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Past BMS - 4th November 2020 (BMG)

Nov 6, 2020
Past BMS - 4th November 2020 (BMG)
  • Past Black Market Sale - 4th November 2020 (BMG V1.9.21)

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    Go to Past BMS | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th* November 2020

    *Click on the 11th November 2020 Past BMS Page if you wish to view the later past BMS dates.
    () Is used to indicate the discounted price of the black market items once the Double Down ability is fully active.

    Items/Rare Crafting Materials for Sale:
    1. Traveller Box
    2. Area Mutator
    3. Supreme Regeneration Booster
    4. Tank Bait
    5. Refined Resilience Booster

    1. Traveller Box

    A box containing one of the following items: Infected Lure, Mimic Ticket, Master Crafter, Charismatic Speech, Itemfinder, Tank Beacon (Tier 1), FR-Pill Discount Voucher, Craftable Bag, Area Mutator or Tank Bait.

    Cash Cost: $21,672 Cash ($17,338 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 76 FR-Pills (61 FR-Pills)

    2. Area Mutator

    Using this item will force enable a random Map Mutation. Each active Map Mutation increases exp/cash rewards by 25% (50% for CI/SI kills).
    <Must be used inside the first 30 seconds of the round>
    <Must be Advanced/Expert difficulty, can't be used in survival/versus>

    Cash Cost: $32,470 Cash ($25,976 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 110 FR-Pills (88 FR-Pills)

    3. Supreme Regeneration Booster

    Once activated, you will gain 20 HP regeneration per second for 10 minutes.
    <Healing always applies>
    <✖ VS>

    Cash Cost: $40,173 Cash ($32,138 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 161 FR-Pills (129 FR-Pills)
    |<| Volatile Tank Blood: x2 (|<| Volatile Tank Blood: x2)

    4. Tank Bait

    Using this item will increase Tier 2/3 spawn chances for the current map by 2.5%, up to a maximum of 10% for the map. If the next predicted Tank to spawn is Tier 1, it will also be rerolled.
    <Cannot be used in survival or versus>

    Cash Cost: $31,250 Cash ($25,000 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 178 FR-Pills (142 FR-Pills)

    5. Refined Resilience Booster

    When used, bad status effect durations are 30% shorter and bonus taster effect durations are 30% longer.
    <✖ VS>
    <Lasts 10 minutes>

    Cash Cost: $16,582 Cash ($13,266 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 75 FR-Pills (60 FR-Pills)