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List of Ability Comparisons (TI)

Oct 20, 2022
List of Ability Comparisons (TI)
  • List of Ability Comparisons (TI V2.17)

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    This page shows the comparison between similar abilities/abilities with the same name as to the effects and as to which tank it comes from.

    Currently there are 64 comparisons that can be made from all tank abilities.

    1. Absorption Abilities
    1. (Passive) Absorption: The tank absorbs common infected to heal by 500 HP per common infected. (Range: 250) | Bloody Tank
    2. (Passive) Absorption: The tank absorbs common infected to heal by 0.3% of its missing health. (Range: 250). | Supreme Bloody Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Supreme Bloody Tank has a variable amount of regeneration received from common infected being absorbed by it, compared to the Bloody Tank ,which has a flat amount of regeneration instead. The Supreme Bloody Tank can regenerate as low as 1 HP with a minimum 334 missing HP and up to 900 HP with at least 1 HP left.
    2. Drain/Heal Abilities
    1. (Passive) Absorption: The tank absorbs common infected to heal by 500 HP per common infected. (Range: 250) | Bloody Tank
    2. (Passive) Absorption: The tank absorbs common infected to heal by 0.3% of its missing health. (Range: 250). | Supreme Bloody Tank
    3. (Passive) Blood absorption: Survivors that take damage from Special Infected or Witch claws will release blood, causing them to take 2x damage if the tank is near. Additionally, the tank will absorb this blood and heal for 2x the damage dealt. | Supreme Bloody Tank
    4. (Passive) Boiling Blood: The tank causes the blood of nearby victims to quickly increase its temperature, dealing 3% of the victim's maximum health. | Dormant Boiling Tank
    5. (Passive) Drain: The tank drains between 1 HP to 60 HP (depending on distance) of nearby survivors despite of any walls or obstacles. The tank heals each time it absorbs health by 1000% of the amount absorbed. | Drainer Tank
    6. (Passive) Drain: The tank drains between 1 HP to 90 HP (depending on distance) of nearby survivors despite of any walls or obstacles. The tank heals each time it absorbs health by 1000% of the amount absorbed. | Frozen Drainer Tank
    7. (Passive) Heal: The tank heals for 1,000 HP each 10 seconds. | Shaman Tank, Supreme Shaman Tank
    8. (Passive) Heal Aura: Heals nearby Specials/Tanks. Heals more on higher difficulties. | Healer Tank
    9. (Passive) Processing: The tank gains 50 HP a second and 20% damage reduction for each survivor processing inside the tank's belly. | Glutton Tank, Supreme Glutton Tank
    10. (Passive) Puddle absortion: After destroying a puddle, it will remain in place for 5 seconds. If the tank passes through the puddle, it will regain 5% of its missing health by absorbing the puddle. | Jelly Tank
    11. (Passive) Radiation: The tank deals 1 to 90 HP of damage to nearby survivors based on proximity to the tank. | Shaman Tank
    12. (Passive) Regen: The tank heals by 100 HP/s for each PROCESSED survivor. | Glutton Tank
    13. (Passive) Regeneration: The tank heals for 1% of its total health every 4 seconds. | Cupid Tank
    14. (Passive) Shadow Recuperate: When the tank enters the shadows, it heals for a portion of its Max Health. | Shadow Tank
    15. (Passive) This is not a game: If the tank is taking less than 100 HP damage per second it will heal by 1% of its maximum health until the damage per second raises again. | Reaper Tank
    16. (Passive) War Veteran: Will has a history dealing with stress in the trenches. The tank gains massive health regen and increased grenade throwing rate in closed areas. | Soldier Tank
    17. (Active) Axe'd: The tank switches to an axe that will cause 95% of the target's current health damage to its next victim and slow them by 75%. The tank will also heal equal to the victim's maximum health. If it doesn't attack in 10 seconds the axe is put away. | Supreme Duelist Tank
    18. (Active) Gel puddle: Some of the tank's gel will fall to the floor creating a puddle. Survivors that pass through the gel will be rooted in place and will receive 3% of their maximum health as damage per second. They can only be released by destroying (shooting) the puddle. The gel heals for the damage taken. Survivors in the gel also have their defenses reduced to 0. | Jelly Tank
    19. (Active) Infected Devour: The tank eats a special infected that is immediately processed healing the tank by 0.5% to 1.5% of its missing health depending on the size of the infected. Uber Infected eaten will increase heal amount by 1%. | Supreme Glutton Tank
    20. (Active) Soul Link: The tank will tether a survivor. Any damage to the tank has a 20% chance to be split in half to the linked survivor. If the tank gets a status effect, the linked will also be affected. If the linked regains health, it will be split in half, with the other half being multiplied by 10 then healing the tank. Tether lasts 20 seconds but if linked dies before it ends, the tank's cooldowns are lowered by 5 seconds. | Manipulator Tank
    21. (Global Manipulation) Siphon: The tank releases a horrible aura affecting all survivors regardless of distance from the tank. All regeneration effects will be nullified with all other health gain being halved. The tank itself enters a damage immune state, but cannot attack with it's claw. Survivors who get close to the tank will have their health and max health drained, healing the tank in the process. | Manipulator Tank

    The Difference?:
    Some of the tanks can deal AOE damage with their abilities. As for all tanks that can heal though, they'll be able to do it in 1 way or another depending on the situation.
    3. Acid/Fire dropped based on health/cooldown Abilities
    1. (Passive) Acid bleedout: The tank drops acid for each 1% HP it loses. | Corrosive Tank
    2. (Active) Acid Leak: The tank periodically drops acid at it's feet. | Acid Tank
    3. (Passive) Acid Spill: Every 3% health lost causes the tank to drop acid. | Ironclad Tank
    4. (Passive) Combustion: The tank's blood is highly flammable and will generate fire each time the tank loses 2% of its health. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    For the Corrosive, Ironclad and Supreme Infernal Tanks, they'll all drop fire whenever they lose a certain % of HP each time. The Acid tank instead drops his acid on a short cooldown.
    4. Rock Abilities
    1. (Passive) Acid rock: The rock can explode and will leave a trace of acid. | Corrosive Tank
    2. (Passive) Bludgeon: The tank's rock deals severe damage, explodes and throws the victim away. | Hybrid Tank
    3. (Passive) Explosive rock: The tank's rock explodes and deals damage in an area. | Bomb Tank
    4. (Passive) Fragmentation: Tank rocks thrown on contact will split up into several smaller rocks. Each rock flies off in a different direction. | Craggy Tank
    5. (Passive) Ice Rock: The rock can explode and the debris will slow down survivors by 35%. | Ice Tank, Frozen Drainer Tank
    6. (Passive) Liquid Nitrogen: The tank carries liquid nitrogen containers and throws these instead of rocks. Survivors close to the container explosion will suffer 20 - 50 HP damage and their speed will be reduced by 40%. If too much speed reduction is accumulated, they will become frozen and instantly die to any tank's punch. | Freezing Tank
    7. (Passive) Mighty Strength: The tank's punches deal increased knockback, and the rocks the tank throws fly faster and are explosive. | Supreme Knight Tank
    8. (Passive) Mystery Rock: Tank rocks can take one of several forms, dealing random effects. | Flinger Tank
    9. (Passive) Screw Rocks: The tank can't throw rocks. | Bloody Tank
    10. (Passive) Seeking Rock: Tank rocks will seek towards the nearest survivor. | Craggy Tank
    11. (Passive) Vacuum Rock: Upon tank rock detonation, a vacuum will pull nearby survivors towards it. | Vacuum Tank

    The Difference?:
    Most rocks that tanks without rock abilities throw are default ones. All rock abilities except for Bloody Tank's, Flinger Tank's (with most rock types) and Craggy Tank's ones carry explosive properties. Other rock abilities can deal knockback or slow you down depending on the tank throwing the rock.
    5. Acid Claws Abilities
    1. (Passive) Acid Claws: Tank punches will deal small damage over time afterwards. | Acid Tank
    2. (Passive) Acid claws: After a hit with its claws, the tank will soak survivor with acid and will periodically expose them for 6 seconds. | Corrosive Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Corrosive Tank deals more damage overtime, inflicts more corrosion stacks and does the effect for a slightly longer duration compared to the Acid Tank, which does only a small amount of damage overtime for a small duration.
    6. Anti-Abilities
    1. (Passive) Anti-Moustachio: Moustachio bless does not work while the tank is near (Range: 500) | Executioner Tank
    2. (Passive) Anti-Avenger: While alive, the Avenger buff is disabled. | Vengeance Tank

    The Difference?:
    Each of the 2 tanks in question can either disable a Buff altogether while the tank is alive or whenever the tank gets near any survivor with said buff or effect that could be activated, preventing said buff or effect from being able to work.
    7. Abilities affecting lonely players
    1. (Passive) Assassination: The tank instantly kills lonely survivors. | Hunter Tank
    2. (Passive) Complete destruction: If the tank manages to hit a survivor who is completely alone, it will trigger a powerful neurotransmitter that will inflict complete terror on the victim and will cause him to explode after 6 seconds. This ability is un-avoidable. | Reaper Tank
    3. (Passive) Execution: Survivors alone or that have 15 death sentence marks are instantly killed on the tank's next punch, destroying their body. | Supreme Executioner Tank

    The Difference?:
    Each of these 3 tanks can either inflict fatal damage or even worse kill you instantly when you get hit while alone.
    8. Abilities dealing more damage to higher HP survivors
    1. (Passive) Axe Chop: The tank attacks with an axe, dealing an additional 1% of the victim's current health as bonus damage and slowing for 3%. | Cleaver Tank
    2. (Passive) Boiling Fury: The tank deals 0.2% of a target's max health as bonus damage per fury per stack and gains 1% damage reduction multiplied by the amount of fury stacks. | Heartbroken Tank
    3. (Passive) Chainsaw Cut: When a survivor is hit by a chainsaw they are damaged for an additional 5% of their maximum health and are slowed by 8%. Each subsequent hit on the same target deals 1% more damage. | Butcher Tank
    4. (Passive) Fireworks: The tank plants fireworks on survivors, special infected and tanks that detonate when they die, dealing 10% current health to nearby survivors, and slowing them by 20%. The radius of the damage depends on the target's health. | Festival Tank
    5. (Passive) Slayer: The tank uses melee weapons to attack dealing 10% of the survivor's current health as additional damage. | Supreme Duelist Tank

    The Difference?:
    The higher in tier you go in terms of tanks, the more current/maximum HP % damage that the respective tank will be able to deal to survivors with higher HP.
    9. Desperation/Desperation State Abilities
    1. (Passive) Berserk: After 10 minutes or if the tank enters desperation mode, it will experience an increase in attack and movement speed. The tank will also add x3 death sentence marks to its victims per hit. | Supreme Executioner Tank
    2. (Passive) Desperation: The tank will start focusing incapacitated survivors if it has less than 20% of its maximum health. | Infernal Tank
    3. (Passive) Desperation: When the tank reaches 5,000 HP, it increases its normal damage to 300 HP, hit interval to 0.1 and speed to 2.5. Additionally, the tank becomes immortal for 55 seconds. Once that time passes, the tank will explode (similar to bomb tank) and die. The tank loses all other abilities in this state, except the 'Death Sentence' and 'Execution' abilities. | Executioner Tank
    4. (Passive) Desperation: When the tank receives lethal damage it will become desperated and gain additional movement speed and insane damage. It will also generate fury twice as fast and only make damage lethal abilities. | Heartbroken Tank
    5. (Passive) Desperation: If the tank is about to take lethal damage, it will enter a desperation state, moving and attacking twice as fast, as well as dealing triple damage while being damage immune. The tank will die some time after, but only if all active Flesh Prisons have been destroyed. | Imprisoner Tank
    6. (Passive) Desperation: When the tank reaches 5,000 HP, it will become immune to damage and will activate the Berserk passive. The tank will then die after some time. | Supreme Executioner Tank
    7. (Passive) Detoxicated: When the tank's health falls to 5% it's decay ends, gaining move speed and lowering its hit interval to 1s. | Decaying Tank
    8. (Passive) Last Stand: The first time the tank is about to be killed, it will instead stay on 1 HP and instantly activates Death Mark. If Death Mark penalty triggers, the tank heals to 40,000 HP. | Vengeance Tank
    9. (Passive) Sidekick Guard: If the tank is about to take lethal damage with at least 1 sidekick alive, the tank becomes damage immune, moving and attacking 50% faster, as well as dealing double damage. During this state, the tank cannot summon any more sidekicks. Once the sidekicks are defeated, the tank loses all benefits from this state. | Imprisoner Tank
    10. (Passive) Toxic desperation: When the tank is about to die, it gets desperate. The tank does not take damage while desperate and its abilities deal triple damage. The tank itself attacks and moves at double speed. After 45 seconds, the tank will explode by the instability of its inner gases. | Sickening Tank

    The Difference?:
    All of the tanks that can go into desperation mode or do something different do so after reaching a certain amount of HP and going below it. Normally, damage, movement speed, attack speed are all increased with most desperations with all desperation modes rendering the tank damage immune. After a certain amount of time within desperation mode, the tank will explode in a way similar to bomb tank and die. The Sickening Tank has the shortest desperation time at 45 seconds while the Heartbroken Tank has the longest desperation time at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
    10. Punch Abilities giving Bad Statuses
    1. (Passive) Blind Fury: The tank has a chance to blind on each punch. The chance is higher the higher the tank's fury. | Shadow Tank
    2. (Passive) Close range: When a survivor is too close, the tank uses its claws covered in poisoned knives to attack dealing damage equal to x1.5 of the target level. Survivors hit are also poisoned for 10 seconds, and suffer a random bleed effect for 20 seconds. | Soldier Tank
    3. (Passive) Confusion: The tank's punch will leave survivors confused and unable to see their teammates. | Executioner Tank
    4. (Passive) Confusion: The tank's punch will leave survivors confused and unable to see their teammates for 10 seconds. | Supreme Executioner Tank
    5. (Passive) Crippling Claw: The tank has a 1/4 chance of inflicting a random status condition on any non-downed survivor it punches. | Shaman Tank
    6. (Passive) Crippling Pain: All tank damage cripples, severely slowing for a short period of time. | Ironclad Tank
    7. (Passive) Debilitating Claw: The tank has a 1/2 chance of inflicting a random status condition on any non-downed survivor it punches. | Supreme Shaman Tank
    8. (Passive) Fear Death: Every Tank punch has a chance to inflict fear. The chance is the number of death sentence marks times 2 with the duration equal to the number of death sentence marks. | Supreme Executioner Tank
    9. (Passive) Fear of death: Survivors punched by tank will be affected with fear for 0 to 12 seconds depending on their missing health. | Reaper Tank
    10. (Passive) Fear of death: The tank punches cause fear status for 10 seconds. | Dormant Brutal Tank
    11. (Passive) Fear of death: The tank punches cause fear status for 3 seconds. | Awakened Brutal Tank
    12. (Passive) Heart Splitter: Every 15 punches, the Tank slams its victim with Heart Splitter, which halves the victims health for some time. The combo count is shared between all instances of the Splitter Tank. The duration of Heart Splitter depends on the Splitter state of the attacker. | Splitter Tank
    13. (Passive) Intimidate: Every punch has a low chance of inflicting Fear which increases as the tank's health lowers. If the tank punches a feared survivor they will enter the panicked state. | Manipulator Tank
    14. (Passive) Immense Power Punch: When receiving a punch, the survivor is briefly stunned, feared, crippled and heavily slowed. All survivors in front also receive 25% damage and are pushed away. | Decaying Tank
    15. (Passive) Isolate: Tank punches have a chance to inflict confuse and daze. | Cherry Tank
    16. (Passive) Knockout Punch: The tank will significantly darken the victim's vision if they get punched. If they are already blind, the victim takes double damage and will be stunned for 3 seconds. | Void Tank
    17. (Passive) Love for Pain: If over 3 survivors are nearby, damage dealt has a chance to inflict Love status, which is higher the lower the Tank's fury is. | Heartbroken Tank
    18. (Passive) Poisonous Claws: Instantly poisons survivors upon a claw hit for 3 seconds. | Poison Tank
    19. (Passive) Pulverize: Every 5th punch on a target deals double damage, stuns and dazes them. | Hybrid Tank
    20. (Passive) Pulverizing Punch: The tank's punch may occasionally pulverize its victim, flinging them in the air and dealing massive head trauma, rendering them unable to see enemy Special Infected or allied survivors for 7 seconds. | Splitter Tank
    21. (Passive) Repulsion Punch: Tank punches have a small chance to inflict a Repulsion Gland on the victim. The gland decays after a few seconds. | Vacuum Tank
    22. (Passive) Rupture: Claw hits inflicts a rupture, causing high damage over time. The rupture damage can be reduced by standing still and crouching. | Cloaked Assassin Tank
    23. (Passive) Shocking Source: Damage from the tank will stun the victim for a few seconds. A victim can't be stunned again for 5 seconds. | Electric Tank, Thunder Tank
    24. (Passive) Vulnerability: If a victim is hit 5 times in a row, they'll suffer a vulnerability that makes any tank punch against them cause an earthquake. | Fighter Tank
    25. (State) Affection: The tank treats survivors as its children, and will use UNAVOIDABLE abilities to express its love in violent ways. The tank gains 50% damage reduction, including True damage, in this state.
      <Survivors hit by the tank during this state get the In Love status for 6 seconds> | Santa Tank
    26. (State) Revenge: The tank treats survivors as the traitors who killed its children when it was human, doing AVOIDABLE catastrophic lethal abilities. The tank gains 20% increased movement and attack speed in this state. If performing an ability in this state, the tank gains 25% damage reduction.
      <Survivors hit by the tank during this state get the Fear status for 6 seconds> | Santa Tank

    The Difference?:
    All of the tanks that can inflict on hit effects either do so with a chance or instantly inflict the bad status effect. It's for a certain amount of time depending on the tank.
    11. Invisibility Abilities
    1. (Passive) Bloodstained: Upon punching a survivor, the Tank will be coated in the victims blood, making it visible for 2.5 seconds. | Cloaked Assassin Tank
    2. (Passive) Camouflage: While a sandstorm is active, the tank is harder to see, gains a 33% chance to ignore damage, and moves 20% faster. | Craggy Tank
    3. (Passive) In the shadows: The tank becomes invisible and takes no damage. Additionally, the tank does not collide with survivors and makes no noise. | Shadow Tank
    4. (Passive) Invisible: Tank has 95% visibility reduced. | Ghost Tank, Cloaked Assassin Tank
    5. (Global Manipulation) Conceal: The tank disguises itself, becoming 66% invisible and moving 25% faster. It is also immune to statuses and has it's health hidden. When the tank's health is below 20% this effect becomes permanent. | Manipulator Tank
    6. (Active - Fury) Nemesis: The tank becomes invisible and inaudible, and survivors become confused. If a survivor is hit by the tank, it instantly dies and all other survivors receive all of their missing health as damage. The nemesis effect lasts 20 seconds or until the tank hits someone. | Heartbroken Tank

    The Difference?:
    Tanks that have abilities affecting visibility mostly become invisible or become harder to see. The only tank that does make itself more visible is Cloaked Assassin Tank who does so after punching any survivor.
    12. Bottled Anger Abilities
    1. (Passive) Bottled Anger: If the tank hasn't performed a Mega Earthquake in 25 seconds, it's next punch will activate it, regardless if anyone is incapacitated. | Knight Tank
    2. (Passive) Bottled Anger: If the tank hasn't performed an Earthquake in 20 seconds, it's next punch will activate it, regardless if anyone is incapacitated. | Fighter Tank
    3. (Passive) Bottled Anger: If the tank hasn't performed a Mega Earthquake in 20 seconds, it's next punch will activate it, regardless if anyone is incapacitated. | Supreme Knight Tank
    4. (Passive) Bottled Anger: The tank gains more move speed the longer it hasn't performed an Earthquake. It's move speed resets once it does. | Craggy Tank

    The Difference?:
    Each of these 3 tanks will perform their respective abilities after a certain amount of time has passed if they have not done any punches on incapacitated survivors. The difference here is the ability and the time depending on the tank. As for the Craggy Tank however, this ability works differently to the other tanks.
    13. Mutated Common Infected Abilities
    1. (Passive) Breed: The tank spawns a common infected every 2 seconds. The infected are immune to damage for 6 seconds and have 2000 health. Shooting or meleeing an immune infected will reflect the damage back at you (Max. 80 damage per hit). | Breeder Tank
    2. (Passive) Demons: If common infected are hit by the tank's fire, they will mutate into demons. Demons are immune to damage for 3 seconds after conversion, have 1500 HP and deal 50% bonus damage, with a 10% chance to inflict burning on hit. | Infernal Tank
    3. (Passive) Supreme Demons: If common infected are hit by the tank's fire, they will mutate into demons. Demons are immune to damage for 3 seconds after conversion, have 2500 HP and deal 50% bonus damage, with a 10% chance to inflict burning on hit. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    With the tanks, the common infected that are spawned/mutated into mutated common infected are different depending on the tank using it on them. When the common infected spawn/mutate, they become damage immune for a short time and pulsate a glow, depending on their type. They also have different properties, with the breeder infected reflecting damage dealt to them back to the survivor while the demon infected can deal bonus damage with a chance to inflict burning on the survivor.
    14. Stat Reduction Abilities through survivors killed
    1. (Passive) Brutal Death: When the tank kills a survivor, it will brutally damage the survivor's corpse lowering their maximum health by 30% for the round. Should the survivor be hosting a parasite, all nearby survivors will also be feared. | Awakened Brutal Tank
    2. (Passive) Shadow Taint: If a Shadow Marked survivor dies, they will have their Upgrade and Skill ranks reduced by 2 until the Tank dies, but cannot be Shadow Marked again. | Shadow Tank

    The Difference?:
    The difference is that while both effects can only occur once per survivor, for the Shadow Tank, the survivor must have been Shadow Marked when killed in order to have their stats reduced (in terms of Upgrades/Skills rank reduction). The Shadow Taint ability also gives more negative effects, reducing more than just max HP, compared to the Brutal Death ability.
    15. Tank in numbers Abilities
    1. (Passive) Bulk in Numbers: If any Splitter form is within 300 units of another it gains 15% more defense (doesn't stack). | Splitter Tank
    2. (Passive) Strength in Numbers: If any Splitter form is within 300 units of another it gains 15% more attack and defense (doesn't stack). | Supreme Splitter Tank

    The Difference?:
    With the Supreme Splitter Tank, compared to the Splitter Tank, it gains more attack and defense. The Splitter Tank only gains more defense as a result of 2 or more Splitter Tanks being together. These effects can't stack however.
    16. Moving faster while ignited Abilities
    1. (Passive) Burning Hatred: If ignited, the Tank gains a small bonus to it's move speed. | Ice Tank
    2. (Passive) Burning Rage: Setting the tank alight will infuriate it, causing it to move faster and drain 50% stronger. | Frozen Drainer Tank

    The Difference?:
    The difference is that the Frozen Drainer Tank will move a lot faster and can also drain more HP. The Ice Tank on the other hand gains a smaller bonus to movement speed.
    17. Resistance Abilities
    • (Passive) Cage Match: If a prison is active, only those inside the prison can damage the tank. Tank punches to those inside will not stun them. | Imprisoner Tank
    • (Passive) Firm Ground: The Splitter Tank is completely immune to stagger effects. | Splitter Tank, Shadow Tank
    • (Passive) Frontal Wall: The tank only receives damage from the back. The fortified skin can still be peeled off with melee weapons. | Dormant Solidified Tank
    • (Passive) Human Shield: The tank uses the common infected attached to it to block every 3rd shot. This damage block cannot be bypassed. | Breeder Tank
    • (Passive) In the shadows: The tank becomes invisible and takes no damage. Additionally, the tank does not collide with survivors and makes no noise. | Shadow Tank
    • (Passive) Level Headed: The tank cannot be taunted or enraged. | Vengeance Tank
    • (Passive) Meat Shield: Every 15 axe chops on any target will give the tank a small Meat Shield, blocking all damage. It can be removed with melee weapons. Hits are not counted while the Tank has an existing Meat Shield. | Cleaver Tank
    • (Passive) Meat shield: Each time a survivor is killed by a chainsaw, the tank gains a shield that blocks all damage. The shield can be removed by attacking the tank with melee weapons. Incapacitating a survivor will also grant a small meat shield, as well as if the tank attacks the same target 5 times subsequently. | Butcher Tank
    • (Passive) Taunt Resist: The tank ignores any aggro overriding effects. | Awakened Brutal Tank, Shark Tank, Santa Tank
    • (Passive) Unstoppable: The tank is immune to slows, stuns, staggers, freezing and taunts. | Juggernaut Tank
    • (Active) Barrier: The tank generates a barrier blocking all damage, which cannot be bypassed. The barrier has 2000 health and takes 1 damage for every bullet hit it takes. Upon destruction, survivors nearby will be flashbanged and the tank can be damaged normally, but it regenerates after 90 seconds. | Hybrid Tank
    • (Active) Flesh Shield: Uses death tank bodies to block damage for 10 seconds. | Shaman Tank, Supreme Shaman Tank
    • (Active) Snap: The tank temporarily snaps and deals x3 damage towards survivors and moves and attacks twice as fast. Survivors will also temporarily experience loneliness. Alone survivors randomly get inflicted with Fear. | Cherry Tank
    • (Active - Fury) Deflection Stance: Damage to the tank will be ignored and reflected to the dealer. Additionally, reflected bullets from Hard Skin passive will be thrown directly to the attackers. | Heartbroken Tank
    • (Global Manipulation) Siphon: The tank releases a horrible aura affecting all survivors regardless of distance from the tank. All regeneration effects will be nullified with all other health gain being halved. The tank itself enters a damage immune state, but cannot attack with it's claw. Survivors who get close to the tank will have their health and max health drained, healing the tank in the process. | Manipulator Tank

    The Difference?:
    All of the tanks mentioned either have some way to completely block damage (without the use of the Desperation/Guarded State) and/or can block some bad statuses/effects from affecting them. Some of these are also active abilities, in which case the effect applies for the specified ability duration.
    18. Stack Increasing Abilities
    1. (Passive) Death Sentence: Each time the survivors are hit by the tank, they will accumulate a 'Death Sentence' mark. Survivors lose a mark each 30 seconds. Each mark reduces defense by 5% and increases claw damage by 50. | Executioner Tank
    2. (Passive) Death Sentence: Each claw hit to a survivor adds a 'Death Sentence' mark. The most recent mark takes 45 seconds to decay, with ones after decaying in 15 seconds. Each mark reduces defense by 5%, increases claw damage by 100 and gives the tank 2 flat defense. Incapacitated survivors acquire 2 marks per hit. | Supreme Executioner Tank
    3. (Passive) Gel transfer: The tank punches are too slimmy to deal significant damage but will cover survivors in gel. The gel will deal 0.5% of the survivor's maximum health per second, per stack. Gel stacks can be lost by moving around to get rid of the deadly gel. | Jelly Tank
    4. (Passive) Infest: The tank's punches will add an infest stack on a survivor, causing them to take 1% max health damage per stack per second. Running around will remove the stacks. | Breeder Tank
    5. (Passive) Toxicity: Adds 1 Toxicity stack on punch. First stack deals 2 HP damage every 0.5s. Each new stack doubles damage (Max: 128). Stacks decay every 8s. -5% damage to Tank per stack, max -25%. Survivors with 0 stacks gain 2, 2nd stack decays faster if Toxicity isn't re-applied. Stacks preserved through death. With 3+ stacks, Dispenser heals accelerate stack decay. | Sickening Tank
    6. (Passive) Toxicity: Adds once stack of Toxicity on each punch. The first stack causes the survivor to receive 1% HP damage per second. Each new stack multiplies the damage by 2 (1% -> 2% -> 4% -> 8% -> ...). Survivors lose 1 stack every 8 seconds. (Max DPS: 128%). | Dormant Repugnant Tank

    The Difference?:
    These stacks of effects that do bad things to the survivors cannot easily be gotten rid of by buffs that heal bad status effects. Instead you must do what the ability says to do to get rid of them, whether would be avoiding the tank for a certain amount of time or by moving around the area to get rid of a stack.
    19. Strengthened Punch Abilities
    1. (Passive) Cleave: Tank punches deal damage in an area around. | Cherry Tank
    2. (Passive) Charged Hyper Punch: Every 3 punches are strengthened with the rebar on its claws, causing the victim to either be punched further away, or punched high into the air. If the victim is punched further away, they may suffer additional damage if they hit a wall at high speed. If they are punched into the air, they may suffer from fall damage. | Juggernaut Tank
    3. (Passive) Increased Range: The tank attacks have increased range. | Fighter Tank, Executioner Tank
    4. (Passive) Immense Power Punch: When receiving a punch, the survivor is briefly stunned, feared, crippled and heavily slowed. All survivors in front also receive 75% of the damage and are pushed away. | Decaying Tank
    5. (Passive) Mighty Strength: The tank's punches deal increased knockback, and the rocks the tank throws fly faster and are explosive. | Supreme Knight Tank
    6. (Passive) Super Punch: Tank punches have increased knockback and deal damage upon hitting a wall at high speeds, with a chance to daze. | Flinger Tank
    7. (Active) Endure the Pain: The tank hunkers for 10 seconds, where it won't move or attack but is status immune. After, the tank gains status/slow/stagger immunity and bonus move speed and damage for 20 seconds, based on the damage it took while enduring, and heals 75% of this damage. Survivors take 5% of this damage. Max 20K damage during hunker. When the tank punches a survivor in this state, all survivors take 10% damage. | Vengeance Tank

    The Difference?:
    Some of the tanks have further reach with their punches. While they all can deal increased knockback to the survivor affected. Some can also make the survivor take damage when hitting a wall at high speeds and/or fly into the air and take fall damage after landing. As for the Decaying Tank however, his punch is meant to affect the survivors a bit further back by pushing them away as a result.
    20. Combustion Abilities
    1. (Passive) Combustion: Taking damage from the tank occasionally generates fire. | Ember Tank, Infernal Tank
    2. (Passive) Combustion: The tank's blood is highly flammable and will generate fire each time the tank loses 2% of its health. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Infernal Tank will sometimes generate fire after punching you. However the Supreme Infernal Tank has a different effect where it'll just drop fire each time the tank loses 2% of its health.
    21. Damage Reduction Abilities
    1. (Passive) Contamination: All survivors take 1 HP damage every half second for each minute that passes. Each Contamination gives the tank 1% damage reduction, max 10%. | Sickening Tank
    2. (Passive) Crowd Hatred: For every survivor above 3 nearby, the tank gains 10% damage resistance. | Heartbroken Tank
    3. (Passive) Crowd resistance: Each survivor in 500 units reduces the damage the tank takes by 5. | Reaper Tank
    4. (Passive) Hardened Steel: All damage dealt to the tank, including true damage is reduced by 25%. | Ironclad Tank
    5. (Passive) Hunting Duty: The tank reduces incoming damage by 2 times the number of alive survivors, down to 5 damage minimum. This damage reduction cannot be bypassed. | Hunter Tank
    6. (Passive) Humid: The tank has specialized cells that extract water from the air forming a dense layer around it, reducing incoming damage by 10%, including True damage. Each survivor nearby gives an additional 5% resistance. | Shark Tank
    7. (Passive) Natural Guard: The tank lacks defense, but instead gains 50% damage resistance. | Craggy Tank
    8. (Passive) Paranoid Prowess: Each hostile survivor gives the tank 15% damage reduction and 10% cooldown reduction. | Sickening Tank
    9. (Passive) Reinforced skin: The tank reduces incoming damage by 30% and by 3 times the number of alive survivors, down to 5 damage minimum. This damage reduction cannot be bypassed. | Executioner Tank, Supreme Executioner Tank
    10. (Passive) Sadist: Upon killing a survivor, the tank gains 60% damage resistance and 30% True damage reduction which decays over 10 seconds. | Awakened Brutal Tank
    11. (Passive) Stalwart: The tank takes 66% less damage during Death Mark. The tank cannot be killed during Death Mark or Endure the Pain. | Vengeance Tank
    12. (Passive) Sturdy: The tank gains 50% damage reduction if stationary. This cannot be mitigated. | Flinger Tank, Hybrid Tank
    13. (Passive) Toughened Skin: The tank has 30% damage reduction including True Damage. | Manipulator Tank
    14. (State) Affection: The tank treats survivors as its children, and will use UNAVOIDABLE abilities to express its love in violent ways. The tank gains 50% damage reduction, including True damage, in this state.
      <Survivors hit by the tank during this state get the In Love status for 6 seconds> | Santa Tank
    15. (State) Revenge: The tank treats survivors as the traitors who killed its children when it was human, doing AVOIDABLE catastrophic lethal abilities. The tank gains 20% increased movement and attack speed in this state. If performing an ability in this state, the tank gains 25% damage reduction.
      <Survivors hit by the tank during this state get the Fear status for 6 seconds> | Santa Tank

    The Difference?:
    Most tanks that have damage reduction always have it while active while other tanks have damage reduction for a time when certain conditions are met. They may also reduce damage further by the number of alive survivors or survivors who are within range of the tank. Damage Reduction depending on the tank can affect either Base Damage or Calculated damage.
    22. Corrosive Abilities
    1. (Passive) Corrosion: Each time the survivors are exposed to the tank's acid (damaged by it) their body parts will slowly begin to decay. Survivors will suffer a loss on their basic statistics:
      - 1 HP of max HP lost for the round (Min HP: 20 HP)
      - 4 of max incap HP lost for the round (Min: 100 HP)
      - 0.01 speed lost for the round (Min: 0.95)
      - 0.03 melee swing speed is lost for the round (Endless) | Corrosive Tank
    2. (Passive) Corrosive Gases: Any damage inflicted from the tank will reduce the victim's maximum HP by 1. Max HP reduction is split between normal and incap HP without Tenacity. | Sickening Tank
    3. (Passive) Dampen: Tank damage on a target lowers base damage to the tank by 1, including true damage. Resets on death. While alive, effects that block slows, staggers, punches or flings fail, slow duration doubled. | Ironclad Tank
    4. (Passive) Defense Corrosion: Each tank hit reduces the defenses of the survivors by 5%. | Heartbroken Tank
    5. (Passive) Noxious Gas: The tank releases a toxic gas that contains a severe disease. Survivors near the tank will slowly accumulate SICKNESS stacks. For each stack, the survivor will lose health by 0.1% (min. 1 HP) of their max health every 5 seconds. | Pestilent Tank
    6. (Global Manipulation) Siphon: The tank releases a horrible aura affecting all survivors regardless of distance from the tank. All regeneration effects will be nullified with all other health gain being halved. The tank itself enters a damage immune state, but cannot attack with it's claw. Survivors who get close to the tank will have their health and max health drained, healing the tank in the process. | Manipulator Tank

    The Difference?:
    These tanks have a way to permanently reduce your stats for the round without allowing you a way to easily get them back. While Corrosion itself has now been considered a temporary reduction of stats since Corrosion Heal clan benefit got introduced, it still counts as a permanent stat loss ability.
    23. Aura Abilities
    1. (Passive) Courage Aura: Increases damage done by other infected by up to 300%. Less effective the further away from the Tank (Radius: 1000). | Warrior Tank
    2. (Passive) Enhanced Courage Aura: Increases damage done by other nearby infected by 400%. Less effective the further away from the Tank (Radius: 1000). | Supreme Knight Tank
    3. (Passive) Enhanced Protection: Decreases damage taken by all tanks and special infected nearby by 80%. Does not apply for the tank itself. (Radius: 1000). | Knight Tank, Supreme Knight Tank
    4. (Passive) Enhancement Aura: Every 2 seconds, nearby Special Infected have a chance to become Uber Infected. The chance decreases the further the SI is away from the Tank (Radius: 1000, 0-15% chance, 3 Uber Max). | Supreme Knight Tank
    5. (Passive) Heal Aura: Heals nearby Specials/Tanks. Heals more on higher difficulties. | Healer Tank
    6. (Passive) Motivator: While alive, CI, SI and Tier 1 Tanks gain 20% claw damage, move/attack speed and health. | Vengeance Tank
    7. (Passive) Protection Aura: Decreases damage taken by other tanks and special infected nearby by up to 70%. Less effective the further away from the Tank. (Radius: 1000). | Guardian Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Auras emitted by the tanks that have these abilities can either increase damage, increase defense of the infected or even give the infected a chance to mutate into uber infected. They all have the same range too and have their effects decrease the further the infected are away from the tanks with aura abilities.
    24. Debilitating Claw Abilities
    1. (Passive) Crippling Claw: The tank has a 1/4 chance of inflicting a random status condition on any non-downed survivor it punches. | Shaman Tank
    2. (Passive) Debilitating Claw: The tank has a 1/2 chance of inflicting a random status condition on any non-downed survivor it punches. | Supreme Shaman Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Shaman and Supreme Shaman Tanks can inflict a random bad status effect onto any non-incapacitated survivor hit with a chance to do so. The Supreme Shaman Tank has a higher chance to do so however, compared to the Shaman Tank.
    25. Non-Knockback Abilities
    1. (Passive) Crippling Fear: If the tank punches a feared target, they will not be knocked away. | Awakened Brutal Tank
    2. (Passive) Stay Close: The tank's punches will not knock the victim away causing them to suffer further exposure from the drain. | Drainer Tank, Frozen Drainer Tank
    3. (Passive) Stay Close: The tank's punches will not knock the victim away. | Nullifier Tank
    4. (Passive) Stay with me: The tank's punches will slow down and not knock the victim away causing them to suffer further exposure to the toxins. | Hybrid Tank
    5. (Passive) Sticky Hold: Tank punches won't knock the victim away. | Sickening Tank

    The Difference?:
    The tanks have all 1 thing in common with these abilities. With the exception of Awakened Brutal Tank, their punches can't knock away the victim. Awakened Brutal Tank on the other hand requires his victim to be feared first. Hybrid Tank also slows down his victim with his ability.
    26. Death Sentence Abilities
    1. (Passive) Death Sentence: Each time the survivors are hit by the tank, they will accumulate a 'Death Sentence' mark. Survivors lose a mark each 30 seconds. Each mark reduces defense by 5% and increases claw damage by 50. | Executioner Tank
    2. (Passive) Death Sentence: Each claw hit to a survivor adds a 'Death Sentence' mark. The most recent mark takes 45 seconds to decay, with ones after decaying in 15 seconds. Each mark reduces defense by 5%, increases claw damage by 100 and gives the tank 2 flat defense. Incapacitated survivors acquire 2 marks per hit. | Supreme Executioner Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Death Sentence abilities from the Executioner and Supreme Executioner Tanks both give 1 stack each on each hit and with the survivors losing a mark every 30 seconds with both versions. The difference is that Supreme Executioner Tank deals more claw damage and gives any incapacitated survivors 5 marks per hit.
    27. Death Split Abilities
    1. (Passive) Death Split: Upon death, it splits into two other Splitter Tanks. The two split tanks have half as much health as the previous form, but deal 150 HP more claw damage, gains 0.2 speed, and loses 0.25s in hit interval. The Splitter Tank can split up to two times from its original form. | Splitter Tank
    2. (Passive) Death Split: On death, it splits into two other Splitter Tanks. The split tanks have half as much health as the previous form, but deals 100 HP more claw damage, gains 0.2 speed, and loses 0.25s in hit interval. The Splitter Tank can split up to two times from its original form. | Supreme Splitter Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Supreme Splitter Tank, since it has higher base claw damage, but has less additional damage claw gained overall, still results in higher overall claw damage at the end. It isn't by much however as the difference between the overall claw damage of the 2nd split Splitter Tank and 2nd split Supreme Splitter Tank is only ~50. As for the base move speed and attack speed however, since the Supreme Splitter Tank has higher base move and attack speed values, it will move and attack slightly faster compared to the Splitter Tank itself.
    28. Increasing Punch DOT Abilities
    1. (Passive) Death Warrant: Each time the tank punches a survivor, it's next punch will deal an additional 50 damage. The tank's punch damage will continue to rise until a survivor is killed. | Reaper Tank
    2. (Passive) Hunger: The tank gets more hungry and hungry overtime. Increases damage done to survivors by 2 HP each second that passes. This is reset if the tank kills a survivor. | Hunter Tank
    3. (Passive) Incremental Power: The tank gains 200 claw damage every 60 seconds that passes. | Awakened Brutal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The tanks with abilities that increase punch damage overtime will do so after a variable amount of time depending on the ability. There are also tanks who increase their punch damage dealt by punching survivors, which also counts as increasing it overtime. Hunter Tank gains a small damage increase constantly until he kills a survivor while the Awakened Brutal Tank gains a large damage increase over a long period of time.
    29. Decay Abilities
    1. (Passive) Decay: While inside a belly, survivors lose 1% health, healing the tank by the same amount. If a survivor reaches 25% processing, they will begin to lose 1% Max Health as well, up to 60% lost. If the survivor escapes from the belly, they will regain 1% Max Health every 10 seconds. | Glutton Tank, Supreme Glutton Tank
    2. (Passive) Decay: The tank has an immense amount of health, but most of it will decay overtime. While decaying, the tank deals 1,160 HP/s damage in an area around it, but this damage is split between each survivor in range (550 units). | Decaying Tank

    The Difference?:
    For the survivors, they'll start decaying while being devoured by the Glutton/Supreme Glutton Tank inside it's stomach. This decay makes them lose HP, healing the tank for the same amount. They'll also eventually begin to lose max HP as well if enough decay stacks are reached. For the Decaying Tank however, it means that the tank is losing HP but is also dealing out a powerful AOE attack at the same time towards nearby survivors in range.
    30. Increased Speed with lower HP
    1. (Passive) Dire Momentum: The tank gains move and attack speed the lower it's health. | Juggernaut Tank
    2. (Passive) Rage: The tank's speed and hit delay are enhanced based on its missing HP. | Executioner Tank

    The Difference?:
    For the Juggernaut and Executioner Tanks, they both gain higher movement speed and lower hit interval the lower their health goes. For the Executioner Tank, this would mean that it would be significantly faster in terms of values comparatively to the Juggernaut Tank who would be somewhat faster.
    31. Earthquake Abilities
    1. (Passive) Earthquake: The tank's punch on incapacitated survivors will generate earthquakes that will launch survivors far away. | Paranoia Tank, Infernal Tank, Supreme Infernal Tank
    2. (Passive) Explosive Earthquake: When the tank hits an incapacitated survivor, other survivors will be launched far away. | Fighter Tank
    3. (Passive) Mega Earthquake: Creates a powerful earthquake that will throw survivors a high distance in the air when the tank punches an incapacitated survivor. | Knight Tank, Supreme Knight Tank
    4. (Passive) Quake Fists: Tank punches will cause an earthquake throwing away nearby survivors. | Craggy Tank

    The Difference?:
    One way or another, these tanks and their punches will be able to create earthquakes to launch survivors into the air. Having many survivors close together will multiply the amount of force given to each nearby survivor as well.
    32. Execution Abilities
    1. (Passive) Execution: Survivors with 15 death marks or are incapacitated will be executed by the tank's claws, receiving 10,000 true damage. | Executioner Tank
    2. (Passive) Execution: Survivors alone or that have 15 death sentence marks are instantly killed on the tank's next punch, destroying their body. | Supreme Executioner Tank

    The Difference?:
    Both the Executioner and Supreme Executioner Tanks require a survivor with 15 death sentence marks before being able to execute them. The Executioner Tank can also punch an incapacitated survivor to execute them while the Supreme Executioner Tank can punch a lonely survivor to execute them.
    33. Defense Ignoring Abilities
    1. (Passive) Fatal Claw: The tank's claw ignores defense and incapacitation, causing death if the victim's health reaches 0. | Assassin Tank, Cloaked Assassin Tank
    2. (Passive) Honored Combat: Both the tank and the survivors have all attack or defense modifiers nullified. | Supreme Duelist Tank
    3. (Passive) Penetration: The tank ignores defense. | Dormant Solidified Tank, Dormant Brutal Tank, Dormant Pulverizer Tank, Dormant Boiling Tank, Hybrid Tank, Awakened Brutal Tank, Dormant Anguished Tank, Dormant Repugnant Tank
    4. (Passive) Prison Lust: If the tank cannot raise a flesh prison it gains 100 claw damage, 10% damage resistance per half second and ignores defense until it can. | Imprisoner Tank
    5. (Active) Death Mark: The tank marks a standing high level player, focusing them for 15 seconds. Tank ignores marked defense/damage block. If marked dies, becomes an invalid target or activates a lethal block effect, their level is lowered by 20 until the tank dies and cannot be resuscitated for some time, longer based on their infected kill count. | Vengeance Tank
    6. (Active) Shadow Attack: When the tank reveals itself it blinds all survivors looking at it and stops being invisible. Up to 3 survivors will be Shadow Marked, gaining +100% aggro, -50% damage immune time and disabled defenses. Reviving marked survivors yields no bounty. | Shadow Tank

    The Difference?:
    There are different conditions for ignoring defense, with the fatal claw, honored combat and penetration abilities all ignoring defense by default while Death Mark/Shadow Attack Active Abilities only ignore marked defense. The Prison Lust ability has a requirement to the other abilities however. Honored Combat also goes a step further to ignore all defense modifiers.
    34. Fire Shield Abilities
    1. (Passive) Fire Shield: With the Fire Shield active, the tank gains 50% damage reduction. The shield disappears if the tank submerges in water. | Infernal Tank
    2. (Passive) Supreme Fire Shield: With the Fire Shield active, the tank gains 99% damage reduction and 15% True damage reduction. The shield disappears if the tank submerges in water, but returns after some time. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    With the Supreme Infernal Tank, his fire shield gives him more damage reduction and can even regenerate after 40 seconds if the Supreme Infernal Tank loses it in the water, compared to the Infernal Tank.
    35. Flesh armor Abilities
    1. (Passive) Flesh armor: The tank uses a flesh armor to reduce damage taken. At first, the tank shields 100% damage taken. On each hit, the tank loses 1% damage reduction and regenerates 2% per second. | Knight Tank
    2. (Passive) Flesh armor: The tank uses flesh armor to reduce damage taken. At first, the tank shields 100% damage taken. On each hit, the tank loses 1% damage reduction and regenerates 4% per second. | Supreme Knight Tank
    3. (Passive) Improved Flesh armor: The tank uses a flesh armor to reduce damage taken. At first, the tank shields 100% damage taken. On each hit, the tank loses 1% damage reduction and regenerates 4% per second. | Fighter Tank

    The Difference?:
    All these tanks that have the flesh armor ability can use flesh armors and gain damage reduction equal to the percentage of tank armor that they have. The difference is the rate at which the tank armor regenerates, which is higher for tier 3 tanks.
    36. Increased Rocks Abilities
    1. (Passive) Fragmentation: Tank rocks thrown on contact will split up into several smaller rocks. Each rock flies off in a different direction. | Craggy Tank
    2. (Passive) Tri-Rock: Whenever the Tank generates a rock, it will generate two more along side it, each also affected by the Mystery Rock ability. | Flinger Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Craggy Tank with his rocks will split into smaller rocks upon making contact. The Flinger Tank with his rocks will instead generate 3 of any random types at a time when he goes to throw any rocks.
    37. Aggro Focusing Abilities
    • (Passive) Frozen Sentence: The tank will focus frozen survivors. | Freezing Tank
    • (Passive) Trapped Sentence: The tank will focus survivors trapped on bear traps. | Hunter Tank

    The Difference?:
    With these abilities, they will change the tank aggro of the tanks and make them focus certain survivors. The difference for each tank is the conditions required, such as needing a frozen survivor or a survivor trapped on bear traps.
    NOTE: The Butcher Tank, Executioner Tank, Cupid Tank, Imprisoner Tank and Supreme Executioner Tank can all focus on certain survivors with their passive abilities as well, given they're not mentioned within the tankinfo.
    38. Fury Abilities
    1. (Passive) Fury: The tank gains 4 stacks of fury each 2 seconds and each time it hits a survivor. It gains more fury the more survivors are near. At 100 stacks the tank makes a lethal ability. | Heartbroken Tank
    2. (Passive) Fury: When the tank does not hit anyone with it's weapons it will gain fury. Guns have a probability equal to fury to do critical damage, that will double the original damage. The tank loses fury when its bullets deal damage to survivors. | Soldier Tank
    3. (Passive) Fury: The tank accumulates 1 stack of fury each 2 seconds. At 100 stacks the tank does the only lethal ability it knows yet. | Dormant Anguished Tank
    4. (Active) Lethal Ability: When the tank performs a shadow attack, it will start gaining frustration stacks. Upon 100 stacks, the tank performs a lethal ability. | Shadow Tank

    The Difference?:
    All these tanks that can gain fury mostly use it for lethal abilities. The Soldier Tank however uses fury for critical damage with his weapons.
    39. Hard Skin Abilities
    1. (Passive) Hard Skin: Shoving the tank will cause 10 HP damage to the attacker. | Glutton Tank
    2. (Passive) Hard Skin: Shoving the tank will cause 40 HP damage to the attacker. | Supreme Glutton Tank
    3. (Passive) Hard skin: Bullets that reach the tank will be reflected to random directions after damaging it. Bullets that reach survivors will do 1% (Min: 5 HP) max health as damage. | Heartbroken Tank
    4. (Passive) Reflective Shards: Shots towards the Tank have a chance to be reflected back. The reflected shot doesn't hurt the Tank but isn't completely accurate. If it hits a survivor, it deals 4% of the damage the Tank would have taken. | Reflective Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Hard Skin ability depending on the tank does different things. When up against Glutton/Supreme Glutton Tanks, shoving them deals damage back to you. However when up against the Heartbroken Tank, bullets that reach the tank will be reflected to random directions after damaging the tank.
    40. Heart Split Abilities
    1. (Passive) Heart Split: Every 12 punches, the Tank slams its victim and allies nearby with Heart Splitter, which halves the victim's health for some time. The combo count is shared between all instances of the Splitter Tank. The duration of Heart Splitter depends on the Split state of the attacker. | Supreme Splitter Tank
    2. (Passive) Heart Splitter: Every 15 punches, the Tank slams its victim with Heart Splitter, which halves the victims health for some time. The combo count is shared between all instances of the Splitter Tank. The duration of Heart Splitter depends on the Splitter state of the attacker. | Splitter Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Supreme Splitter Tank with Heart Split compared to the Splitter Tank needs fewer tank punches before it inflicts the Heart Split status on any survivor. Supreme Splitter Tank's Heart Split also affects nearby survivors as well as the victim with Heart Splitter status compared to Splitter Tank's Heart Split only affecting the victim hit. Therefore this makes Supreme Splitter Tank with his Heart Split ability more dangerous of the two tanks.
    41. Heat Radiation Abilities
    1. (Passive) High Heat: Being near the tank if not in water deals moderate damage. | Ember Tank
    2. (Passive) Intense Heat: With the Fire Shield active, the tank deals heavy damage to survivors nearby. | Infernal Tank, Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The heat from the Ember tank will only damage you if you're not in water. When taking on the heat from an Infernal or a Supreme Infernal Tank however, they'll only damage you if they have the fire shield active on land.
    42. Hydrophobic Abilities
    1. (Passive) Hydrophobic: The tank moves and attacks slightly faster when in water. | Ember Tank
    2. (Passive) Hydrophobic: The tank moves much faster when in water. | Infernal Tank
    3. (Passive) Hydrophobic: The tank moves faster when in water. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Hydrophobic ability on the Infernal and Supreme Infernal Tank give them both higher move speeds compared to Ember Tank, despite the wording. Ember Tank however can also attack faster in water while the other 2 tanks don't gain any attack speed increases.
    43. Fire Abilities
    1. (Passive) Infernal fire: Fire deals 25 HP + 0.5% of the target's current health per tick. | Infernal Tank
    2. (Passive) Searing Fire: Fire deals 10 HP damage per tick. | Ember Tank
    3. (Passive) Supreme Fire: Fire deals 2% of the targets current health per tick. Additionally, the fire will quickly deteriorate the legs of the survivors slowing them by 1% per tick. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Supreme Infernal Tank's fire is more damaging, and also slows you down compared to the Infernal Tank's and Ember Tank's fire which both do less damage respectively.
    44. Irradiation Abilities
    1. (Passive) Irradiate: The tank deals 1 to 90 HP of damage to nearby survivors based on proximity to the tank. | Shaman Tank
    2. (Passive) Irradiate: The tank deals 1 to 120 HP of damage to nearby survivors based on proximity to the tank. | Supreme Shaman Tank

    The Difference?:
    Between the two abilities, the difference is that the Supreme Shaman Tank has a more powerful AOE effect, dealing more damage within the same range.
    45. No Escape/Survival Abilities
    1. (Passive) No escape: The tank gains move speed every second it hasn't damaged the survivor. It's move speed resets once it does. | Dormant Solidified Tank, Dormant Brutal Tank, Dormant Pulverizer Tank, Dormant Boiling Tank, Dormant Anguished Tank, Dormant Repugnant Tank, Decaying Tank
    2. (Passive) No survival: The tank gains move speed every second it hasn't killed a survivor. It's move speed resets once it does. | Hybrid Tank, Awakened Brutal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The tanks that have this ability can increase their movement speed until they hit any survivor or they kill any survivor. The difference is in how the ability works for the tanks that can use it.
    46. Projectile Deflection Abilities
    1. (Passive) Projectile Blowback: Projectiles thrown near the tank will be bounced back towards the survivor who threw them. | Tempest Tank
    2. (Passive) Projectile Incinerator: Incinerates any heavy projectiles (grenades, molotovs, bottles) that go near the tank. It can also incinerate throwable traps. | Executioner Tank

    The Difference?:
    Between the two abilities, the difference is that throwables and traps near the Executioner Tank get destroyed while throwables thrown at the Tempest Tank just get reflected back at you instead.
    47. Pulverize Abilities
    • (Passive) Pulverize: Every 5th punch on a target deals double damage, stuns and dazes them. | Hybrid Tank
    • (Passive) Pulverized: Each 10th hit deals additional damage equal to 10 times the level of the victim. | Dormant Pulverizer Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Pulverized Ability from the Dormant Pulverizer Tank will deal more damage but requires more hits in order to get it off, compared to the hybrid tank who does slightly more damage and needs less hits.
    48. Rock falling Abilities
    1. (Passive) Rockfall: Tank rocks will periodically fall from the sky, also affected by the Mystery Rock ability. | Flinger Tank
    2. (Active) Rubble Rain: Rubble periodically falls from the sky. Upon making impact, survivors nearby will be flung away and take up to 150 HP damage. | Juggernaut Tank

    The Difference?:
    With the Flinger Tank, just regular rocks do fall from the sky, being of different types. As for the Juggernaut Tank only rubble based rocks will fall from the sky, dealing more damage and being able to fling the survivors away.
    49. Scaling Damage Abilities
    1. (Passive) Scaling Damage: The tank deals 50 HP punch damage per PROCESSED survivor. | Glutton Tank
    2. (Passive) Scaling Damage: The tank deals 100 HP punch damage per PROCESSED survivor. | Supreme Glutton Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Damage Dealt by the Glutton and Supreme Glutton Tank increases for each PROCESSED survivor. The only difference being that Supreme Glutton Tank gains more of an increase in damage dealt.
    50. Global range Abilities
    1. (Active) Acid Hell: Acid will appear under up to 5 survivor's feet regardless of how far they are from the tank. | Corrosive Tank
    2. (Active) Shockwave: The tank slams the ground, throwing every survivor, and then causes constant earthquakes around itself every second for 10 seconds, flinging nearby survivors away. | Supreme Knight Tank
    3. (Active) Global Manipulation: The tank will manipulate the entire area with a random effect. | Manipulator Tank

    The Difference?:
    Given these abilities, they'll be able to affect any given number of survivors, regardless of how far away they are from the tank. For the Corrosive Tank, it used to be able to affect all survivors with acid under their feet until it got nerfed in a changelog update, since it caused a lot of lag. For the Manipulator Tank, given Global Manipulation, apart from the conceal effect it is able to affect all given survivors regardless of how far they are from itself.
    51. Acid Spit Abilities
    1. (Active) Acid Spit: The tank will spit acid at the nearest survivor. | Acid Tank
    2. (Active) Acid Spit: Spits acid towards a survivor's location. | Corrosive Tank

    The Difference?:
    The difference is that the Acid Tank will target the survivor, yet the Corrosive Tank will target a survivor's last known location.
    52. Dealing increased damage without eye protection Abilities
    1. (Active) Barf: The tank will throw up, dealing acidic damage and inflicting faitgue and dizziness. The damage is increased if the survivor does not have Goggles or Cheap Goggles equipped. | Drunkard Tank
    2. (Active) Sandstorm: The tank whips up a sandstorm, reducing the visibility and audibility of all survivors, as well as dealing small damage over time. Survivors who do not have Goggles or Cheap Goggles equipped have a chance to be blinded by the sandstorm, also taking 5x damage from it. The tank cannot use other abilities while sandstorm is active. | Craggy Tank

    The Difference?:
    The difference is that these two abilities deal damage in different situations. Yet if you don't have the Goggles/Cheap Goggles Buff equipped, you'll take increased damage from the abilities that can deal more.
    53. Vomit Abilities
    1. (Active) Barf: The tank will throw up, dealing acidic damage and inflicting faitgue and dizziness. The damage is increased if the survivor does not have Goggles or Cheap Goggles equipped. | Drunkard Tank
    2. (Active) Chug In!: The tank spews onto a survivor, forcing them to drink a regurgitated beverage, dealing 500 HP damage. Additional effects are given depending on the type of beverage. A survivor already affected cannot suffer another effect until it expires. | Cherry Tank
    3. (Active) Vomit: The tank biles all survivors nearby. | Shaman Tank, Supreme Shaman Tank

    The Difference?:
    The tank's abilities are different in terms of their animation. With the Shaman/Supreme Shaman Tanks, inflicting bile to nearby survivors. The Drunkard Tank instead literally vomits at the survivors, dealing acidic damage and inflicting bad statuses.
    54. Earth Smash Abilities
    1. (Active) Brutal Leap: The tank jumps into the air and returns to the ground after a small delay, causing an explosion that deals up to 50% claw damage to nearby survivors depending on distance. | Awakened Brutal Tank
    2. (Active) Earth Smash: The tank jumps high in the sky and then launches with all its force into the ground causing a earthquake. Survivors standing too close to the tank will receive 0 - 600 HP damage, will become stunned for 0 - 5 seconds and get confused for 0 - 10 seconds. | FIghter Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Awakened Brutal Tank does a similar earth smash to the Fighter Tank, except it just explodes and deals up to 50% claw damage to nearby survivors depending on distance. Fighter Tank's Earth Smash instead launches players as well as damaging them, stunning and confusing them.
    55. Curse Abilities
    1. (Active) Curse: On cast, 4 witches will start cursing the nearby area slowing down survivors by 50% and randomly cursing them. Once the curse ends, any survivors inside the area will receive 1/4 Max HP as damage (Doubled if cursed). Cursed survivors will receive 1000% additional damage from all other sources. | Bloody Tank, Supreme Bloody Tank
    2. (Active) Supreme Curse: On cast, 4 tanks will start cursing the nearby area slowing down survivors by 99% and randomly cursing them. Once the curse ends, any survivors inside the area will receive 50% Max HP as damage (Doubled if cursed). This ability is active every 5th curse. | Supreme Bloody Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Curse and the Supreme Curse abilities play out in the same case with what happens. Except, the Supreme Curse has tanks, slows down survivors more and deals more damage to them. The Curse instead has witches, slows down survivors by a fair amount and deals some damage to them.
    56. Dance Abilities
    1. (Active) Dance of a thousand chainsaws: The tank throws chainsaws in the air that fall to the ground. Survivors hit by a chainsaw will have them stuck in their bodies for 4 seconds, receiving 2.5% of their maximum health as damage per second. The tank can't use this ability in closed areas. | Butcher Tank
    2. (Active) Dance of a thousand katanas: The tank throws katanas at multiple directions, dealing 1,000 HP damage, and inflicting a random bleed status effect. The katanas can pierce through survivors and may damage them multiple times. Each katana that hits a survivor lowers the cooldown for the ability by 2.5 seconds. | Supreme Duelist Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Dance abilities from the tanks do different effects, but are effectively AOE attacks in their own way with the respective weapons.
    57. Cage Abilities
    1. (Active) Flesh Prison: The tank raises a prison made of flesh. Survivors inside the prison take 3% of their maximum health every second as true damage and receive 300 HP additional damage from tanks. If a survivor is alone in the cage they will take 6% and 600 HP respectively. The flesh prison can be destroyed by damaging it with melee weapons from the inside and outside. Each melee hit will deal 5 HP true damage to the attackers. | Imprisoner Tank
    2. (Active) Mosh pit: The tank traps half of the alive survivors on a small arena. Survivors inside take 250 damage per second if not moving and obtain a huge speed boost. The tank will also gain a huge amount of speed and attack speed. | Festival Tank

    The Difference?:
    The difference is that for Imprisoner Tank's cage, you can destroy it, however the Festival Tank with his arena cage cannot be destroyed, it only expires after enough time has passed.
    58. Inferno Abilities
    1. (Active) Inferno: Leaves a trace of fire that deals 150 HP damage per tick. | Shaman Tank
    2. (Active) Inferno: Leaves a trace of fire that deals 200 HP damage per tick. | Supreme Shaman Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Inferno from the Supreme Shaman Tank can kill survivors much faster than the Shaman Tank's Inferno.
    59. Meteor Abilities
    • (Active) Meteor: The tank periodically summons a meteor that deals 700 HP damage on impact and leaves fire at the floor. Meteors are summoned faster the lower the tank's health is. | Infernal Tank
    • (Active) Supreme Meteor: The tank periodically summons a meteor that deals 1000 HP damage on impact and leaves fire at the floor. Meteors are summoned faster the lower the tank's health is. At 15% health, the meteors will start homing in on targets. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Supreme Meteor from the Supreme Infernal Tank deals more damage and can start homing in on targets once the tank reaches 15% of his health left. The meteor from Infernal Tank deals less damage, although both meteors are summoned faster the lower the tank's health is.
    60. Organic Bomb Abilities
    1. (Active) Organic Bomb: Plants candy-shaped bombs that explode if survivors get nearby. Damage: 200 HP. | Executioner Tank
    2. (Active) Organic Bomb: Plants candy-shaped bombs that explode if survivors get nearby, dealing 5% of the survivor's current health and will add 2 stacks of death sentence. | Supreme Executioner Tank

    The Difference?:
    Both of the abilities from the respective tanks have the same effect in terms of their action. However the Organic Bomb from the Supreme Executioner Tank deals more damage and adds 2 stacks of death sentence.
    61. Spawning other Tanks Abilities
    1. (Active) Party Crowd!: The tank spawns another tank with 30,000 HP. This tank can be of any regular tier (T0 - T3) and will only grant a small amount of bounty when killed. The tank also has reduced cooldown on its abilities. | Festival Tank
    2. (Active) Sidekicks: The tank will call a random Tier 1 tank. The sidekick tank gains 50% attack and has 60% defense. Each sidekick alive gives the Imprisoner Tank 30% damage reduction. Sidekicks give no rewards on death but only 2 sidekicks can be alive at once. The tank cannot summon sidekicks if below 20,000 HP. | Imprisoner Tank

    The DIfference?:
    The Imprisoner Tank can spawn from a list of tier 1 tanks to help it VS the survivors. The Festival Tank can spawn any given tank with only 30,000 HP. The difference being that the Festival Tank has more of a variety in what tanks can spawn.
    62. Square Trap Abilities
    1. (Active) Stand still: The tank deploys a trap that will surround an area for 10 seconds. Upon entering it, the survivor must stay in it or suffer 300 damage and 2 death stacks. | Executioner Tank
    2. (Active) Deadly Cage: The tank deploys a square cage that surrounds an area for 25 seconds. If a survivor enters the cage, they must stay inside for 10 seconds. Leaving before it expires deals 1000 damage and gives 3 death sentence marks to the leaver and 500 damage and 1 death sentence mark to anyone else near. Each survivor entering resets the expire time. | Supreme Executioner Tank

    The Difference?:
    Both of the abilities from the respective tanks have the same visual effect. However, the Supreme Executioner Tank's version lasts for less duration, instead dealing more damage and giving the survivor affected more death sentence marks.
    63. Tentacle Abilities
    1. (Active) Tentacles: The tank uses tentacles to attack near survivors. These tentacles deal 45 HP damage per hit and can trigger the Earthquake passive. Tentacles stay in the ground for 4 seconds and then explode, dealing damage to near survivors. Each tentacle hit reduces the survivor defenses by 10%. Survivor regains defense by 1% each 3 seconds. | Infernal Tank
    2. (Active) Tentacles: The tank uses tentacles to attack near survivors. These tentacles deal 90 HP true damage per hit and can trigger the Earthquake passive. Tentacles stay in the ground for 3 seconds and then explode, damaging and stunning ANYTHING too close. Each tentacle hit reduces the survivor defenses by 5%. Survivor regains defense by 1% each 3 seconds. | Supreme Infernal Tank

    The Difference?:
    The tentacles from the Infernal and Supreme Infernal Tanks are the same, visually. However the Tentacles from the Supreme Infernal Tank deal more damage, stay in the ground for less time and explode and reduce less defense. The Infernal Tank Tentacles on the other hand deal less damage but stay in the ground for more time until it explodes. It also reduces more defense.
    64. Toxic Cloud Abilities
    1. (Active) Toxic Cloud: The tank drops toxic clouds in an area for 15 seconds and deal 6 HP damage every 0.1 seconds. The clouds grow in size overtime. | Sickening Tank
    2. (Active) Toxic Cloud: The tank releases toxic clouds that stay in an area for 16 seconds and deal 6 HP damage every 0.1 seconds. The cloud grows in size overtime. | Dormant Repugnant Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Toxic Cloud Abilities are the same in terms of damage and effect from the tanks. However, it seems that the Dormant Repugnant Tank's Toxic Cloud has more cooldown on it and lasts slightly less time.
    65. Bullet Release Fury Abilities
    1. (Active - Fury) Bullet Release: The tank throws all the bullets stuck in its body causing 10% maximum health damage per second to survivors in sight of the tank. Effect lasts 4 seconds. | Heartbroken Tank
    2. (Active - Fury) Supreme Bullet Release: The tank throws all the bullets stuck in its body causing 15% maximum health damage per second to survivors in sight of the tank. Effect lasts 6 seconds. | Dormant Anguished Tank

    The Difference?:
    The Bullet Release fury abilities act the same visually from both tanks that can use it. However, the Dormant Anguished Tank's version deals more damage per tick, and lasts longer in exchange for taking longer to be cast. The Heartbroken Tank on the other hand can use this ability more often, dealing less damage per tick and lasts less time.