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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 亗Қ Ⅱ Ɲ Ǥ≈, Jan 4, 2012.

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  1. Cocaine

    Cocaine Head Administrator

    Yeah Avil....on your knees.... [​IMG]
  2. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    ewww cocaine!lol
  3. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

  4. ROFL
  5. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    You are making a Bollywood soap opera out of this.
    If you are gonna try to make an issue out of it then at least tell the truth about why you are so upset. You were not interested in simply "playing" We were all sitting around chatting and talking without playing for a good 10 minutes or longer and you happily stood by and just waited. If you were interested in playing you would have left and joined a server with action going on. You sat there and waited for more VMs to spawn up. That is the only reason you stayed there and the only reason you are all upset. We all gathered together to have some toaster fun. We didn't take over a populated server and tell everyone to leave. We found a completely empty server and filled it up with our guild members just so we could have fun. just having fun. Leave it at that. Go join a Guild, become a donor, buy some vending machines for fun and invite your guild.

    On a side note: Wouldn't it have been worse to leave him standing there while we all teleported away?
  6. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Spawning a vending machine for a guild is not a valid reason to kick players from a server. Asking other players to leave because you want to spawn a vending machine for your guild is not allowed as well. Same thing as asking someone to give up spitter or tank, it's just not allowed. Our servers are for all players, low level, high level, guild, non-guild and it's not up to our players, not even our admins to decide who plays and who doesn't. Our policy is that everybody can play as long as they respect the rules.

    Let's be honest here, do you really expect somebody to leave a server when you ask him because you want to spawn a machine for your guild? Hell no I wouldn't leave. I have the same rights to play there just as anybody else and if I got votekicked off then yes I would be pissed off and have had the same complains, it would be votekick abuse pure and simple and that is not allowed by the rules. It would be about the same as if a shop keeper wants to remove me from his store because a high profile client comes in that likes to shop alone. I wouldn't take that.

    People that buy stuff, buy it to support our servers, so we can pay the bills. That doesn't mean they own the server and decide who plays. I enabled vending machines in the hope that people would buy them and share them with all players, so low levels can profit from them as well. This side effect was not what I expected so I have to re-think that strategy.

    In the meantime, I want to ask you to treat everybody equally, put yourself in the position of the player when you votekick him or ask him to leave and think about it if you would like that before you do it again.

    Now that IRC is up and running votekick will be disabled soon anyway so that should solve this problem. Our admins will still be able to kick/ban of course but only and I repeat ONLY if somebody breaks the rules, not for personal gain.
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