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Past BMS - 31st October 2020 (BMG)

Nov 1, 2020
Past BMS - 31st October 2020 (BMG)
  • Past Black Market Sale - 31st October 2020 (BMG V1.9.17)

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    Go to Past BMS | 20th- | 21st | 22nd | 23rd | 24th | 25th | 26th | 27th | 28th | 29th | 30th | 31st October 2020

    -Click on the 20th October 2020 Past BMS Page if you wish to view the earlier past BMS dates.
    () Is used to indicate the discounted price of the black market items once the Double Down ability is fully active. Not shown here for the rare crafting materials that cost extra resources since the discount amount applied varies for every player.

    Items/Rare Crafting Materials for Sale:
    1. Refined Defense Booster
    2. Tank Bait
    3. Honor Coupon
    4. |<| Razorblade Katana
    5. |<| Razorblade Katana

    1. Refined Defense Booster

    You receive 40% less damage from all sources for 10 minutes.
    <Doesn't affect fall damage>
    <✖ VS>

    Cash Cost: $18,059 Cash ($14,447 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 79 FR-Pills (63 FR-Pills)

    2. Tank Bait

    Using this item will increase Tier 2/3 spawn chances for the current map by 2.5%, up to a maximum of 10% for the map. If the next predicted Tank to spawn is Tier 1, it will also be rerolled.
    <Cannot be used in survival or versus>

    Cash Cost: $32,075 Cash ($25,660 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 161 FR-Pills (129 FR-Pills)

    3. Honor Coupon

    Use to give yourself 1 Honor Point. Honor Points are typically earned by playing VS. You can spend them in the Honor Market in the Competitive sub-section of the Control Panel.

    Cash Cost: $55,308 Cash ($44,246 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 328 FR-Pills (262 FR-Pills)
    |<| Volatile Tank Blood: x2 (|<| Volatile Tank Blood: x2)

    4. |<| Razorblade Katana

    <Rare Crafting Material>
    A Katana blade from the Supreme Duelist Tank. Labelled 'Razorblade' due to its sharpness, merely touching the edge can inflict bleeding.

    Cash Cost: $146,373 Cash
    FR-Pills Cost: 648 FR-Pills
    |<| Volatile Tank Blood: x7

    5. |<| Razorblade Katana

    <Rare Crafting Material>
    A Katana blade from the Supreme Duelist Tank. Labelled 'Razorblade' due to its sharpness, merely touching the edge can inflict bleeding.

    Cash Cost: $153,258 Cash
    FR-Pills Cost: 724 FR-Pills
    |<| Volatile Tank Blood: x7