. Now drink the mutated blood samples you just got. Don't do it and forget about the power I have... Let me know when you are ready to continue...
      2. 2. Looking for power 2 (Lv. 200)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Looking for power 1 (Lv. 200)

        The blood you drank is necessary to prepare your body for the real process. If I had given you the power I have here right now without doing that first you would have collapsed and the infection would have consumed you from inside out in a few minutes without giving you a chance to live. But now that you completed that part, we are able to continue the process.

        You might know Sara, I'm pretty sure she gave you some guidance about the different monsters that are appearing recently so this won't be a problem. Get a claw and the brain from a Shaman Tank and let me know when you are done. Good luck...

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 1 Shaman Tank Claw
        2. Collect 1 Shaman Tank Brain

        Quest Rewards:
        • Cash: $20,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 150 FR-Pills
        • x1 Enhancer
        • x5 (RED) CEDA Research Notes
        • Unlocks Quest: <Daily> Hell in the deeps (Lv. 215)

        I think you are ready to go now. In order to complete the process you have to eat the Shaman Tank's brain. Then, using the claw, open a deep wound on your own skin. Then, pour the liquid enhancer that I left on the supply box on the wound. All the viruses, RNA, DNA mixed on the enhancer will react with the blood and the shaman's brain and your body will gain immense strength and power without collapsing.

        After doing so, use all the cash you have to finally learn those difficult skill that seemed impossible before. You might develop more aggression against your team mates, so I recommend that you form a clan and declare war to a few easy targets...
      3. 3. <Daily> Hell in the deeps (Lv. 215)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. Looking for power 2 (Lv. 200)
        2. Have not already completed it for the day.

        HELLO my friend. How are you today? Feeling a bit HOT? Heh, don't get me wrong. I'm not hitting on you or anything. It has been quite a while since I talked to you. I'm sure you wonder what have I been up to lately right? Of course you don't. WHY ARE YOU STILL LISTENING? Do you think you can get something from me? Do you want more power? Oh is that it?

        Oh no no, power is not free. Not for the voice, not for anyone here. You should take your skills and use them at will, for the apocalypse is still nowhere to be gone. Yes, I can be a poet too. But you know what I can really be? I can be the greatest tank slayer in the world. Oh boy, you have not seen what I have. STILL LISTENING ARE YOU? Or are you not? They call me crazy but who is still alive?

        Do you want more power? Do you desire more knowledge? Prove worthy and you may find an entrance to one of the oldest castles that ever existed. Yes, that place. A castle? A magical place? You will probably die anyway. A ticket for a chance. A chance to become stronger. Oh don't come alone if you want to cease existing.

        Before the Scenario starts:
        Prepare for an imminent attack!

        When the Scenario starts:
        [PR] They are here!

        When the Supreme Infernal Tank has been idle for 2 minutes:
        [PR] The tank waits no longer!

        When a survivor alerts the Supreme Infernal Tank to attack the survivors:
        [PR] <player> engaged the Tank!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server)
          (Requires a Helms Deep Ticket)
          Complete the 'Hell in the Deeps' Scenario

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 4,500,000 Exp
        • Cash: $40,000 Cash
        • x2 Honor Coupon

        <Quest cannot be cancelled>

        (*Random mumble*)
      4. 4. <Daily> Festival (Lv. 180)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. Can only be done during the Christmas/New Year events.
        2. Have not already completed it for the day.

        Is that time of the year! The time to DIE PAINFULLY WHILE drinking some nice cocoa. I missed the mayhem that follows you around this holiday season. Where were you? Is the snow more powerful than the zombies? Has, oh my mighty friend, finally found the kryptonite that will destroy them forever?

        Is time to start a party and you aren't missing this one. Why? Because I know how obsessed with power you are. Oh yes, I can sense it through this radio. Go to the abandoned resort and I'll make sure the party is unforgetable!

        Before the start of the Scenario:
        (Hint Text)
        They are coming to celebrate!

        [RADIO] The Voice: Welcome my dear friend!
        [RADIO] The Voice: This will be a memorable party!
        [RADIO] The Voice: Our guests should arrive really soon
        [RADIO] The Voice: This is so exciting!! SO EXCITING!!
        [RADIO] The Voice: [LAUGHS IN CRAZY]

        When the Scenario starts:
        [PR] They are here!
        [RADIO] The Voice: Our guests are here! They are so happy!

        When Festival Tank is about to appear:
        [RADIO] The Voice: The main guest is here! Welcome it warmly

        During the tank fight:
        [RADIO] The Voice: MAGESTIC PARTY

        When the Festival Tank is defeated:
        (Hint Text)
        Get ready to return home

        [RADIO] The Voice: That was a fun party!
        [RADIO] The Voice: Come get your prize my friend!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server)
          Complete the 'Festival' Scenario

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 300,000 Exp (Actual value should be higher)
        • x1 Festival Box

        <Quest cannot be cancelled>

        Oh come on my friend. I did not set you up. It was a test. You seem to be worthy of my magical festival Box. Go get it and be delighted!
    4. 4. Keith

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Infected Buddy (Lv. 15)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Thank god you replied to the radio calls! We are like 5 survivors trapped on a safe room on New Orleans. We have enough supplies to last but one of us is infected and we do not know who. Everyone is nervous because somebody puked blood last night and we don't want to kill the wrong person.

        We are really starting to get desperate here so we need something to calm the mood. By that I mean, find the infected person! The only way to find out is by taking blood samples, but we don't have the necessary items to do so. Could you help us? We can pay!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect a Syringe
        2. Collect a Magnifying Glass Shard

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 5,000 Exp
        • Cash: $750 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 2. Regeneration (Lv. 15)

        Thanks for the help mate and remember that there's more cash from where that came from!
      2. 2. Regeneration (Lv. 15)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Infected Buddy (Lv. 15)

        Hey there again! I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier but I was feeling desperate to find the infected guy. Yeah, we found out who was infected and we had to do... what we had to do. None of the rest of us got harmed but I noticed something really weird during the chaos...

        We don't... really have any guns around here so we had to eliminate the threat using melee weapons. Don't judge us... We had no choice... Anyway, I noticed that the infected guy was able to regenerate some of the wounds we inflicted, and it did considerably fast. We could only get him out by a deep wound on his head...

        This kind of gives me an idea. What if we used this regenerative property in a way to heal ourselves in the future? There's no harm in trying and the biologist on our group agrees to do the research job. Can you please get us the required items to carry a decent investigation?

        We can pay you some real good money and also share with you anything we find! So, what do you say?

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 5 samples of Infected Blood
        2. Collect 2 Syringes
        3. Collect a Boxed Medical Mask

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 8,500 Exp
        • Cash: $310 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. Panic at the Garage (Lv. 20)

        Those are good news! Contact to me in a couple days to see if we found something. Out!
      3. 3. Panic at the Garage (Lv. 20)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. Regeneration (Lv. 15)

        Yes! You finally show up! Something terrible is going on! One of us went to get the items you left on the supply box and lured a lot of infected in the process. The idiot didn't tell us at first so now there's more and more nearby.

        There's too many crazy ass infected outside our hideout and we cannot risk to die now! We are near the waterfront market right in front of the river. We are hidden on a garage. You may just hear the infected coming right after you step near our garage.

        Please, if you pass by kill those fuckers before they manage to get inside!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 30 infected near the mentioned spot
          Spot is located at The Parish, first map

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 6,500 Exp
        • Cash: $50 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 4. Dark Results (Lv. 30)

        Oh god bless you! I heard the gunfire out there and I must say, you are one crazy motherfucker with that gun! Our research is totally lost unfortunately as this silly dude threw the samples at them. I'm sorry but you will have to continue without the healing property.

        Also, you should know that we are going to switch of spot. We found a boat near and we will run to it as soon as things get quiet out there. I'll contact you if we make it, hopefully...
      4. 4. Dark Results (Lv. 30)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 3. Panic at the Garage (Lv. 20)

        Hey... It's Keith... The other 3 guys... They are dead. It all happened so quick! We got to the boat and when I started the engine, all those fuckers came out of nowhere! Oh god... One zombie with a long tongue grabbed one of them while the other two were getting killed by nearly 20 zombies.

        I managed to escape with the boat but it had no gas left. I ended up on a really small town and all I can hear are women crying and loud growls. I don't think I'm going to make it, so please I got one last request for you.

        My daughter... she died when all this started near our home. One scared citizen passed by so fast with his car that ran her over. I don't want to die feeling alone so I'd like that you bring me a picture of her. Our home is located at the Riverside town.

        If you pass by it, take a look and bring the picture to a supply box so I can die in peace. Please, bring her back!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect Keith's Daughter Picture

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 10,050 Exp
        • Cash: $1,000 Cash

        Great. Too bad I cannot go for it, 3 tanks are outside the camp and they are about to get in. Guess I will not see my darling before my death. Now, you should get going, you can still survive! If you find any other survivors out there, please let them know that we were fighters. See you in heaven...(*TANK GROWL*)
    5. 5. Sara

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Charity 1 (Lv. 5)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Hello?! HELLO!! Please, you have to help me out! I'm alone here and bleeding out! WAIT NO! I'm not infected! The building where I work collapsed thanks to an explosion near and I got hurt by the debris.

        Please, help me! I don't have anything to give you but please, help me out!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 5 Bandages for Sara

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 2,500 Exp
        • Unlocks Quest: Charity 2 (Lv. 6)

        Supply box? You left it there?! Oh no that's fucked up! How am I supposed to go for the bandages? I can't even walk! Oh god! This hurts! Oh I'll have some rest I can't even talk anymore, I'll call you back shortly...
      2. 2. Charity 2 (Lv. 6)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Charity 1 (Lv. 5)


        Quest Tasks:
        1. Go help Sara
          Location is on Dark Carnival, second map

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 3,000 Exp
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. Prove It (Lv. 65)

        Hahahahaha! Silly you! It was all fake! I can't believe you went and tried to help the 'poooor' Sara. Hahahaha, just hilarious! Ok mate, I will be sincere. We are more experienced than you on this and, we refuse to help noobs, and stupid people like you.

        Grow some muscles and talk to me later... Ha ha ha ha... No seriously, how did you buy that. What if we tried to kill you? Hilarious indeed...
      3. 3. Prove It (Lv. 65)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. Charity (Lv. 6)

        Oh! It's you again? Do you really think you are strong enough to talk to me? AHHH... THE ZOMBIE... Ha ha ha. I still remember that oh god I wish I saw your expression when I told you it was fake... Oh... Alright, to business then. So... before you want to make any deals with me you will have to prove that you are capacitated to survive this madness.

        First, you have to kill 5 special witches. Oh you don't know what those are? GO FIND OUT! Then, I want you to kill uhm... let's say... 20 invisible jockeys. Don't know those either? Well, let me give you a brief explanation.

        These jockeys can modify their cells or something to produce weird pigments that we can't see. Still don't get it? Well I don't either. Let's focus now! After that... the MAXIMUM CHALLENGE!!!, TAMBOURS PLEASE WHOOOO, SHUUUHSH BOOOOM, TSSSS WAAAAAA!!!...

        Bring me some snacks please. I know it seems stupid, but, what the hell, my clan and I are starving here. Now, move that ass...

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 5 Special Witches
        2. Kill 20 Invisible Jockeys
        3. Collect 20 Snacks

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 18,500 Exp
        • Cash: $4,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 1 FR-Pill
        • Unlocks Quest: 4. Power Crisis (Lv. 71)

        Good job my friend. Sorry for being so rude earlier, but we have met some... mental, to say less, people on the past few days. My name is Sara and I'm the leader of my clan. Is not like a family clan or anything like that. When the infection got Washington, people started to form small teams of 8 or 10 people to have better chances of survival.

        These teams weren't like the possible people you are with at the moment. These teams were later called Clans and, I have to say, you really should find one if you want to survive.

        Anyways, I'd love to meet you in person, but unfortunately we have made that mistake before so I'd prefer that our interaction is restricted to these little radios. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Good luck now!
      4. 4. Power Crisis (Lv. 71)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 3. Prove It (Lv. 65)

        It's you again! I'm so glad that you are still alive! Thanks for the snacks and good job on the previous tasks. Now that you are more experienced I'm able to reveal some secrets and teach you some skills. But, before that I need you to do me a favor. The generator we are using right now died a few days ago.

        Is not about gasoline, it just broke. Could you please bring me the necessary parts to repair it? Thanks in advance...

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 1 generator replacement

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 15,000 Exp
        • Cash: $1,500 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 5. Good Bye, Friend (Lv. 72)

        Excellent! I'll send my buddy Carlos to collect the parts then. Thanks for your help! I'll talk to you as soon as I restore the generator, because the battery of the radio is almost out of power too. Out!
      5. 5. Good Bye, Friend (Lv. 72)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 4. Power Crisis (Lv. 71)

        It's a gray day for us here. Bobby, our guardian dog died this morning. We were playing with him when suddenly a fucking spitter appeared out of nowhere. The acid teared apart his flesh before we could get him out of there. I don't think I can live without at least making him a decent funeral. Everything is ready for his burial but we don't have any flowers around.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect Flowers for Bobby's funeral

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 15,000 Exp
        • Cash: $1,500 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 6. A Trip To Hope (Lv. 73)

        Thank you, Carlos will go for them when zombies get a bit away. Talk to me whenever you want...
      6. 6. A Trip To Hope (Lv. 73)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 5. Good Bye, Friend (Lv. 72)

        Hey again. Bobby's death really affected all of my team. We decided to stop hiding. We will try to reach Canada or South American countries because we think the virus, or whatever it is, doesn't survive on extreme weathers... Who knows? It's a real pity that you cannot come with us. I tried to convince them but they just don't trust people anymore and I honestly don't blame them for that.

        I need to repair our van before going anywhere. Please, could you please get me a working wheel so we can get the hell out of here? I would go out for it myself but we need to plan our trip carefully and search for ammunition.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect a Wheel for Sara's van

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 19,000 Exp
        • Cash: $1,300 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 7. Tank Knowledge 1 (Lv. 80)

        I appreciate your help. You shouldn't worry thought! This is not the last time we will talk, so make sure you are still alive or I'll spit on your dead body myself! I'll share with you some wisdom as soon as I find a better place. Good luck...
      7. 7. Tank Knowledge 1 (Lv. 80)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 6. A Trip To Hope (Lv. 73)

        Hey! You finally appear on this shitty radio community! We are all safe on a new hideout which is only temporal. We had the chance to hear some news from the west side of the country and I'm afraid the infection keeps going through. So, we really need to teach you some skills if you want to survive.

        Look, we have been contacting other survivors and scientists through the radio and we got some scary news for you. All the infected are mutating, specially tanks. There is a new one that thanks to its amazing and weird powers was named a 'Shaman'. Yes, like a mage...

        Pure science cannot explain this phenomenon but after contacting one of the few churches that are intact they said this is completely normal as the devil is taking control of the world or something like that.

        Shaman tanks produce acid and are able to bile you just like the boomer so the infected go all against you. I also heard it is able to absorb your health but this is not yet confirmed. His skin has a yellow colour and is really really hard to kill, so don't even try to kill him alone.

        We really need to gather more information so please if you see one, witness all his actions and report back. Good luck and please do not die!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Witness a Shaman Tank
          (Shoot at the tank, then keep it in view for 10 seconds)

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 30,000 Exp
        • Cash: $2,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 8. Tank Knowledge 2 (Lv. 82)

        Are you really sure he is able to do all this? I have to let everyone know so nobody else dies. Talk to me when you are ready to proceed. We must gather information about all mutations before I can teach you anything.
      8. 8. Tank Knowledge 2 (Lv. 82)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 7. Tank Knowledge 1 (Lv. 80)

        Hey it's me again! The Shaman tank is certainly hard to beat and it is said to require a team of atleast 20 experienced survivors to take it down without major human losses. As if this tank wasn't enough of a problem, there are more tanks appearing around.

        We have been giving them names according to the powers they have. Currently, we know of this 'Knight' tank that has been appearing around. All we know is that he's really strong. He managed to destroy an entire building in Florida.

        I've heard of so many other strange mutations. You may laugh at the names but they are pretty accurate actually.

        Ok, I want to go to the point. CEDA already knew about these mutations, or atleast that's what it seems. They had these posters on their facilities describing the different mutations that were known until then.

        We need those posters. I believe they classified the tank mutations in tiers. Tier one is a weak tank that can be taken down with enough ammunition. Tier two tanks are harder to kill and will probably cause human loss during the fight.

        Tier 3 tanks are the most powerful ones and are both hard to find and kill. I don't know how many tiers there are, but this is what we found on a CEDA member's notebook. Please find the posters of the 3 tiers and bring them to us.

        Leave them on a supply box and I'll make sure somebody gets them.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Find the Tier 1 tank mutations information poster (Red)
        2. Find the Tier 2 tank mutations information poster (Green)
        3. Find the Tier 3 tank mutations information poster (Blue)

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 50,000 Exp
        • Cash: $3,500 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 9. Tank Knowledge 3 (Lv. 120)

        This is wonderful. I will talk to you as soon as I get the posters in my hands.
      9. 9. Tank Knowledge 3 (Lv. 120)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 8. Tank Knowledge 2 (Lv. 82)

        Thanks again for bringing us the tank mutation posters. They don't contain much information regarding the science of the mutations, but they can accurately describe what to expect of each type of tank. We have a marine biologist in the fortress along with one medical school student that would like to analyze the cells of these tanks.

        Luckily, the infection seems to spread slowly on them so they can afford to risk themselves to be exposed to the contaminated blood and prevent increasing the infection rate in their bodies with enough FR-Pills. Could you please bring us 2 bottles of blood from these powerful tanks? It may lead to a better understanding of the green flu.

        Please friend, make sure the bottles are correctly sealed to avoid spilling blood inside the supply boxes. Thanks again!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Bring 2 samples of blood of a Tier 2 tank

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 217,000 Exp
        • Cash: $3,500 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 10. Tank Knowledge 4 (Lv. 150)

        Fantastic! I will arrange a squad to retrieve the samples. Thanks!
      10. 10. Tank Knowledge 4 (Lv. 150)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 9. Tank Knowledge 3 (Lv. 120)

        The samples you brought us before will really come in handy for current and future research, but we also need to investigate the blood of the most powerful tanks people have encountered. We will reward you really well if you manage to get your hands on a Tier 3 tank blood sample.

        This is all assuming you can survive. So please, don't engage in combat with these tanks unless you know it won't cost your life. Thanks again and be very careful.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Bring 1 sample of blood of a Tier 3 tank

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 273,800 Exp
        • Cash: $2,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: Investigation 1 (Lv. 201)

        Woah! I can't believe you managed to take one of those beasts down. You have really managed to impress me here. To think you used to be a weakling struggling to survive to a mere common infected, you have really come far. No offensve intended there.
      11. 11. Investigation 1 (Lv. 201)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 10. Tank Knowledge 4 (Lv. 150)
        2. 3. Apocapolitics (Lv. 100) (Will)

        There is a question that has been on my mind since Bobby died. What caused this? I mean there is no way this disease was caused naturally, right? Many on the fortress wonder what could have caused this disaster.

        CEDA is obviously a suspicious entity. Have you ever heard of such an institution before? It seems highly probable that they are the ones who are behind all this mess. Be that intentional or not, it must be them.

        I have sent a few squads of 4 or 5 people to research abandoned CEDA meet points and their trailers but they haven't managed to find any information regarding CEDA as an organization. Can you please help us in our quest?

        I don't think sitting idle in this fortress will keep us alive for good. We need to get to the bottom of this, in any way we can. If you manage to pass near CEDA trailers or tents, please keep an eye open for possible important documents.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Find 5 documents with important CEDA information

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 850,000 Exp
        • Cash: $2,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 12. Investigation 2 (Lv. 201)

        Amazing! I will let you know what we can conclude with both of our discoveries so far. Please make sure nobody you don't trust sees you putting the documents in the supply box. Thanks again friend!
      12. 12. Investigation 2 (Lv. 201)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 11. Investigation 1 (Lv. 201)

        Hello again friend! I have some bad news. Unfortunately, most of the documents you gave us had the same information written on them. CEDA is just an agency that is deployed when something poses a threat to the country or to the world. I still think CEDA must be involved in this.

        There was one document retrieved that caught my attention. It mentions an incident that occurred near Mercy Hospital. The report mentions that the first instance of an infected individual was reported in that hospital, and then there is a blurry section with random characters in it.

        One of my clan members, Alfred, was a computer science student for 2 years before leaving college. That was 5 or 6 years ago he believes. He mentioned that the data in the document could be encrypted somehow as near the gibberish in the document there is an item called KEY with more random characters.

        He says that if you can manage to get your hands on the decrypting program he could then decrypt whatever is written in that section of the document.

        Find a CEDA terminal and look for an encryption program. We will give you a USB stick for this purpose. Please don't lose it, it cost one of my clan mates' fingers to get it.

        I will also send my own squad to investigate other computers to see if they can find it.

        When you find a CEDA PC:
        [PR] Type the password in chat

        IPV8 TERMINAL - v6.32

        PASSWORD:_,_,_,_ (Which is LYEY)

        When you get the password correct:
        [Access granted]

        Access granted into the CEDA PC:
        IPV8 TERMINAL - v6.32
        STATUS: OK
        AT: /adj/ceda/mn0

        1. Retrieve Decrypt Script

        When the program is retrieved:
        [PR] Program retrieved.

        If you have the quest active, the above action will complete it.

        When you get the password wrong once:

        [PR] Type the password in chat


        2 tries left. Device will self destruct.

        When you get the password wrong again:

        [PR] Type the password in chat


        1 tries left. Device will self destruct.

        When you get the password wrong for the final time:
        (CEDA PC Explodes)

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Successfully retrieve the decryption program from a terminal

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 850,000 Exp
        • Cash: $2,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 13. After the storm (Lv. 201)

        Brilliant! I will contact you as soon as we can decipher the information.
      13. 13. After the storm (Lv. 201)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 12. Investigation 2 (Lv. 201)

        We are still working on the program you gave us. Alfred is struggling with the code as he needs to bypass the need for a card for it to work. I think it would be way faster to let him do the magic instead of looking for a card on a single dead body.

        Anyway, I have another favor to ask you. Yesterday, one of the squads encountered a tank that was too hard for them to handle, forcing them to retreat to the fortress. Unfortunately the tank followed them here and it managed to do some really bad damage to our primary fence.

        I have all my people occupied with other major tasks, such as research for food and other supplies. Could you please help us find some Wire to repair the fence? It is a special kind of wire that is resistant to high temperatures.

        We need this to prevent having to change the wire each time a tank is electrocuted by the fence. Thanks again friend, and don't worry. We have money to pay you.

        You can find the special wire in factories. It can be in the form of a regular spire or you could salvage some from abandoned fences.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Find 5 stacks of Special Wire

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 850,000 Exp
        • Cash: $2,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 14. Paying a Visit (Lv. 205)

        Excellent. Keep in touch!
      14. 14. Paying a Visit (Lv. 205)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 13. After the storm (Lv. 201)

        Right on time. We need to talk. Now.

        Alfred has managed to decrypt the content of the document you obtained and it reveals something interesting. Apparently, a substance was supposed to be transported to a government facility for testing purposes and to generate a prototype vaccine.

        The substance was supposed to be transported in a caravan of 3 vehicles of the same colour, while being transported by another one. At some point during the transport, one of the drivers reported feeling sick and had to stop on a gas station.

        After this, communication with the entire caravan was lost and a small operation began to locate the substance.

        It doesn't say much more, but if we assume this substance was the green flu, then this could mean it was an inside job or that the driver didn't manipulate the substance correctly. More importantly what could the origin of the substance be then?

        Anyway, the document also points to the location of a research facility. We need you to go there and find some documents. Please be careful, we don't know what is inside there.

        When going into the Damnations Lab map:

        [PR - Scenario] Find information about CEDA!
        (Hint Text)
        Search around the facility to find valuable information about CEDA

        When Jelly Tank is about to spawn, then spawns:
        [PR] You found what you were looking for
        [PR - Scenario] Oh no! The alarm activated!
        [PR] A Jelly Tank has appeared!
        [PR - Scenario] The emergency gates were activated! Defeat the tank to escape!

        When Jelly Tank is defeated:
        [PR - Scenario] The tank is dead and the gates are open again! Return to the boat to finish

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server)
          Visit the underground facility and find information about CEDA
          Complete the 'Paying a Visit' Scenario

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 3,150,000 Exp
        • Cash: $2,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 15. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Lv. 207)

        <Quest cannot be cancelled>

        This is shocking. Based on this message, Will had a connection with CEDA. The document lists the personal food indications for all employees in the facility. Will appears in the list.

        This is really unexpected. I mean, we are talking about the guy who wants to restore politics to bring order back to the chaos.

        Heh, well he really was acting much like a politician. You can't really trust any of them. I'll set up a team to investigate this. I'll let you know what we can learn about him.

        Thanks for your help again my friend. I will make sure your pay gets to you.
      15. 15. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Lv. 207)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 14. Paying a Visit (Lv. 205)

        We have discovered something really bad. Do you remember Emily? She was a really good soldier and was known for her exceptionally calm personality. One day she went missing during a mission and it was later found out that she had mutated into a hostile tank with the code name Heartbroken.

        Will's community passed the incident as that a combination of FR-Pills and her innate abilities were the cause of her powerful transformation. With this document we can now know that it was all a lie.

        Emily was given a particular syringe and was told that if used, the infected would ignore her for a couple of days and she would be able to reach her transformed lover. Apparently she fell into it and went to her hometown to try it out.

        The content of the syringe was an experimental infectious liquid that would violently trigger mutations in an individual, causing them to quickly mutate into a special tank.

        The mutation itself is not that powerful, but if the tank is exposed to emotions deeply connected to the now dead survivor's life, like the death of a loved one for example, it would then trigger powerful mutations that could render the tank almost unkillable through regular human methods.

        Will knew all of this. This was his plan from the beginning. Apparently Emily was not his first test subject. There are at least 4 known experiments hidden around. They are described as weak, but that if exposed to emotions like anxiety, extreme anger or love, they could mutate into really dangerous enemies.

        We need to gather more information on how this liquid works and where is Will located at the moment. Please, act normal when you talk to him. We can't let him get scared nor allow him to prepare for when we confront him.

        Alfred has narrowed down the locations of the 4 experiments. We need you to kill those before we can do more. I will pass you the locations of the tanks. Don't forget that we will pay you really good if you complete the deed.

        I have one more request for you. I know that you like to carry out missions along with your friends and clan members, but you must do it alone. We do not know what would happen to the tanks if they saw too many survivors.

        It could easily trigger the mutations and unleash the hell we are trying to avoid. Please friend, be very careful.

        When you find the Dormant Tank Hideout Key:
        [PR] You have found the key to a dormant tank's hideout.
        [PR] Find the Door to attempt to defeat it.
        [PR] Key drops on disconnect or if idle/in saferoom for 2 mins.

        When a quest player finds the Dormant Tank Hideout Key:
        [PR] <player> picked up the Dormant Key.

        When Dormant Pulverizer Tank is about to Pulverize you:
        [PR] WARNING: Next attack will pulverize you!

        When the Dormant Tank is killed:
        [PR] You have successfully defeated the Dormant tank!

        When you fail the Dormant Tank encounter:
        [PR] You failed. Well, at least the tank won't mutate for a while.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Look around on regular coop maps for hideout keys.
          Pick them up to spawn a door to a dormant tank's hideout.
        2. Defeat the First Dormant Tank (Dormant Solidified Tank)
        3. Defeat the Second Dormant Tank (Dormant Pulverizer Tank)
        4. Defeat the Third Dormant Tank (Dormant Boiling Tank)
        5. Defeat the Fourth Dormant Tank (Dormant Brutal Tank)

        Quest Rewards:
        • Unlocks Quest: 16. Humanity is not playing (Lv. 220)

        <Quest cannot be cancelled>

        Thanks for helping us out to keep this disaster at bay. I don't know what we could have done if these powerful mutations completed.
      16. 16. Humanity is not playing (Lv. 220)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 15. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Lv. 207)

        We have located Will's center of operations. It also turns out that his community was not aware of his doings. They have turned against him and he has secluded himself in an abandoned military building.

        I don't know why is Will doing this or what he is trying to achieve. But he must be stopped.

        The plan is simple. Go there and kill him. We cannot risk the ability to create tanks at will to leak. A squad that I set up is currently keeping an eye of the facility and ready to pounce.

        They should have already gone in by the time you get there. So please, don't shoot randomly if you see them.

        Before the Scenario is started:
        [RADIO] Sara: Are you there yet? Good.
        [RADIO] Sara: I'm on my way too.... By air
        [RADIO] Sara: Yeah, we got a chopper. You think we have been slacking around all this time?
        [RADIO] Sara: We can't help you from the ground, but we will be watching over you in the sky.
        [RADIO] Sara: I lost contact with the squad I had arranged earlier, so we can't really tell what is the current situation
        [RADIO] Sara: Please keep an eye open for them.

        (Hint Text)
        Explore the facility to learn about what happened

        When the Unknown Body is triggered:
        ???: You must be Sara's friend.
        ???: Will set us up. Everyone is dead.
        ???: It has been a few hours now. I didn't manage to eat my pills, so you know. I'm going to become what I hate... Again...
        ???: Oh don't mind me. You must kill that bastard.
        ???: He's hiding inside the base and locked himself in it.
        ???: The security doors can only be opened from the inside so it's pretty much impossible to enter
        ???: Be... careful with him. He's not even sane anymore...
        ???: Well... I guess it is time

        Will and his nonsense talk:
        [RADIO] Will: Not sane? I'm the most sane in this place right now.
        [RADIO] Will: She doesn't understand. You guys don't understand.
        [RADIO] Will: Honestly, I don't think anyone will ever understand.
        [RADIO] Will: Can't you hear her cries and screams?
        [RADIO] Will: Can't you hear her call for help?
        [RADIO] Will: Is her sacrifice worth our existence?
        [RADIO] Will: This. Everything that is happening now. Is a gift. Is her salvation.
        [RADIO] Will: We have to save her.
        [RADIO] Will: I'll do anything to stop her beauty from being corrupted.
        [RADIO] Will: Folks... I won't go out so easily.
        [RADIO] Will: My job is not done yet and you won't stop me.
        [RADIO] Will: There are explosives all over the facility
        [RADIO] Will: Unless... Do you understand me? Can you understand?

        (Hint Text)
        Will is serious
        Kill someone or die together?

        [RADIO] Will: So, DO YOU?
        [PR] Will is going to detonate the explosives unless someone in your group dies

        When no survivors are killed:
        [RADIO] Will: Heh. Why do I waste my time with all of you.
        [RADIO] Will: This just proves the point. The selfishness of humanity reflected in you.
        [RADIO] Will: Just... die already.
        [RADIO] Will: Still alive? Why don't you do me a favor and just stay on the floor.
        [RADIO] Will: You are just like Emily.
        [RADIO] Will: I tried to teach her, but she was human after all.
        [RADIO] Will: I had to omit some information for her to try it out. For her own good.
        [RADIO] Will: She trusted me after all.
        [RADIO] Will: Well, is time for me to finally get rid of my own pest.
        [RADIO] Will: I WILL SAVE YOU!
        [PR] The Soldier Tank has appeared!

        When a survivor is killed:
        [RADIO] Sara: I can't believe what you have done. You are as crazy as he is. Don't count on me.
        [PR] Sara will not come to help.
        [RADIO] Will: You can't even stay true to your own convictions, right?
        [RADIO] Will: I don't blame you. You are human after all.
        [RADIO] Will: We are just a pest, screaming louder and louder to be exterminated
        [RADIO] Will: I can only be worthy of existing, if I'm no longer human
        [RADIO] Will: That is the gift. Not only to her, but for all of us
        [RADIO] Will: Yet you reject it with your disgusting immunity and your disgusting pills.
        [RADIO] Will: Emily didn't understand either.
        [RADIO] Will: I tried to teach her, but she was human after all.
        [RADIO] Will: I had to omit some information for her to try it out. For her own good.
        [RADIO] Will: She trusted me after all.
        [RADIO] Will: Well, is time for me to finally get rid of my own pest.
        [RADIO] Will: I WILL SAVE YOU!
        [PR] The Soldier Tank has appeared!

        During the tank fight with the no survivors are killed method:
        [RADIO] Sara: I'm here! Bring it near so we can shoot it too.

        During the Tank fight at 8:05 with the Someone is killed method:
        The tank pressed the detonator and the explosives will explode!

        When the Soldier Tank is defeated with the no survivors are killed method:
        [RADIO] Sara: That was crazy!
        [RADIO] Sara: We need to takeoff now. Contact me soon!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server)
          Go to the abandoned facility to stop Will
          Complete the 'Humanity is not playing' Scenario

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 20,000,000 Exp
        • Cash: $25,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 200 FR-Pills
        • x1 Binder
        • Unlocks Quests:
          17. A weird way to thank (Lv. 231)
          8. Pact (Lv. 221) (Erika)
          9. <Daily> Eradication - Prison (Lv. 221) (Erika)
          10. <Daily> Eradication - Cleanse (Lv. 221) (Erika)
          11. <Daily> Eradication - Special Cargo (Lv. 221) (Erika)
          12. <Daily> Eradication - Awakening (Lv. 221) (Erika)

        <Quest cannot be cancelled>

        That was way too close. I can't believe the mutation was that strong. Well, I guess that is what happens when you inject all the substances into your own body at once.

        I think we can give all this a rest for a while, I mean, I'd love to have a long ass nap right now.

        Anyway. I just wanted to thank you again. You have really proven to be a loyal friend.

        We... didn't leave the facility empty handed. You see, we managed to recover another substance with a complete manual to it. It's called a Binder. It basically was made for immune survivors so it doesn't really concern us as much.

        My clan and I decided to keep the manual and dispose of the substance. I know this could be a betrayal to then... I mean, it is a betrayal. But I really want to thank you with something useful.

        Don't tell anyone I gave you this... I have to go now. Stay safe my friend, and let's not lose contact.
      17. 17. A weird way to thank (Lv. 231)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 16. Humanity is not playing (Lv. 220)

        Heey! Is Sara. *Coughs* I have caught a flu so my voice may sound a little bit weird *Coughs*.

        Oh! Not the green flu. No no. I mean, I already have it but pills keep in line of course. I mean, all of us are alive and human thanks to those pills. Without them, we wouldn't even be talking right now.

        Isn't technology amazing? We have all the guns and medical things helping us survive. We are so attached to them that we have become blind to the beauty of this world.

        I'm sorry, I'm just ranting right now. It must be the fever I have. But it won't stop me! If those zombies didn't, this will surely not knock me down.

        I'm really thankful for having you as a friend. You help me survive. Many others too! Oh I have heard of the great things you have done for others. I know you must be a good person. Who else would help unknown people that you have never seen before?

        Yeah, a true hero aren't you?

        So! I'm contacting you because I have a surprise for you. Mostly a gift.

        Oh! I won't tell you what it is until you get there. No cheating! Perhaps we will finally meet in person. What do you think? Come on!

        I'll send you the coordinates. Oh! And bring as many friends as you would like. I'm not shy!

        Before the start of the Scenario: Relax
        (Hint Text)
        Sara has gifted us a day in a secure cabin! Relax and have fun with your comrades

        Sara: hey Hey HEY, glad you could make it
        Sara: Don't you worry, no missions for you today
        Sara: Nope! All I ask is for you to take a break and relax
        Sara: Why not sit down and watch some TV?
        Sara: Or read a book?
        Sara: Or relax by the fireplace?
        Sara: Or maybe GO JUMP OFF A FUCKING CLIFF?
        Sara: Ha ha, that was just a joke. Funny, right?
        Sara: Anyway, enough out of me, enjoy your day!

        When interacting with any of the Coffee Maker, Couch or Water Boiler objects:
        [PR] You feel much more refreshed and relaxed!
        [PR] You have acquired x experience points. (x is random value between 3000 - 6000 exp)
        However, if you try to interact with any object you relaxed with before:
        [PR] You already used this and it can't relax you any further.

        When the Scenario is about to start: Unknown Gas
        Sara: You know, you look really exhausted
        Sara: Perhaps you should sit down and catch your breath
        Sara: Close your eyes, and take a deeeeeeeep breath...

        When the Scenario has started:
        What is that gas?
        The gas has caused serious damage to your internal organs
        You will have to survive the wave with reduced power
        [PR] Your level has been temporarily reduced to 1

        During the Scenario: Finding the key then unlocking the door with it
        [PR] <player> found the weapons cabinet key! Escort them back!
        Weapons cabinet unlocked!

        When the Dormant Tank has appeared and is defeated:
        [PR] A Dormant Tank has appeared! (Dormant Solidified, Dormant Pulverizer or Dormant Brutal)
        The infected have retreated. You're safe, for now...
        [PR] [Scenario cleared - Returning to hideout in 30s!]

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server)
          Complete the "Cabin" Scenario

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 4,500,000 Exp
        • Cash: $15,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 125 FR-Pills
        • Unlocks Quest: 18. Will's dogs (Lv. 231)

        Oh! I'm so sorry! I accidentally put many traps in the cabin and let a dangerous unknown gas spread all over it. I'm so clumsy. HA HA HA HA (* END OF TRANSMISSION *)
      18. 18. Will's dogs (Lv. 231)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 17. A weird way to thank (Lv. 231)

        Hey! It's been a while. I was busy collecting gas for the chopper we used to kill Will just in case something urgent comes up so I couldn't contact you before.

        What Cabin? What are you talking about?

        I haven't talked to you since we killed Will. It's impossible. You are tripping or just had a really bad and real nightmare.

        *Talking to the background* Carlos, check the security cameras for the radio room. Make sure to check the whole tape. Friend, sorry for doubting you but trust me on this one. You did not talk to me.

        Someone lured you to that cabin by taking my place. Did she even have my voice?

        A flu? How can you be so gullible!! I mean, I know you like to respond to every single random stranger that contacts you but there are limits.

        Carlos said that nobody has entered the room, so the signal must have been hijacked.

        This is not good. Remember when I asked you for that halloween favor? Yeah, I know it went bad but we had communication problems there too. I was receiving constant noise in my end and couldn't hear you properly.

        It's probably the people that helped Will out. Have you talked to Erika yet? We met in person and had a long discussion about this problem. I know he didn't do it alone, but we can't tell who he was with.

        Erika's movement has already killed a few known traitors that were considered Will's friends. I'm sure he didn't just get help from the movement.

        We need to investigate more. We need to know how the flu initially spread and we will find out the relationships between everyone involved.

        Check out old CEDA reports and we will understand all this better.

        Also, we need to have a phrase code to avoid this from ever happening again. How about, our dog's name? If you ever doubt about if it is me or not, just ask me the dog's name.

        I have to go now friend. Let me know when you collect enough conclusive information.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Gather 5 old CEDA reports

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 1,750,000 Exp
        • Cash: $8,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 75 FR-Pills
        • Unlocks Quest: 19. Dormant Apocalypse (Lv. 235)

        Thank you my friend! I know this must have been a trivial task, but this will surely help us out.
      19. 19. Dormant Apocalypse (Lv. 235)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 18. Will's dogs (Lv. 231)

        Hey again! Trust me, it's me this time and not that disgusting cunt who is faking my voice.

        We are in the process of studying the documents you gave us before. Some of the content can be read with the old decryption program, but I think we will probably need your help with them a little bit later.

        In the meantime, I must ask for a favor. Do you remember the dormant tanks you killed? Well, there seems to be at least 2 more out there.

        But you can't kill these by yourself this time. There is just no way of doing it. You must bring somebody else with you.

        It doesn't matter if they are interested on helping me out, but you must bring somebody else along with you.

        Please be very careful.

        When you find the Dormant Tank Hideout Key:
        [PR] You have found the key to a dormant tank's hideout.
        [PR] Find the Door to attempt to defeat it.
        [PR] Key drops on disconnect or if idle/in saferoom for 2 mins.

        When a quest player finds the Dormant Tank Hideout Key:
        [PR] <player> picked up the Dormant Key.

        When you're about to enter the Dormant Tank hideout:
        [PR] You must choose a partner to defeat the following dormant tank.

        When Dormant Anguished Tank is about to use SUPREME BULLET RELEASE:
        [PR] The tank is preparing a lethal ability!

        When the Dormant Tank is killed:
        [PR] You have successfully defeated the Dormant tank!

        When you fail the Dormant Tank encounter:
        [PR] You failed. Well, at least the tank won't mutate for a while.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Defeat the Fifth Dormant Tank (Dormant Anguished Tank)
        2. Defeat the Sixth Dormant Tank (Dormant Repugnant Tank)

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 7,650,300 Exp
        • Cash: $20,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 100 FR-Pills
        • Unlocks Quest: 20. Something seems wrong (Lv. 240)

        <Quest cannot be cancelled>

        You must be immortal. Are you really human? Ha ha. Very good job. I'm really glad that you weren't killed by those powerful dormant tanks.

        I think we are almost done with the documents, but we may soon need your help.

        I'll contact you soon!
      20. 20. Something seems wrong (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 19. Dormant Apocalypse (Lv. 235)

        Hey there friend. We have have completed our investigation on the documents you provided us with. Things are not pretty.

        Will was been getting help from a person who calls himself 'The Voice'. He has been contacting many survivors around the world offering them limitless power for free. Well, it's not exactly for 'free'.

        The methods he suggest are by injecting bacteria sensitive to the environment that may cause spontaneous and painful mutations in the body of those who can retain their sanity. That's immune survivors and you.

        Side effects of this include reduced lifespan that can vary a lot depending on the individual. We found reports of people dying within seconds after the strain was injected. They were probably too weak for it (low level).

        Another side effect is increased mutation transmission rates, making it very hard for people who interact with immune survivors to remain the infection at bay, even with constants FR-Pill dosage.

        We still need to investigate more, and I will need your help in doing so. But, as a friend, I have to ask you to stop talking to this person. He does not mean good and I'm sure there is more to it than just this.

        Will was screaming non sense before he turned himself into a tank. I don't even know how or why he did it. All I know is that this guy is super dangerous and should not be trusted.

        In order for our investigation to move forward, we first need to deal with more powerful enemies that have been emerging from who knows where. Let me know when you are done. Oh and while you're at it, could you get some beer for me? Some of us here could really use it.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Defeat 3 Special Tier Tanks
        2. Collect 3 Bottles of Beer

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 4,958,750 Exp
        • Cash: $13,150 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 145 FR-Pills
        • Unlocks Tyler's Questline

        Splendid work friend, I think it's high time I introduce to my pal Tyler. He's the leader of another group of survivors affiliated with us, we help them with things, they help us.

        I spoke with him recently after you got contacted by that impersonating fuck just to confirm they weren't tricked, and it seems they didn't receive anything. After mentioning you he seemed a bit hesitant after learning about your previous interactions with this "Voice" individual.

        But I eventually 'convinced' him after I told him of all you've done for us, so now he's listening. His group works on training survivors into specialized soldiers against the infected. His idea being having special forces who are really good at one aspect can survive a lot longer than some jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none types.

        I figured specialization may interest you, so I passed your frequency over to him. Just be warned, he may be a bit... rough towards you. He has some trust issues in the past after another immune survivor backstabbed him, quite literally. I'd appreciate it if you would work with him, and please, don't fuck this up for me, thanks.
    6. 6. Bryan

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. The Beginner 1 (Lv. 20)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Is anybody out there? How the fuck do I use this radio! OH! Hey you! Can you hear me? My name is Bryan, I'm 19 years old and yes this is stupid. Hey I need your help! I'm too young for this shit, I was used to kill zombies on video games, but this is some extreme SHIT. Ok, calm down Bryan, calm down.

        What the hell is going on?! I can't fucking believe this shit! The zombie apocalypse is fucking real? Oh fuck! Damn, I need my zombie survival guide to survive this shit or else I'm so fucked. I left it on a mall. Can you bring it to some kind of boxes? Those fucking boxes people left around. Please hurry or I'll shit my fucking pants!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Get Bryan's Survival Guide

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 9,300 Exp
        • Cash: $1,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 2. The Beginner 2 (Lv. 23)

        Alright, thank you! I'll go for it, read it and everything will be just fine. Oh, at least you are on a team, I'm all alone! Please don't you dare to die out there, I might need your help!
      2. 2. The Beginner 2 (Lv. 23)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. The Beginner 1 (Lv. 20)

        Hey! It's me, Bryan again. Well... I did read the guide and I must say that it DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING FUCKING USEFUL! It actually fucking tells you how to cook rice. Why the fuck would I want to eat rice when there's like 900,000 fucking thousand zombies out there! FUCK! I can hear those fucks cry and fight each other. You gotta help me! Hunt down some of them before they all notice I'm here!

        Oh yeah, about my location, well, last thing I remember is a brick factory and some wrecked trucks. Just kill these fucks please!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 150 infected on the specified location on The Sacrifice Campaign (second map)

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 15,100 Exp
        • Cash: $1,230 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. The Beginner 3 (Lv. 28)

        Fucking awesome! I can now focus and read this little piece of shit and think without all those annoying sounds around. Be careful out there!
      3. 3. The Beginner 3 (Lv. 28)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. The Beginner 2 (Lv. 23)

        Hey, sorry to bother you but, could you please bring me some rice? I'm really starving now and I guess the guide main phrase is right: 'This guide is never wrong'... What a paradox, if you can call it like that... Anyway, leave the rice on a supply box and I'll go for it as soon as infected go after you.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 5 Boxes of rice for Bryan
        2. Collect 3 Bottles of water

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 7,850 Exp
        • Cash: $1,290 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: Missing Sister 1 (Lv. 34)

        Thanks again. Make sure the infected follow you so I can go out for my rice. he he...
      4. 4. Missing Sister 1 (Lv. 34)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 3. The Beginner 3 (Lv. 28)

        What's up! Hey. I'm starting to get worried about my sister. We got separated when a tank appeared near the queue line for CEDA inspection. I'm sure she is just fine but, I can't communicate with her through the radio. I lost my cell phone somewhere near the CEDA queue lines.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Find Bryan's cellphone

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 24,326 Exp
        • Cash: $3,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 5. Missing Sister 2 (Lv. 36)

        Wow you really found it? Thaaanks! Hope you ain't scamming me... It was white right? Oh what the hell. Be careful!
      5. 5. Missing Sister 2 (Lv. 36)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 4. Missing Sister 1 (Lv. 34)

        Hello again! I have really good news. I managed to communicate with my sister after all! Damn I love this guide... I'd love to join her on the safe room she's currently at but I don't think I'll make it past a few blocks from here. I have an idea, can you please come back and clear a few more zombies for me?

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 250 infected from the specified location
          Location is at The Sacrifice Campaign, second map

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 9,850 Exp
        • Cash: $1,670 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 6. Resupplying (Lv. 40)

        Thanks, I'll meet my sister then. Wish me luck, and of course, good luck to you...
      6. 6. Resupplying (Lv. 40)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 5. Missing Sister 2 (Lv. 36)

        Hey again! It's Bryan. Thanks to your help I'm finally with my sister. She and her husband managed to escape the Tank attack I mentioned early just as I did. We found this really good safe room full of weapon and ammunition. Unfortunately, our mother didn't have the same luck.

        I could stay all day here crying for our loss but what would that change? I mean, she probably just died so quickly and didn't suffer... Right? Anyway, we are really low on supplies at the moment and we'd love if you could bring us some. Can you do it?

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 15 Bottles of water
        2. Collect 1 Box of food

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 12,150 Exp
        • Cash: $2,100 Cash
        • Unlocks Theodora's Questline

        *Horrible cough* Eh Ehhm. Sorry about that. Thanks a lot for the supplies! You are our official zombie horror novel hero. *Cough* I'm not feeling very well at the moment so from now on, my sister Theodora will talk to you through the radio.

        I'll see you around.
    7. 7. William

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Hunting (Lv. 50)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Hello. My name is William. I'm a recognized animal hunter on the local area and I enjoy doing it for fun or as a sport, it doesn't matter. People used to send me their anger letters to me. 'Assassin', 'Killer', 'Soulless' just to mention a few nicknames. But look at them now... Everyone is killing these 'zombies' and those words make no sense anymore, do they? They were people after all.

        Since the infection and my wife's death, I've been hunting rats and some other small and random mammals as a hobby, but this is not really a challenge and I'm starting to get really tired. I actually think I might be infected. You know, I heard on the radio that the virus is able to enter our system by small open wounds caused by anything.

        A few days ago the axe I use to cut trees for wood fell on my foot causing me a serious wound. Well, I won't let myself become one of those things so I'll shoot myself before it happens. But before I die, I'd like to have my last collection completed. I wanted to have all special mutated infected heads on my wall, but now that dream seems unreachable.

        If you are able to bring me all those heads, I'll pay you some real good cash so you can upgrade your items and armor, learn skills and get some zombie hookers if you want. Are you interested?

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect Hunter Head
        2. Collect Jockey Head
        3. Collect Spitter Head
        4. Collect Boomer Head
        5. Collect Charger Head
        6. Collect Smoker Head
        7. Collect Tank Head

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 3,000 Exp
        • Cash: $50,000 Cash

        I must really thank you for collecting those heads. It was probably hard as the only way to kill those fags is by shooting them in the head so is really hard to obtain a good piece. Now that the collection is complete, I think is time to say goodbye to this 'beautiful' world we all live on. Hope you survive out there...
    8. 8. Theodora

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Inseparable 1 (Lv. 40)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. Bryan's Questline Completed

        Hello! My name is Theodora and I'm Bryan's sister. I really have to thank you for helping us out and I also appreciate the supplies. There is a small problem right now. My brother has above 38*C fever. I tried giving him water and tried every single method I could remember to lower the fever but nothing seems to be working!

        He's sweating a lot and he cannot recognize me or Steven anymore. I don't know if he's infected, but he's my little brother and I won't leave him alone. Steven said that he understands me and only if he starts acting like one of those things we will use lethal force against him. I honestly don't think he's infected but Steven says we cannot take any risks.

        Steven is my husband in case you are wondering. Anyway, I just need a few things to help Bryan with his fever. Can you please bring me something for the fever? We got some cash to pay you if that worries you.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 2 Towels
        2. Collect 5 Antibiotics

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 17,850 Exp
        • Cash: $4,500 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 2. Inseparable 2 (Lv. 45)

        Thank you very much! Please keep in contact with us and do not let those bastards kill you!
      2. 2. Inseparable 2 (Lv. 45)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Inseparable 1 (Lv. 40)

        Hey again! The items you brought to us helped Bryan a lot. His fever is almost gone and he is able to recognize us again. Unfortunately last night while he was sleeping, he started to yell really loud due to a nightmare he was having. We got silenced pistols and modified silenced sub machine guns so I can fight these things back without getting overwhelmed.

        There is still one problem though... I'm running low on ammo and these weapons need one special kind of bullet that is hard to find. Please get me some rounds before it's too late!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 5 Rounds of Special Ammo

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 20,000 Exp
        • Cash: $1,550 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. Inseparable 3 (Lv. 50)

        Thank you very much! I was almost out of ammo and now we can survive a few days with these weapons. I'll let you know if we need some help!
      3. 3. Inseparable 3 (Lv. 50)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. Inseparable 2 (Lv. 45)

        Hey! It's me Theodora. Thanks to you my brother got better and we survived that infected wave that almost costed our lives. Bryan wasn't infected, it was just a normal flu I believe. Steven and I decided to move to the 'New Hope' refuge that alive survivors are setting up. They say it has huge walls to block 'Tank' attacks and a few real military vehicles to bypass any emergency.

        Plus, with the help of a few alive scientists we will be able to find a cure if we are lucky enough. I know what you might be thinking. Why don't we move to the west coast or to any coast and find a boat to move to Europe or Mexico or whatever.

        Unfortunately, I believe that any chances of stopping this infection have been totally lost. We've heard some weak signals from Latin countries like Brazil where the infection has already been witnessed. It was also transmitted to European and Asian countries through a contaminated airplane and a few boats.

        Even if you got to New Orleans and other areas the infection will reach you and consume you. I'm afraid this might be the end of Humanity if we don't all work together. That's why we are heading to this fortress as it is the best option we have at the moment.

        I hate the idea of losing contact with you after all you did for us so please make sure you respond if you hear our calls. I also wanted to do you a favor. I'm not sure if Bryan mentioned this before but I own a small gunshop and shooting field and I have plenty of knowledge about guns.

        Things is, with the necessary tools, I could enhance all of your weapon accuracy by reducing their weight, decreasing their recoil, eliminating the kick or by doing some old tricks. Collect the necessary tools and I'll make this favor for you.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect Recoil Reducer Tool (Red)
        2. Collect Weapon Weight Reducer Tool (Green)
        3. Collect Dispersion Reducer Tool (Blue)

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 75,000 Exp
        • Cash: $5,600 Cash
        • x1 |Buff| |Q| Piercing Bullets

        I'll leave you the reward on a Supply Box with your name in it. Remember the combination to access it. It is 8374. I'll contact you when we reach the 'New Hope' fortress. Good luck out there!
    9. 9. Darwin

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Darwin's Lab 1 (Lv. 45)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Hello survivor. My name is Dr. Darwin and I'm a scientist. I used to work for the CEDA special research unit until, well, they tried to kill me by throwing me away from the facility. Silly them, the infected got inside the building and killed all of them. I managed to survive on the streets and I'm currently sheltered on an abandoned CEDA inspection trailer.

        I'm currently researching for a cure inside this refuge, but unfortunately, I lost the notes I had written when I was analyzing infected people. Those notes are crucial for my research and without them I can't really continue my investigation. The notes should be somewhere out on the streets near CEDA trailers, but there is no way I can go outside because the infected would instantly smell me and run towards me.

        Please, bring the notes back to me and leave them on a supply box near my trailer. After you put it on the box the infected will probably follow you and I will be able to go for the notes then. Please be careful.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect Darwin's Notes

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 25,000 Exp
        • Cash: $3,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: Darwin's Lab 2 (Lv. 68)

        Excellent news. I can now continue with my research and I will probably find a cure, at least temporal, for this weird virus that honestly does not seem natural. Please, keep your head down, I've seen some amazing mutations on some cells I got on this precarious lab and the power they can give to the infected would cause panic among survivors inside safe rooms. Be safe.
      2. 2. Darwin's Lab 2 (Lv. 68)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Darwin's Lab 1 (Lv. 45)

        Hey there, Dr. Darwin speaking. I've been watching some tapes of this particular kind of infected that CEDA and everyone calls the Witch. The first time I saw one, it was just sitting there crying on a corner and it never attacked us. It had no aggression at all and you could get close and it wouldn't even look you into your eyes.

        Few days after the first infection, these witches started to be really aggressive when a human passed near them. I think the virus mutated and affected some parts of their brain. But what worries me the most is the current mutation that they suffered. They seem to be producing a strong Poison that almost instantly infects people.

        On immune survivors it seem to be paralyzing some muscles, making them unable to run or walk fast and it also increases sensitivity to pain, making them vulnerable to a single infected punch. I think I could create a Cure for this poison as it is really similar to a few seen poisons on the nature.

        The cure however will not stop the infection so it will just be useful for immune survivors. In order to create this cure I need some poison samples to study it a little bit more. Bring me the samples and I'll make a poison antidote for you.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 5 Samples of Poison

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 32,200 Exp
        • Cash: $2,950 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. Darwin's Lab 3 (Lv. 71)

        Excellent. I'll let you know if I need something else for my research. Be safe.
      3. 3. Darwin's Lab 3 (Lv. 71)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. Darwin's Lab 2 (Lv. 68)

        Hey again! Research is almost complete, but I got one problem. This poison in high concentration rates seem to be attracting a lot of special infected. This virus mutates in such an amazing rate and its just, smart. I know it sounds weird but that's how it is. Mutating to find more efficient ways to kill us. Amazing.

        Due to the poison ability to lure special infected, there are a lot around here at the moment. Can you please clear the area before they get me? I'm between a hotel and a mall. I think the hotel's name is Havannah but I'm not sure. Hurry up please.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Location is at Dead Center Campaign, Second Map)
          Kill 50 Special Infected on the specified area

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 33,200 Exp
        • Cash: $3,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 4. Darwin's Lab 4 (Lv. 73)

        Fantastic, I'll deliver the poison antidote as soon as I can... All you have to do is pour the liquid antidote around your armor or clothes. Pour half of the liquid on your clothes though, as you must inject the other half on your veins. Hope you are not afraid of syringes!
      4. 4. Darwin's Lab 4 (Lv. 73)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 3. Darwin's Lab 3 (Lv. 71)

        Hey! It's Dr. Darwin again. I really hope that you are enjoying the poison antidote I created for you. I'd like to continue my research and maybe I'll find a cure for the infection. Things are really calm around here and I haven't seen too many infected so I think I'll be able to collect research material myself. My next objective is to study this special infected called 'Charger'.

        I need a sample of one of their claws, but, this sample must be pure. A pure claw can be obtained from one of the first chargers that was seen around the swamp. Go there and bring me the charger's claw please.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect a Pure Charger Claw

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 50,000 Exp
        • Cash: $2,950 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: Darwin's Friend 1 (Lv. 75)

        Great, I'll go get the claw as soon as i can. Take care out there!
      5. 5. Darwin's Friend 1 (Lv. 75)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 4. Darwin's Lab 4 (Lv. 73)

        The charger's claw you brought me is exactly what I need. The research is not yet ready so you will have to wait. While the research is in progress I need you to do me a favor. I communicated with a friend yesterday through the radio and he said he was trapped near an airport. He doesn't know very well where he is. Do me a favor... Clean the area around the airport so he's able to find better safe rooms or refuges.

        He's hiding on a parking lot, so it would be a good idea to clean around there first. Be careful...

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 20 Infected on the Specified Area
          (Specified Area: 'Between a parking lot and an airport')

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 36,500 Exp
        • Cash: $5,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 6. Darwin's Friend 2 (Lv. 77)

        Good job! I'll let him know that he's now able to leave. Thank you.
      6. 6. Darwin's Friend 2 (Lv. 77)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 5. Darwin's Friend 1 (Lv. 75)

        Hey again, I lost contact with my friend. The last thing he said was that he managed to enter the airport and that he heard a lot of gun fire. Right after the gun fire stopped, he heard an airplane taking off and it was too late for him to escape. At first, there were a lot of infected running towards the plane, but as soon as it got far away they all noticed him and ran towards him.

        Before I lost contact, he managed to enter an abandoned small plane and closed all gates. Can you please go check if he is still alive? Please, I'll pay you some cash if you do so. Thanks.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Check if Darwin's friend is still alive:
          Go to the runway and search around the airplanes. Try to find something that confirms Darwin's friend death.

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 45,000 Exp
        • Cash: $6,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 7. Compromised Immunity (Lv. 80)

        Oh no. This is horrible! He was a really good friend of mine... There's no time to mourn anyone, I must continue my research. I'll contact you if I find anything, or need anything. Stay alive!
      7. 7. Compromised Immunity (Lv. 80)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 6. Darwin's Friend 2 (Lv. 77)

        I have horrible news! Forget about the charger claw, this is more important than that! Immune survivors may not be immune anymore. You see, I have more people collecting data for me besides you and all of them claim to be immune and also confirmed it.

        Thing is, one of them turned to infected a few hours ago after contacting a unique mutated hunter. I heard the whole thing. He slowly started to hear inner voices telling him to murder his own teammates and started to get really irritated.

        After a few hours he attacked one of his fellow teammates, his own wife, and technically beat her to dead. The rest, shot him multiple times but it took plenty of fire power to take him down. I don't know what's going on, but you will have to investigate the issue. I need new updated infected blood samples. Please bring them as soon as possible!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect 50 Infected Blood Samples

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 85,000 Exp
        • Cash: $11,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 5 FR-Pills
        • Unlocks Thief's Questline

        (Unrecognized Female Voice) He's dead... Darwin is dead... Just like everyone else... On a blink of an eye... He is... gone...

        Hello? Who's this? I can't talk right now, Darwin is dead! He said he was going to be fine! And our research! It's all gone! Just... talk to me later ok? My name is Celine... I'm her... just... OUT!.
    10. 10. Thief

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Meeting the Mass Murderer (Lv. 57)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. Darwin's Questline Completed

        Another lucky immune survivor... I cannot tell you my name because I'm sure after all this chaos is over, I'll go to jail. I know I should only kill the infected, but I also enjoy shooting at desperate survivors looking for help. I love killing woman looking for their children or children looking for their parents. I love to rape little kids, woman and injured man just for fun.

        I always burn them alive after I'm done. I kill, steal, murder, whatever you can imagine and it makes me feel good. You can't judge me, you know you have been killing people as well. All those infected were people once, weren't they?

        If you want some cash, then you surely want this job. I had stolen a cool Golden Necklace from a woman and I lost it escaping from a tank. Just bring it back to me and you will enjoy your dirty old cash.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect the Golden Necklace

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 7,850 Exp
        • Cash: $100 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 5 FR-Pills
        • Unlocks Quest: 2. A Murderer's whims (Lv. 60)

        Sweet news, I'll go check the Supply Box soon. If I don't find it, you will pay with your own blood.
      2. 2. A Murderer's whims (Lv. 60)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Meeting the Mass Murderer (Lv. 57)

        Lucky you! The necklace was actually there. Thanks. My ugly slave, I want you to bring me some stuff before you go on killing people like you and I love to do. First, bring me some clean fucking clothes. I'm too dirty to continue killing more people and raping women. A man has to smell good for the sexy time.

        Then, recover my precious bag. The bag full of fake gems I use to lure people to my side and end their suffer. Also, I want a soldier uniform because I just do. DOES IT MAKE SENSE TO YOU? DOES IT? Oh I'm sure it does. Why are you so quiet? All I hear is the sound of you breathing on the radio.

        Just bring me the good stuff. I'll pay you this time as I got some cash from my last murder. Hurry! Hurry! HURRY!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect Clean Clothes
        2. Collect the Bag of Fake FR-Pills
        3. Collect a Soldier Uniform

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 7,850 Exp
        • Cash: $100 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 5 FR-Pills

    11. 11. Will/Erika

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Join Forces 1 (Lv. 100) (Will)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Feeling alone? Want to restore the society as we know it? Want to be a leader? Since all the chaos started, survivors have been forming large amounts of groups called 'Clans'. Being part of a Clan means more than just more power. Clans base their existence on Trust and Loyalty. If you are listening to me, it means you want to form your own clan to guide people to survival.

        Is not as easy as telling them that you have a clan, you need to show strength, intelligence and all the qualities a leader must have. So, is not as easy as it looks. You will have to prove people out there that you are worth being a leader and that you can protect them from strong enemies.

        You will have to complete a few tasks, before you establish your clan... Are you really sure you want to take part of this? Is not easy to complete any of the tasks I've prepared. Do you accept?

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Defeat 35 Tier 1 Tanks
        2. Protect 200 team mates
        3. Escape 15 finales with all survivors alive on Expert Difficulty

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 100,000 Exp
        • Unlocks Quest: Join Forces 2 (Lv. 100) (Will)

        That will show them how rude you are. But you need a symbol of your braveness. Talk to me when you are ready to continue.
      2. 2. Join Forces 2 (Lv. 100) (Will)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Join Forces 1 (Lv. 100) (Will)

        You are almost done. The maximum proof of your abilities to be a leader is having what we call a 'Clan Stone' in your hands. This stone is only given to those who kill the amazing Shaman Tank and are able to collect its heart. Its easier to collect the heart if the tank is killed fast.

        Having in your hands one of these stones means that you have defeated one of these bastards, and that's more than enough to prove the rest that you deserve to be a leader. I'll give you the stone once you bring me the heart of a Shaman.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Collect a Shaman Tank heart

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 225,000 Exp
        • x1 |Auto| Clan Stone
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. Apocapolitics (Lv. 100) (Will)

        You are ready to establish your clan. Use the Clan Stone I left on a supply box to register your clan.
      3. 3. Apocapolitics (Lv. 100) (Will)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. Join Forces 2 (Lv. 100) (Will)

        Hello survivor. Please, let me introduce myself. My name is Will, the head member of the Colourblind political movement. You probably don't know much or do you? Just let's say, we are a group of people trying to put some order to all this mess, given how our government abandoned us.

        Well, it may not even concern you at all, right? After all, survivors like you are only seeking to become stronger to survive this new world we live in. So let's just skip this introduction and head towards what really matters.

        You probably have noticed how fucked up everything is, right? Well, it may be pretty obvious by now. The infected swarm the streets, our homes and parks looking for fresh meat, or just looking for something to beat to dead.

        We have noticed that after killing all the common infected in a place, a new swarm of them will just appear again. In order to carry on with patrol routines, to trade with other clans and to access the supply boxes we need people to clear areas of infected to give us a window.

        This time we gain from cleared areas is valuable, and we pay everyone who helps us. Before we make a permanent deal with you, we would like to see how really strong you are. Get the teeth of a strong tank and we will make a contract with you.

        The teeth of the tanks vary depending on their tier, so we will know using it that you really defeated one.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill a Tier 2 Tank and obtain its teeth.

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 10,000 Exp
        • Cash: $500 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 4. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Easy (Lv. 100) (Will)
        • Unlocks Quest: 11. Investigation 1 (Lv. 201) (Sara)

        I'm really impressed! Most rookies that attempt to even face one end up with all their bones broken, and worse. So, yeah, we have a deal. Please talk to me as soon as you can. Out.
      4. 4. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Easy (Lv. 100) (Will)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 3. Apocapolitics (Lv. 100) (Will)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again. Daily Repeatable Quest

        Alright, so the first thing we must eliminate are the annoying but dangerous common infected. Simply, kill as many as you can and report back to me.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 500 Common Infected (Ally kills count too)

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 5,000 Exp
        • Cash: $1,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 5. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Normal (Lv. 100) (Will)
        • Becomes a Daily Repeatable Quest

        Excellent! Talk to me tomorrow for more areas to clear.
      5. 5. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Normal (Lv. 100) (Will)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 4. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Easy (Lv. 100) (Will)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again. Daily Repeatable Quest

        So the second task is not as easy as the first one. You should really group with at least 8 more people to carry this out in a decent amount of time.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 6 Tanks of any tier

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 30,000 Exp
        • Cash: $5,000 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 6. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Hard (Lv. 150) (Will)
        • Becomes a Daily Repeatable Quest

        Excellent! Talk to me tomorrow for a location infested of tanks that needs to be cleared.
      6. 6. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Hard (Lv. 150) (Will)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 5. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Normal (Lv. 100) (Will)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again. Daily Repeatable Quest

        We also need you to kill 2 powerful tanks in the area. Please, join forces with at least 12 more people to carry this out.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 2 Tier 2 or higher Tanks

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 200,000 Exp
        • Cash: $10,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 30 FR-Pills
        • Unlocks Quest: 7. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Expert (Lv. 201) (Will)
        • Becomes a Daily Repeatable Quest

        Excellent! Talk to me tomorrow for a location infested of tanks that needs to be cleared.
      7. 7. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Expert (Lv. 201) (Will)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 6. <Daily> Clearing Duty - Hard (Lv. 150) (Will)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again. Daily Repeatable Quest

        One last duty. This is optional, we can deal with it later after we gather around 30-40 people to avoid anyone from dying. But if your group is feeling brave enough try to kill one of the strongest tank types that we know.

        You can always just run away from it if you feel too afraid. I wouldn't ask you for this if I didn't believe you could do it so, have confidence on yourself!

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 1 Tier 3 or higher Tank

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 600,000 Exp
        • Cash: $32,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 100 FR-Pills
        • Becomes a Daily Repeatable Quest

        Really nice job! Thanks for helping us out!
      8. 8. Pact (Lv. 221) (Erika)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 16. Humanity is not playing (Lv. 220) (Sara)

        Hello. My name is Erika and I'm the new leader of the Colourblind movement. As you may know, our previous leader Will conspired against the entire population of survivors by performing secret experiments to convert people into powerful tanks. Our movement did not know about this and we are in no way related to what Will did or to his particular objectives. I really hope we can restore our reputation and act as a group of people whose only objective is to bring peace to this chaotic world.

        May I call you friend? You have been helping us for a long time by killing infected and keeping our people and others safe. We are deeply thankful for everything you have done.

        We still need your help though. Will is dead, but it does not make sense that he carried out this project all by himself. As you may have heard from Sara, one of our most trustful friends, Will was a researcher that belonged to the CEDA agency. We believe he was involved in an operation that aimed to spread the green flu at the No Mercy hospital.

        We need to make sure this never happens again and that we can ensure the reestablishment of peace. For this, we first must kill all of Will's creations and destroy all samples of the dangerous transformation liquid he managed to create and replicate. We have been tracking people that went missing from many different cities. We managed to find them, but unfortunately, they were already converted into mindless beasts. We need you to destroy them, and we are sure it won't be easy. We will also need the help of your clan.

        Your clan must make a pact with us. We will provide you with the locations of the tanks and allow you to take anything you find for your own clan. These areas have not been explored before and we are sure there is plenty... ...of useful items that could benefit us.

        But, we are going to let you keep it all. In exchange, you will not be able to help any other movement. Others may differ in the way we do things, but we believe we have the best people out there and I... ...assure you we will reach peace if you help us. What do you say?

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Your Clan must agree to help Erika
          Your Clan Leader or a Co-leader must accept and complete this quest first before you can finish it.

          <Must be a member of a clan>

        Quest Rewards:
        • Unlocks Quest: 13. Restoring Reputation (Lv. 221) (Erika)

        This is wonderful news. I'm sure we are closer to end this horrible chapter once and for all.
      9. 9. <Daily> Eradication - Prison (Lv. 221) (Erika)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 16. Humanity is not playing (Lv. 220) (Sara)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again. Daily Repeatable Quest

        The first experiment was stored in a prison not too far from a known route. We don't know anything about this tank and it could be very dangerous. We strongly encourage you to keep your distance before you lure it out. Unfortunately we don't have the key required to open the prison's gate. We can only hope you can find some metal and morph it to fit the lock.

        Once you get the key, gather your most trusted friends and venture inside the prison to kill this powerful threat for humanity.

        Before the Prison Gate is opened:
        (Hint Text)
        A clan member with enough permissions must open the gate
        Erika: Hell-... Can you... (Hello can you hear me?)
        Erika: This tank-... danger-... (This tank is dangerous)
        Erika: ...reate priso-... isolate surv-... (It creates prisons to isolate survivors)
        Erika: Destro-... melee weap-... (Destroy it using melee weapons)
        Erika: *Static*

        After the Prison Gate is opened: Before Scenario is started
        (Hint Text)
        Hmm? The tank hasn't showed up yet. Find a control panel to open the prison cells

        When the Scenario is started:

        During the Scenario when a set number of tanks are defeated:

        When the Imprisoner Tank is to spawn:
        [PR] The Imprisoner Tank has appeared!

        When the Imprisoner Tank is defeated:
        [PR] [Scenario cleared - Returning to hideout in 120s!]

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server)
          (Clan needs Prison Key and a Co-leader or Leader to start Scenario)
          Complete the "Prison" Scenario

          <Quest cannot be cancelled>
          <Must be Member of a Clan>

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 4,500,000 Exp
        • Cash: $42,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 200 FR-Pills
        • Becomes a Daily Repeatable Quest

        Excellent! This tank should not be a problem anymore. Thank you!
      10. 10. <Daily> Eradication - Cleanse (Lv. 221) (Erika)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 16. Humanity is not playing (Lv. 220) (Sara)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again only on specific days.

        This experiment is really dangerous. It is able to become one with the night and never be seen as it destroys humans that try to kill it. It grows more powerful day by day, and we can't allow it to develop any more.

        Many have said that the solution is to simply go kill it in the day. But the tank will never show itself unless it has some darkness to mimetize with.

        The tank was successfully contained in an old oil rig that is very difficult to reach by boat. So, we will transport you by helicopter with the condition of you wearing special masks and other isolation measures to prevent accelerating the pilot's infection rate. Remember that even with the existence of FR-Pills, further exposure to the infection through you or through infected bites and attacks is very dangerous. The more we expose ourselves, the more frequently we need to take pills.

        Eventually, it gets to a point where we must take all our pills so rapidly that we end up exhausting our stock, making the pills almost useless. Regardless, it'll be a big help if you could exterminate this tank.

        Before the Scenario starts:
        (Hint Text)
        Locate and switch on the generator to brighten the area
        Erika: This place is too dark for my liking.
        Erika: There should be a red flare on the ground not far from here.
        Erika: Nearby is the generator room, find it and turn it on.
        Erika: Might help against the tank if it were a bit brighter.

        When the Scenario starts:
        Erika: Damn! Generator's dead, looks like you're in the dark for this one.
        Erika: The noise alerted the infected too, be on your guard!
        Erika: There should be some supplies near a green flare underground.
        Erika: I'm monitoring for the tank's activity, but I've detected nothing yet.

        When Shadow Tank is to spawn:
        Erika: I'm beginning to sense the tank nearby!
        Erika: That reminds me, this tank is a little different from any other.
        Erika: It will only come out in front of groups of survivors of 3 or less.
        Erika: You need to split up, let it appear, then regroup and kill it.
        Erika: Best of luck!
        [PR] The Shadow Tank has appeared!

        When Erika reminds you about splitting up while the Shadow Tank is hiding.
        Erika: You need to split up!
        Erika: It will only come out in front of groups of survivors of 3 or less!

        When Shadow Tank is defeated:
        [PR] [Scenario cleared - Returning to hideout in 120s!]
        Erika: Fantastic! The tank's tricks were no match for you.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server on Mondays, Thursdays or Sundays)
          (Clan needs Helicopter Fuel and a Co-leader or Leader to start Scenario)
          Complete the "Cleanse" Scenario

          <Quest cannot be cancelled>
          <Must be Member of a Clan>

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 4,500,000 Exp
        • Cash: $42,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 200 FR-Pills
        • Becomes a Repeatable Quest on specific days

        Very nice job! You and your clan are really worth of all the praise we can give.
      11. 11. <Daily> Eradication - Special Cargo (Lv. 221) (Erika)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 16. Humanity is not playing (Lv. 220) (Sara)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again only on specific days.

        Another experiment is the one that we consider the most dangerous at the moment. Simply put, it is right next to us. This tank was put on an empty automatic cargo ship and was set to reach one of our guarded fortresses. It seems Will was going to kill all of us with this tank.

        We managed to isolate the shipyard and we haven't noticed any movement inside the ship, but we are still on our highest degree of alert. We really need the help of you and your clan to deal with this.

        Before the scenario is started: With the container tank is located in is not found
        (Hint Text)
        The tank must be in one of those containers. Search for it!
        Erika: The tank is hidden inside one of those containers.
        Erika: Knock on each of the containers and see if you can find the tank.
        Erika: Once you find it, put dynamite on the door to break it out and kill it.
        Erika: We can't let this tank escape!

        When the container tank is located in is found:
        (Tank Roars)
        Erika: That's the one! Plant the dynamite and get ready.
        Erika: The dynamite won't blow immediately so you have time to prepare.

        When the scenario is started:
        Erika: Dammit! I knew this was too easy.
        Erika: Let the dynamite do its thing, you defend yourselves from the infected.
        Erika: I'll let you know when its about to blow.

        When Supreme Duelist Tank is to spawn:
        Erika: Dynamite's about to blow! Prepare yourselves!
        [PR] The Supreme Duelist Tank has appeared!

        When Supreme Duelist Tank is defeated:
        [PR] [Scenario cleared - Returning to hideout in 120s!]
        [PR] Erika: Excellent work! Another monster put down.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server on Tuesdays, Fridays or Sundays)
          (Clan needs Stick of Dynamite and a Co-leader or Leader to start Scenario)
          Complete the "Special Cargo" Scenario

          <Quest cannot be cancelled>
          <Must be Member of a Clan>

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 4,500,000 Exp
        • Cash: $42,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 200 FR-Pills
        • Becomes a Repeatable Quest on specific days

        Thanks you. This is really a big relief for us.
      12. 12. <Daily> Eradication - Awakening (Lv. 221) (Erika)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 16. Humanity is not playing (Lv. 220) (Sara)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again only on specific days.

        We know Sara asked you to exterminate plenty of dormant tanks all by yourself. You are really brave for even attempting to defeat these tanks alone. Most of us did not have the guts to face them.

        The problem is that Sara did not have complete knowledge about all the locations of the dormant tanks, and we forgot one particular spot. I sent a small group of 3 survivors with the task of killing the tank without awakening it. To our surprise, it had already awakened. Somebody must have done it on purpose.

        I should let you know, getting this tank to show up isn't going to be easy. A specific EM wave frequency must be sent in the nearby area, and unfortunately we have no idea what it is. The squad I sent was unable to report it back before their demise.

        You'll need to head to the area and activate the EM wave transmitter. The emitter will go through the frequencies by itself. However, Will made the frequencies that aren't correct aggravate the nearby infected, so you'll need to prepare for the unexpected. Do you think you and your friends can kill it? We will reward you very well if you manage to succeed.

        Before the Scenario starts:
        Erika: The transmitter should be nearby here.
        Erika: Activate it, and eventually the tank should show itself.
        Erika: Just be cautious, we don't know what the transmissions will do to the infected.
        (Hint Text)
        Find and activate the EM wave transmitter

        When the first forced Area Mutation effect is about to activate:
        Erika: Watch out! I'm detecting an anomaly in the infected behaviour!
        (Area Mutation effect activates for 60 seconds)

        When the second forced Area Mutation effect is about to activate:
        Erika: Another anomaly! Stay safe!
        (Area Mutation effect activates for 60 seconds)

        When the Awakened Brutal Tank spawns:
        [PR] The Awakened Brutal Tank has appeared!
        Erika: There's the tank! Take that thing out!

        When the Awakened Brutal Tank is defeated:
        [PR] [Scenario cleared - Returning to hideout in 120s!]
        Erika: Superb! Looks like the anomalies were no trouble for you.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server on Wednesdays, Saturdays or Sundays)
          (Clan needs Transmitter Remote and a Co-leader or Leader to start Scenario)
          Complete the "Awakening" Scenario

          <Quest cannot be cancelled>
          <Must be Member of a Clan>

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 4,500,000 Exp
        • Cash: $42,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 200 FR-Pills
        • Becomes a Repeatable Quest on specific days

        Everything should be fine now then. I'm sure there are more spots out there that we don't know about. But we will be more careful next time to avoid awakening powerful tanks. Thanks again and let your clan know how grateful I am.
      13. 13. Restoring Reputation (Lv. 221) (Erika)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 8. Pact (Lv. 221) (Erika)

        Hello again my friend. I have already told you how the incident with Will has destroyed our movement's reputation. We want to regain the trust of people, including yourself. We are already deploying teams to gather food, water and FR-Pills to give to other clans, refugeed survivors or anyone who needs it in exchange of nothing.

        Will had with himself a piece of paper with all the passwords of our safes that contained a lot of pills and cash that we really need right now. I know it may be a little bit too much to ask you this, but can you please return to the facility where Will died and retrieve the passwords? The facility must be empty. I'm sure you can just go by yourself and be just fine, but bring a couple friends just in case.

        When spawning into the Scenario map:
        (Hint Text)
        Find the password list inside the base

        When the Scenario is started:
        [PR] An automated mechanism has activated!
        Erika: This is bad! Escape from there now!
        [PR] Lethal gas is being released into the facility
        [PR] Find the devices pouring the gas and deactivate them!
        (Hint Text)
        Find and deactivate the devices leaking gas

        When disabling a device and after deactivating it:
        (Progress Bar)
        Disabling the device...
        26 devices left!

        When all devices have been deactivated:
        [PR] All devices offline! Return to the start to escape!
        (Hint Text)
        The mechanism has been disabled. Escape from the facility!

        When the survivors fail to deactivate the devices:
        [PR] You can't breathe anymore!
        [PR] [Scenario failed]

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server)
          Complete the "Restoring Reputation" Scenario

          <Quest cannot be cancelled>

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 2,750,000 Exp
        • Cash: $10,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 100 FR-Pills

        Please, don't lose your trust with us. We had no idea that Will had manipulated the facility to that extend.
    12. 12. David

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Just us (Lv. 60)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Hello, can you hear me? My name is David and I need to ask you a favor. We have a kid on our group who claims to have money hidden on a teddy bear somewhere in his home. We really need that
        money to buy ammo and pills to stay alive.

        I need you to go find the teddy bear and bring it to one of the supply boxes nearby. I'll split some of the cash with you. Are you interested?

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Find the Teddy Bear

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 13,500 Exp
        • Cash: $2,700 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 2. Toddler needs (Lv. 60)

        Thanks a lot! You seem to be a nice person, so I think I'll tell you the truth. It's just me and my son, Max. I lied about having a group to stop you from seeking for us. I've... done some ugly stuff to maintain us alive so I know exposing vulnerability is the worst thing you can do right now.

        I'm trying to keep my son away of all the chaos around the city so I'm always telling him that everything is going to be alright and that we will meet... yeah it may just be too much information. The teddy bear doesn't have anything inside, it's just a way to entertain Max and to prove him that things are alright and that people like you are working on it.

        I'm starting to really lose without... somebody so I beg you to maintain communication with me. We are not immune, but I have plenty of FR-Pills. I'll let you know if I need anything else, and be sure I'll pay you for every task.
      2. 2. Toddler needs (Lv. 60)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Just us (Lv. 60)

        Hello again! I'm glad that you are still alive. You remember me right? Well, my son really thinks everything is alright so I'm happy about it. The fact that he's just 4 years old makes this job really easy. Anyway Max isa bit uhm... you could call him capricious.

        He is constantly refusing to do his needs and clean himself with nature or water and he is constantly asking for the soft toilet paper we used to have at home. I know I shouldn't listen to him but, what if he starts crying? He'll lure a lot of infected for sure and all my efforts to make him think that things will be okay will fail.

        So please, can you seek for clean toilet paper rolls and bring them back to me? I have more important stuff to look for like water, food and pills. Please I beg you, I'll pay you some good cash.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Find 15 rolls of Toilet Paper

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 15,000 Exp
        • Cash: $1,650 Cash
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. Fake tranquility broken (Lv. 62)

        Thank you, I'll let you know if I need something else.
      3. 3. Fake tranquility broken (Lv. 62)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. Toddler needs (Lv. 60)

        Hey...(*Tired*) hang on...(*Clears Throat*). I'm sorry uhm, I'm in a bit of trouble right now. Uhm I am (*coughs*) having some problems here. Max started to cry because he saw an infected through an hole in one of the wooden panels covering the windows.

        There's is too many infected right now and I just can't... (*cough*) what is this gas... (*cough*) You won't believe how long that tongue was. I need your help, please come... uhm... what's the name of it... (*cough*). I don't really know where I am at the moment.

        There's this big factory in front named HERSCH, a white van uhm. There's a open garage, what else uhm... (*Hunter Scream*) OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT (*shooting*) WOAH WHAT WAS THAT. OKAY, I NEED YOUR HELP. COME HELP ME CLEAR THE AREA AND THEN PLEASE INFLATE THE NEUMATIC OF THE VAN OUTSIDE.


        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 150 Infected on the mentioned spot
          Spot is located on the Crash Course campaign, first map.
        2. Inflate the wheel of the van

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 21,000 Exp
        • Cash: $5,000 Cash
        • x1 |Buff| Artisan

        WOAH! That was some intense stuff. I guess I can't keep Max away from the madness, not until we are safe. I got some gas for the van. I don't really know where to go, the infection is everywhere in this country. We may just head to Canada. Anyway, I really wanted to thank you for worrying about us.

        I left you a special tool that has proven to be useful in the past. See you soon...
    13. 13. Celine

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Tragedy or Murder? (Lv. 57)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. Thief's Questline Completed: 2. A Murderer's whims (Lv. 60) (Thief)

        Hi... I can't believe what just happened. I went outside to gather more infected samples and supplies for just two hours and when I came back he was dead.

        Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Celine and I'm Dr. Darwin's assistant on his research project. I've been listening to the conversations he had with you so I think I can trust you.

        I don't know what happened here but when I arrived there was a lot of blood on the floor and Darwin's body was lying on the ground. But, there's something really weird about his body and all this situation.

        I failed to find signs of struggle against infected like tooth marks, bruises or the typical wounds caused by them. Couldn't find bullets or anything pointing out he was murdered. He was actually intact. Now that I think about it, where did the blood come from?

        I think I need to analyze the situation a bit more. In the mean time I need to ask you a favor. The current place I'm located at uses industrial batteries for power. They are all about to run out and I need them ASAP to cook and to finish my research.

        Could you possibly find one of these batteries? I have no cash with me right now, but I have a few FR-Pills if you are interested.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Find an Industrial Battery

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 67,500 Exp
        • FR-Pills: 5 FR-Pills
        • Unlocks Quest: 2. Strange Liquid (Lv. 60)

        Thank you very much. I still can't believe that Darwin is gone, he was just about to find something I'm certain. And there's also the fact that the more I analyze his body, the more weird everything is getting. I'll contact you when I'm done analyzing the body.
      2. 2. Strange Liquid (Lv. 60)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Tragedy or Murder? (Lv. 57)

        Hey there! I finally finished checking Darwin's body and I got to a lot of conclusions. First, Darwin wasn't murdered by infected or by a normal gun. The blood was coming from his mouth and, yeah his butt. He died because of an internal bleeding.

        He drank this experimental liquid that he once mentioned that would help us survive. I remember asking him how and seeing him laugh at my face and then say 'Did you ever watch spider man?'. I didn't quite get what he meant. Anyway, I'd like to see what was he up to.

        I knew him really good and I'm sure he would never drink anything that couldn't help us on this global tragedy. Anyway, I found a list of items on the floor that contain items that he was going to ask you to collect.

        While I figure all this out, it would be a good idea that you collect the items. Once again, I don't have any cash with me and I'm seriously running out of FR-Pills. Would you please do this for free?

        Darwin's List:

        1. Collect 10 hunter heads
        2. Collect 5 hunter claws
        3. Collect 3 bags of CLEAN blood (MUST BE O-!)
        4. Possibly request flowers for Celine <3

        I will really miss him. Don't get me wrong, I'm insensitive by nature. Talk to me when you get the goods.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Darwin's List:
        2. Collect 10 Hunter Heads
        3. Collect 5 Hunter Claws
        4. Collect 3 Bags of O- Blood

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 69,500 Exp
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. Hunterized (Lv. 135)

        Thank you so much! I really appreciate you doing this for free. Everyone has become a bunch of wild animals, be infected or not. Is really odd to see such kindness, but I'm sure you just want to know what Darwin was up to right?

        And probably you want me to find that out right? And, you want to have what I find... I'd prefer to think you are just kind. It will certainly take me time, so please make sure you stay alive!
      3. 3. Hunterized (Lv. 135)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. Strange Liquid (Lv. 60)

        What if I told you you could become a hunter? Yeah I know you can do that by losing your humanity and becoming a dirty infected. But what if it wasn't necessary? I know what Darwin was up to.

        I found his hidden notes about the mutation that hunters suffer. In general, the person first feels the most awful pain a human being can ever experience. I think it could be associated to be burnt alive, considering that I saw it happened in front of me.

        After some time, normally 1 minute, the person will lose all the human side he once had, and will proceed to kill any humans around. Now, based on Darwin's notes, it is then valid to think that this mutation attacks the body before the brain.

        If it was possible to let the body mutation happen while stopping the infection from reaching the brain, it would be possible to have the hunter abilities and help people survive. Based on what Darwin wrote about this, immune survivors don't seem to be able to even get to the body mutation part, so something else would have to be done with them.

        A solution would be finding the bacteria that causes the hunter mutation, put it in a cocktail and then apply it to a non-immune survivor making use of FR-Pills to restrict it afterwards. Apparently, the method Darwin used failed as, we both know, he couldn't survive to the combination. His body melted in the inside as the bacteria ate, really fast, his internal organs.

        I think the FR-Pills aren't enough for this to be a success, and it probably requires a crucial factor, your immunity. We need to gather more information of the hunter mutation so I think you have to analyze the beast yourself.

        I found some cash yesterday, so you will be pleased too! I'm really looking forward to finish Darwin's discovery. I left a list of stuff you have to analyze. Please contact me when you are done.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Kill 2 Uber Hunters (Glowing Orange)
        2. Kill 30 Hunters with melee weapons
        3. Collect 5 samples of infected blood

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 285,000 Exp
        • Cash: $9,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 10 FR-Pills
        • x1 |Buff| Hunterized

        Based on this information, you have to drink the liquid that Darwin made. But this is not enough, your hunter transformation will only last a few minutes and then your immune system will suppress it again. In order to trigger it, you have to get as stressed as possible and for this I recommend killing special infected.

        Well, that's pretty much it. I did the research in Darwin's name and I can actually leave this awful factory. I'll be a loner for some time and I hope we can meet one day, when things are back to normal... if that ever happens...
    14. 14. The Gunsmith

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. First Impressions (Lv. 220)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Good day. I have heard rumours of your... talents. Someone who has ascended beyond a regular survivor of this world. That's good. That's good. I could use someone with your potential. But first, I have to confirm these rumours. You see, you could just be a fake. A fraud. A liar.

        What about me? Well, you can just call me 'The Gunsmith'. Sorry, I'm not inclined to tell you my name. The last time I did, the situation became... uncomfortable. But as my name implies, I'm a handyman with weapons.

        I am looking for someone to test my latest experiment with. The capability to adjust your guns ever so slightly. Say, you want your preferred weapon to shoot that bit faster at the cost of damage, or maybe you want it to have a giant magazine, and don't care how long it takes to reload? I can help with that.

        But I need to know that my skills aren't wasted on someone talentless. Prove to me that you are as the rumours imply. First impressions are important to get right.

        Quest Tasks:
        (Advanced/Expert difficulty, no custom weapons)
        1. Kill 200 SI with any gun
        2. Kill 25 Ubers with any gun
        3. Kill 25 SI with Headshots
        4. Deal 0.5M damage to T1+ Tanks with any gun

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 5,750,000 Exp
        • Cash: $22,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 400 FR-Pills
        • x1 Craftable Bag
        • Unlocks Quest: 2. Weapon Mastery - Rifle (Lv. 220)

        Good, good. It seems you can at least get the basics done. I'll contact you for the next step soon.
      2. 2. Weapon Mastery - Rifle (Lv. 220)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. First Impressions (Lv. 220)

        Right, right. Let's start with the basics. Show me your skills with the most popular class of weapons, the rifles. Should be easy enough.

        Quest Tasks:
        (Advanced/Expert difficulty, no custom weapons)
        1. Kill 25 SI with M16 Rifle
        2. Kill 25 SI with AK47 Rifle
        3. Kill 25 SI with Desert Rifle
        4. Kill 25 SI with M60 Rifle
        5. Kill 25 SI with SG552 Rifle
        6. Kill 25 Ubers with Rifles
        7. Kill 25 SI with Headshots with Rifles
        8. Deal 0.5M damage to T1+ Tanks with Rifles
        9. Kill 25 SI with Rifles w/o laser (!laseroff)

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 9,000,000 Exp
        • Cash: $35,250 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 675 FR-Pills
        • x1 Craftable Bag
        • Unlocks Quest: 3. Weapon Mastery - SMG (Lv. 220)

        Good. Let's move onto the next step.
      3. 3. Weapon Mastery - SMG (Lv. 220)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 2. Weapon Mastery - Rifle (Lv. 220)

        Now for SMGs. Take advantage of their high rate of fire and low recoil to compensate for their lower damage.

        Quest Tasks:
        (Advanced/Expert difficulty, no custom weapons)
        1. Kill 25 SI with Regular SMG
        2. Kill 25 SI with Silenced SMG
        3. Kill 25 SI with MP5 SMG
        4. Kill 25 Ubers with SMGs
        5. Kill 25 SI with Headshots with SMGs
        6. Deal 0.5M damage to T1+ Tanks with SMGs
        7. Kill 25 SI in 2 sec. of reloading with SMGs

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 9,000,000 Exp
        • Cash: $35,250 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 675 FR-Pills
        • x1 Craftable Bag
        • Unlocks Quest: 4. Weapon Mastery - Sniper (Lv. 220)

        Good. Let's move onto the next step.
      4. 4. Weapon Mastery - Sniper (Lv. 220)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 3. Weapon Mastery - SMG (Lv. 220)

        Time for Snipers. Higher base damage in exchange for semi-auto firing. With good aim, no Special will pose a threat.

        Quest Tasks:
        (Advanced/Expert difficulty, no custom weapons)
        1. Kill 25 SI with AWP Sniper
        2. Kill 25 SI with Military Sniper
        3. Kill 25 SI with Scout Sniper
        4. Kill 25 SI with Hunting Rifle
        5. Kill 25 Ubers with Snipers
        6. Kill 25 SI with Headshots with Snipers
        7. Deal 0.5M damage to T1+ Tanks with Snipers
        8. Kill 25 SI from 1000+ units away with Snipers

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 9,000,000 Exp
        • Cash: $35,250 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 675 FR-Pills
        • x1 Craftable Bag
        • Unlocks Quest: 5. Weapon Mastery - Shotgun (Lv. 220)

        Good. Let's move onto the next step.
      5. 5. Weapon Mastery - Shotgun (Lv. 220)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 4. Weapon Mastery - Sniper (Lv. 220)

        Next, Shotguns. Capable of shredding anything at close range but with a longer than average reload time.

        Quest Tasks:
        (Advanced/Expert difficulty, no custom weapons)
        1. Kill 25 SI with Chrome Shotgun
        2. Kill 25 SI with Spas Shotgun
        3. Kill 25 SI with Pump Shotgun
        4. Kill 25 SI with Auto Shotgun
        5. Kill 25 Ubers with Shotguns
        6. Kill 25 SI with Headshots with Shotguns
        7. Deal 0.5M damage to T1+ Tanks with Shotguns
        8. Kill 3 SI w/o reloading 25 times with Shotguns

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 9,000,000 Exp
        • Cash: $35,250 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 675 FR-Pills
        • x1 Craftable Bag
        • Unlocks Quest: 6. Weapon Mastery - Pistol (Lv. 220)

        Good. Let's move onto the next step.
      6. 6. Weapon Mastery - Pistol (Lv. 220)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 5. Weapon Mastery - Shotgun (Lv. 220)

        Finally, the pistols. Your trusty sidearm for when you run out of ammo or can't reload in time. Important to be skilled with these, too.

        Quest Tasks:
        (Advanced/Expert difficulty, no custom weapons)
        1. Kill 25 SI with Single Pistol
        2. Kill 25 SI with Dual Pistols
        3. Kill 25 SI with Magnum Pistol
        4. Kill 25 Ubers with Pistols
        5. Kill 25 SI with Headshots with Pistols
        6. Deal 0.5M damage to T1+ Tanks with Pistols
        7. Kill 25 SI in 2 sec. of deploying with Pistols

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 9,000,000 Exp
        • Cash: $35,250 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 675 FR-Pills
        • x1 |Q| Weapon Configurator
        • x1 Craftable Bag
        • Unlocks Quests:
          7. <Daily> Proficiency Training (Lv. 220)
          8. <Daily> Trainwreck (Lv. 235)
          9. <Daily> Versatility Training (Lv. 220)

        Excellent, excellent. You have proven your worth. The Weapon Configurator is all yours. Of course, it is your choice to use it or not, maybe you are fine with the way your weapons are now. I recommend at least taking a look.

        I look forward to any future collaborations we may have. Until then, goodbye.
      7. 7. <Daily> Proficiency Training (Lv. 220)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 6. Weapon Mastery - Pistol (Lv. 220)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again. Daily Repeatable Quest

        It's always a good idea to train your skills so you don't get rusty. Perform these tasks to maintain optimum performance.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Deal 150K headshot damage to SI with any gun
        2. Deal 125K damage to Ubers with any gun
        3. Deal 400K damage to SI with any gun

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 3,500,000 Exp
        • Cash: $70,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 400 FR-Pills
        • x1 Craftable Bag
        • Weapon Mastery: 100,000 Exp
        • Becomes a Daily Repeatable Quest

        Good, good. Come back tomorrow for more training.
      8. 8. <Daily> Trainwreck (Lv. 235)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 6. Weapon Mastery - Pistol (Lv. 220)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again only on specific days.

        Good good, you're back. I actually need your assistance with something else. An... acquaintance of mine has found themselves in a bit of a bind.

        You see, said acquaintance has some cargo moving around town via a train. Oh, you sound surprised? Yes, we have managed to get some infrastructure repaired despite this madness. Well, that's what we thought at least.

        As it happens, the train driver was infected. During the journey he had turned and, as a result, the train derailed. Now said cargo has been strewn all over the place. Some of which is supposedly quite dangerous.

        Now, I don't know what broke out and what didn't, but I'd say it's better safe than sorry. I need you to go there and investigate the damage. If anything hostile broke out, by all means dispose of it.

        Quest Tasks:
        (Must be done on the Scenario server on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays or Sundays)
        (Requires a Reinforced Crowbar)

        1. Complete the "Trainwreck" Scenario

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 4,000,000 Exp
        • Cash: $47,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 350 FR-Pills
        • x1 Craftable Bag
        • Becomes a Repeatable Quest on specific days

        Hmm, a Tank modified with various weapons and armor? Most curious. It seems I'll have to have some... words with my associate. I appreciate your assistance.
      9. 9. <Daily> Versatility Training (Lv. 220)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 6. Weapon Mastery - Pistol (Lv. 220)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again. Daily Repeatable Quest

        You may not always find yourself using a weapon you are accustomed with. You should try out different weapons to make sure are capable, regardless of what you wield.

        Quest Tasks:
        (3 score on SI kill, 1/2 on Easy/Normal diff.)
        1. Achieve 100 kill score with any Rifle
        2. Achieve 100 kill score with any SMG
        3. Achieve 100 kill score with any Sniper
        4. Achieve 100 kill score with any Shotgun
        5. Achieve 100 kill score with any Pistol

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 2,150,000 Exp
        • Cash: $55,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 300 FR-Pills
        • x1 Craftable Bag
        • Weapon Mastery: 100,000 Exp
        • Becomes a Daily Repeatable Quest

        Good, good. Come back tomorrow for more training.
    15. 15. Sierra

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Market Research (Lv. 210)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None

        Greetings friend. I go by 'Sierra'. No, that's not my real name, only a fool would identify themselves doing the things I'm doing. You see, what I'm doing isn't exactly... moral. But I'm sure you don't care right?

        Oh apologies, didn't even mention why I contacted you. I run a, er, 'shop' for some goods. Specialty items, things not so easy to come by. Things you may need. But of course, I need payment. Payment is simple, I ask for cash, this medication that holds off the virus, and some blood from those strong tank beast things.

        Why these? Well, who doesn't love cash, who doesn't want to stay human, and the blood? Sorry, trade secret my friend. You interested? Just show me you are a worthwhile customer. I don't hand out freebies.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Progress only calculated from action awards or toaster drops)
          (Progress calculated before boosters)
          Acquire $100,000 Cash
        2. Acquire 500 FR-Pills
        3. Acquire 3 |<| Volatile Tank Blood

        Quest Rewards:
        • x1 |Q| Black Market Pass (This unlocks access to the !bmarket command as well)

        Wonderful, my friend. You are just the person I'm looking for. For you, a Black Market Pass. My wares change every day so take a look and maybe you'll find something you need.

        Just keep in mind my business 'partners' are a little hesitant on selling to people outside our group, so you'll need to earn some Trust on the daily before I can sell to you. Just go abouts your usual infected clearing you do and that'll satisfy them.

        Oh, I also am willing to part with some cash if you have any items of your own you are willing to part with. May this be a bountiful venture for us both.
    16. 16. ~Vault of Memories~

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. <Daily> Heartbroken (Lv. 180)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again. Daily Repeatable Quest

        Hey my old friend! Good job at keeping the infected away from populated areas. You have really proven to be a valuable member of the post apocalyptical society. Yes, that's a thing now.

        Look, I will go straight to the point. We need your help with something important. Well, do you remember Emily? The chick that asked you to collect something from his dead husband?

        Well, she is actually under my command and is a really valuable soldier. She may sound delicate, but oh boy, you better see her mad. Anyway, she was given permission to do a mission on her own. She was supposed to take care of a horde of zombies threatening a shelter.

        Nothing too dangerous and a really easy task for me, for you and even for her. The thing is, friend, everyone at the shelter died. And is not because a tank appeared or anything. Nobody showed up.

        Yeah, pretty much or she just didn't go help or simply died on her way. So, first I immediately thought she was dead. I mean, how could she abandon an entire shelter. But then a report came in. She actually went somewhere else.

        Lost? No, she didn't get lost. The location is way too suspicious because its the old neighbourhood where she used to live. We don't have patrols around that area and I'm sure there is a lot of infected there.

        She is not immune and took enough FR-Pills to last for 2 days. She went 3 days ago. I want to think she is resistant enough to last longer. But I don't know. Friend, please go find her. If you know, she is one of them, you have permission to shoot.

        Before the Scenario automatically starts:
        (Hint Text)
        Find Emily whereabouts

        [PR - MISSION] We couldn't find Emily in this area, but we have another problem right now.
        [PR - MISSION] A horde of infected are on their way to swarm us. We can't leave until they are all dead.
        [PR - MISSION] Prepare yourselves! This might not be easy...

        When the Scenario starts:
        [PR - MISSION] They are here! We can't escape with infected on us or we could lure them to a shelter!
        [PR - MISSION] Defeat the incoming enemies before we can leave!

        When Cupid Tank spawns:
        [PR - MISSION] What? What is that thing!
        [PR] The Cupid Tank has appeared!

        When Cupid Tank is Defeated and before Hearbroken Tank spawns:
        [PR - MISSION] That should do it!
        [PR - MISSION] Something is off...
        [PR - MISSION] Something is definitely off...
        [PR - MISSION] Something is coming!
        [PR] The Heartbroken Tank has appeared!

        Emily: It was at Lynn's where you asked me that question
        Emily: "Why did you sit with me that day?"
        Emily: "Why I wonder huh, come on, pick a card and let's go"
        Emily: The card he picked was awful to be honest. I should have picked it up myself
        Emily: Why an I remembering that on a moment like this
        Emily: I miss him...
        Emily: I just wanted to be with him
        Emily: How could I leave him suffering alone
        Emily: I'm sorry I couldn't avenge you
        Emily: I'm sorry I went to work the day it happened
        Emily: I'm sorry for being so focused on my responsibilities
        Emily: I'm sorry I didn't turn my bike around and go with you
        Emily: I'm sorry I was afraid of you when I saw you
        Emily: ...
        Emily: All I have left are the memories
        Emily: Then why are they fading away?
        Emily: Why am I fading away?
        Emily: I love you.
        [PR] [Scenario cleared - Returning to hideout in 120s!]
        [PR - MISSION] We have to report the death of Emily. It won't be easy...

        When the Heartbroken Tank is defeated: Now
        [PR] [Scenario cleared - Returning to hideout in 120s!]
        [PR - MISSION] We have to report the death of Emily. It won't be easy...

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server)
          (Requires a Love Ticket)
          Complete the "Heartbroken" Scenario

          <Quest cannot be cancelled>

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 1,250,000 Exp
        • Cash: $22,500 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 125 FR-Pills
        • x1 Cupid's Token
        • Becomes a Daily Repeatable Quest

        That is awful to hear. No surprise there that she put out an epic fight. I wonder what was she thinking before going to her home town. Anyway thanks friend. We have now more knowledge about
        tank mutations thanks to you.

        Emily left a couple tokens at her desk before leaving. I guess they might come in handy for you.
      2. 2. <Daily> Missing Squad (Lv. 180)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. None
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again. Daily Repeatable Quest

        Hey again! I'm sorry to be bothering you on your daily contribution to restore order, but I have a favor to ask. I sent a squad to protect a mansion that serves as a meeting spot for our allies.

        It wasn't anything important really, we have been doing this for weeks now. We used to gather there with other clans to come up with solutions for bigger threats that you probably aren't interested in. The thing is, they've stopped communicating with us.

        I mean, they are all probably dead right? I know. I wouldn't bother putting you at risk if it was pointless, but there is a pretty important detail in all this. One of my men, Martin, was the squad leader at the time and was in charge of giving us periodical reports.

        In his final report, he stated that one of the members of the group started to behave aggressively towards the rest of the squad and that he was showing symptoms of severe paranoia. 'Probably an infected', you may be thinking, right?

        The whole squad is immune to the disease. You hear me right immune. This is honestly a really terrifying thought. Is the disease mutating so fast that it managed to pass through our immunity? Or is there something else behind this?

        You have been through pretty crazy stuff, haven't you? I know all about it. So please, this is the perfect task for you! Grab your best and most skilled friends and investigate what happened at this damn house.

        Please be quick about this. We MUST know if our immunity is broken.

        Before the next Missing Squad mission: OLD (The Hint Text does not show now)
        (Hint Text)
        Something happened here. Wait for instructions from Will
        [Next mission in: 00:30:00]

        Leading up to the start of the Scenario:
        [RADIO] Will: We lost contact with the group a few days ago
        [RADIO] Will: They were supposed to guard the house that's in front of you right now
        [RADIO] Will: The leader mentioned some abnormal behaviour of a member of the group
        [RADIO] Will: Search around the house and see if you can find something useful to know what really happened
        [PR - MISSION] Investigate the area to learn about what happened
        [PR - MISSION] We saw some people going your way. We recognized some of the squad!
        [RADIO] Will: It appears they aren't thinking rationally anymore. Shoot anyone outside of your group!
        [PR - MISSION] The noise has caught the attention of the infected!

        When Sickening Tank is about to spawn:
        [PR - MISSION] Something is coming!
        [PR] The Sickening Tank has appeared!

        During the Sickening Tank encounter: OLD
        [PR - MISSION] This tank is influencing the minds of other survivors!
        [PR - MISSION] Watch out for enemy humans!

        When Sickening Tank is defeated:
        [PR] [Scenario cleared - Returning to hideout in 120s!]

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server)
          (Requires a Toxic Ticket)
          Complete the "Missing Squad" Scenario

          <Quest cannot be cancelled>

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 1,500,000 Exp
        • Cash: $25,000 Cash
        • FR-Pills: 150 FR-Pills
        • Becomes a Daily Repeatable Quest

        I'm really glad you are alive. I was starting to think you were a lost cause. So, the tank was actually inflicting several diseases upon them, right? Causing them to suffer paranoia? Hmm...

        Well, it's not exactly like it was controlling their minds, right? I don't think it was just paranoia my friend. I think the infected are starting to control the minds of humans, or at least, influence it through fear and paranoia.

        To be honest, we already had a similar encounter in the past. A witch was releasing a lot of spores and one of our members got hurt. He started to behave aggressively so we had to tie him up. Before giving up on him and executing him for being infected, we tried normal antibiotics on him.

        To our surprise, he stopped showing the symptoms. We tried antibiotics on infected with no success before so this is probably another type of disease that the infected have developed.

        Anyway, just take a couple of antibiotics and you will be fine. Thanks for the information on the tank too. We will surely come up with some strategies should we ever encounter it again.
    17. 17. Tyler

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Protect the People 1 (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. Sara's Questline Completed: 20. Something seems wrong (Lv. 240) (Sara)

        Yo, how goes it? Sara gave the word about you, told me some of the shit you've done for her. Gotta be honest, while I appreciate you helping out a friend of mine, I ain't completely convinced.

        You injected yourself with some strange shit from someone you ain't never met before? No questions asked? No thoughts about side effects? Shit man, that's beyond crazy. You appear to be sane for the time being, but I still need to make sure.

        I don't wanna waste my time training someone who is only in it for themselves. Show me you haven't gone off the deep end. That you still care for your humanity. That you ain't some selfish power crazed nut job like Will was.

        Show me you still care.

        Quest Tasks:
        • Defeat 3 Tier 2+ Tanks with no more than 3 dead when the Tank falls
        • Revive 40 downed Survivors

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 5,240,360 Exp
        • Unlocks Quest: 2. Protect the People 2 (Lv. 240)

        Alright so you're not a sociopathic monster, good start. But I ain't fully convinced yet. Speak to me again whenever.
      2. 2. Protect the People 2 (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Protect the People 1 (Lv. 240)

        Right, that first one was a warm up, show me that you're for real. Hopefully I ain't asking too much for ya. And if I am, well, I guess we're done talking then. Call me back if you get it done.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Defeat a Tier 3+ Tank with no more than 3 dead when the Tank falls
        2. Heal 20 wounded allies

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 7,356,140 Exp
        • x1 |Q| Specialization Training Kit
        • Unlocks Ethan's Questline: 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240) (Ethan)

        Well shit, I didn't think you had it in you. Hell, don't think that's something my squad could even do. Alright, you seem legit, take that Specialization Training Kit I left in the Supply Box for you. It ain't gonna do a damn thing on it's own though, you need some training on top of it.

        I'll set you up with my pal Ethan, he helps me when it comes to training the special forces around here. Once he's got you through your introductory phase, the two of us will offer training towards certain specializations. I'd recommend doing them all before you commit to one so you have choices, but ultimately it's your call. I'll speak with you again after you chat with Ethan, peace.
      3. 3. Specialization - Technician (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240) (Ethan)

        Master of the machines, the Technician. Takes full advantage of Turrets and Drones, and enhances them in ways not possible before. They also come with some new toys to play with too. Here's what you have to do to train as a Technician.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Hit 200 unique specials/tanks with true damage
        2. Use 100 instant direct abilities

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 6,000,000 Exp
        • Unlocks the Technician Class

        Alright, nice work. This class is now available for you to specialize into. Just use the Specialization Training Kit to begin, or take on other training if you want some options.
      4. 4. Specialization - Control (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240) (Ethan)

        Ah, the Control, my personal favourite. Tired of having these Specials run you and your team's day, you can now ruin theirs. By keeping the infected near you, you can focus them down giving the rest of your team some breathing room. Here's what you have to do to train as a Control.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Block 100 unique special infected from pinning you
        2. Reduce incoming damage by 10,000 points

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 6,000,000 Exp
        • Unlocks the Controller Class

        Alright, nice work. This class is now available for you to specialize into. Just use the Specialization Training Kit to begin, or take on other training if you want some options.
      5. 5. Specialization - Debuffer (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240) (Ethan)

        Those afflictions them infected inflict are a right pain, right? Well what if I told we can finally dish some back? The debuffer will debilitate and slow down infected in ways not possible before, enabling you and the rest of your team to focus down a weaker target. Here's what you have to do to train as a Debuffer.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Inflict 100 stuns/freezes to specials/tanks
        2. Stagger 150 unique special infected

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 6,000,000 Exp
        • Unlocks the Debuffer Class

        Alright, nice work. This class is now available for you to specialize into. Just use the Specialization Training Kit to begin, or take on other training if you want some options.
      6. 6. Search for Prowess (Lv. 250)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. Reach Class Level 4 with any active Class

        Yo wassup? What can I help ya with? ...Ah I see, you reached a stopping point for your training? Gotta say, impressed you made it this far.

        So the final tier of specializations provide a big powerful final bonus, as a result we felt it only worthy to the best of the best. Whilst our group does already feature a select few, we felt these should only be allowed for the elite members, as a way to signify potential future leaders, in the event we ever need to be replaced.

        What I'm gonna ask for you might be a little tricky, but remember, you are part of a team, they can give you a hand, and your current class bonuses are all fair game to use, so be sure to use them.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Changing buffs/lists after round starts blocks progress for the map)
          (Binded buffs do not block progress)
          (Must be present from map start to end)
        2. Survive 10 Expert non-finale maps w/no buffs equipped
        3. Deal 10k+ damage to T2+ Tanks w/no buffs equipped 5 times
        4. Survive 3 Expert finale maps w/no buffs equipped
        5. Perform 100 class actions w/no buffs equipped
        6. Collect 1 Tank Head

        Quest Rewards:
        • x1 |Buff| |Q| Prowess
        • x1 (LEGENDARY) CEDA Research Notes
        • x10 Precious Box

        Well there ya go, you've earned my respect for real. Get that item I left in the supply box and have it on and you'll be able to make progress towards the final tier. I also left ya some other gifts as well, consider it a promotion bonus.
    18. 18. Ethan

      List of Quests:
      1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. Tyler's Questline Completed: 2. Protect the People 2 (Lv. 240)

        Hey, how goes it? Name's Ethan, but I gathered you know that already given how you spoke with Tyler already. He wasn't too much of an arse with you was he? He tends to act touchy with new guys but he warms up to them eventually.

        Anyway, as for why you're here, specialization, right? Well, before anyone gets started, we need to do a small introduction, nothing major, just so we know you're ready for it. After all, we only want the best of the best here, no point wasting our time training someone who's gonna become zombie food 5 minutes later.

        Though from what I've heard of you, its possible you'll be the one who's doing the eating. I kid, I kid, I'm not as paranoid as Tyler is, don't worry, you seem an alright person with me. Get these tasks done, then I'll send the word to Tyler to grant permission to the special training options we have.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Finish 20 maps from start to end on Advanced/Expert difficulty
        2. Help 300 others finish a map from start to end on Advanced/Expert difficulty
        3. Deal at least 10K damage to T1+ tanks 30 times

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 5,771,440 Exp
        • Unlocks Quests for Tyler:
          3. Specialization - Technician (Lv. 240) (Tyler)
          4. Specialization - Control (Lv. 240) (Tyler)
          5. Specialization - Debuffer (Lv. 240) (Tyler)
        • Unlocks Quests for Ethan:
          2. Specialization - Support (Lv. 240) (Ethan)
          3. Specialization - Agile (Lv. 240) (Ethan)
          4. Specialization - Hunter (Lv. 240) (Ethan)
          5. <Daily> Summit (Lv. 245)

        Solid work. I'll be speaking with Tyler in a bit. We have several different specializations available for you to choose from. You can use that Training Kit Tyler gave you to make your choice post-training as well as to gain information on what each specialization gives.

        Once you pick one, that specialization will start out fairly basic, but as you gain more experience with it active, you gain access to more and stronger effects. Once you reach max experience for that spec, you need to spend some cash, FR-Pills, and some excess items to level it up further. It's the cost we need for improved training. Sorry, but we gotta maintain our squad somehow.

        Whenever you're ready, come to either one of us to being training. Take care.
      2. 2. Specialization - Support (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240)

        The support - the backbone of any squad. Without one, you're going to struggle to survive the ever increasing strength of the infected. The support has a balanced subset of abilities, even as far as helping themselves when helping others. Complete these tasks to fulfil your Support training.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Revive, Heal or Defib 150 allies
        2. Save 200 allies from unique special infected

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 6,000,000 Exp
        • Unlocks the Support Class

        Fantastic, training complete. To specialize into a class, use the Specialization Training Kit and select your preferred one. Alternatively, you can continue training to select more classes.
      3. 3. Specialization - Agile (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240)

        The Agile - ever swift and nimble, the Agile can take out infected from the relative safety away from the Infected. Taking advantage of their speed and ability to dodge damage, they can maintain a healthy state even in the thick of battle. Complete these tasks to fulfil your Agile training.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Ignore or block 150 claw hits from the infected
        2. Run away from tanks while it aggros you for 60 seconds (no taunts)

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 6,000,000 Exp
        • Unlocks the Agile Class

        Fantastic, training complete. To specialize into a class, use the Specialization Training Kit and select your preferred one. Alternatively, you can continue training to select more classes.
      4. 4. Specialization - Hunter (Lv. 240)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240)

        The Hunter - the wielder of explosives. Using throwable traps as well as unique traps available to just the Hunter, they can manipulate and devastate infected either in the way, or as the primary target. Complete these tasks to fulfil your Hunter training.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. Have 75 Grenade Traps Trigger
        2. Ignite 150 unique specials/tanks

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 6,000,000 Exp
        • Unlocks the Hunter Class

        Fantastic, training complete. To specialize into a class, use the Specialization Training Kit and select your preferred one. Alternatively, you can continue training to select more classes.
      5. 5. <Daily> Summit (Lv. 245)

        Quest Prerequisites:
        1. 1. Specialization - Primer (Lv. 240)
        2. If this quest was completed yesterday, it can be retaken again only on specific days.

        Hey, how you holding up? Hope the specialization training is working out for you, assuming you've made your mind up about it yet, but this isn't related to that.

        I'm sure you remember Sara mentioning something about a 'Voice' to you, right? The same voice that got Tyler all in a tizzy about you. Well, I've been doing some investigation into the source of this voice. Sadly, I haven't found anything concrete yet, but I do have a lead into something.

        There are some strange transmissions being sent from a mountain summit not far from here. I tried sending a squad there earlier to intercept but just when they had finished collecting the data, some 'stone looking monster' supposedly ambushed them. In their panic to escape they dropped the data drive and it fell down the side of the mountain. Safe to say we aren't getting that back any time soon.

        And this is where you come in, judging by what I've heard about you before, and what you've done for us recently, I think it's safe to say you and your squad are more than capable of handling this. Gather the data from the transmissions, and while you're there, take care of that monster that spooked my squad.

        Oh, and one more thing. I sadly don't have any spare Data Drives left, the one that fell by the mountain side was my last one. These things aren't too common nowadays so if you happen to find one, let me know and we can get started.

        Before the Scenario is started:
        Ethan: So, down at the base of the mountain should be a terminal.
        Ethan: Go there, plug in that data drive and startup the connection to the trackers.
        Ethan: It'll take some time for the connection to initialize, so be patient.

        When the Scenario starts:
        Ethan: That's it, now just give it a sec.
        Ethan: Bah, figures, the infected!
        Ethan: Never mind them, there should be 4 signal trackers in the area.
        Ethan: Find them, start them up, and keep an eye on them.
        Ethan: My squad informed me that they break down often so check on them periodically.

        When any of the 4 trackers break down:
        Ethan: The X tracker has jammed!

        When all the trackers are done: OLD
        Ethan: That's all of them! Get back to the terminal when you can to retrieve the data.
        Ethan: But be careful, this was the point my squad got ambushed by that... thing.
        Ethan: Watch each other's backs.

        When Craggy Tank Spawns:
        [PR] The Craggy Tank has appeared!
        Ethan: There it is! Take it out!

        When Craggy Tank is defeated:
        [PR] [Scenario cleared - Returning to hideout in 120s!]
        Ethan: Outstanding work. To say I'm impressed would be putting it lightly.

        Quest Tasks:
        1. (Must be done on the Scenario server on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays or Sundays)
          (Requires a Data Drive)
          Complete the "Summit" Scenario

        Quest Rewards:
        • Exp: 5,000,000 Exp
        • Becomes a Repeatable Quest on specific days

        Splendid work, I'll see if I can decipher anything meaningful from this, and thanks for taking care of that fiend as well. If anything comes from this, or I have more to do, I'll be sure to let you know. Until next time.