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Past BMS - 13th October 2020 (BMG)

Oct 23, 2020
Past BMS - 13th October 2020 (BMG)
  • Past Black Market Sale - 13th October 2020 (BMG V1.9.10)

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    Go to Past BMS | 10th- | 11th | 12th | 13th | 14th | 15th | 16th | 17th | 18th | 19th | 20th | 21st* October 2020

    -Click on the 10th October 2020 Past BMS Page if you wish to view the earlier past BMS dates.
    *Click on the 21st October 2020 Past BMS Page if you wish to view the later past BMS dates.
    () Is used to indicate the discounted price of the black market items once the Double Down ability is fully active. Not shown here for the rare crafting materials that cost extra resources since the discount amount applied varies for every player.

    Items/Rare Crafting Materials for Sale:
    1. Cupid's Token
    2. |<| Corrosive Acid Sample
    3. Traveller Box
    4. Area Mutator
    5. Supreme Defense Booster
    6. |<| Tempered Rock
    7. Precious Box

    1. Cupid's Token

    Use cupid tokens to obtain special unique buffs!
    <Use item to access Token Exchange>

    Cash Cost: $36,959 Cash ($29,567 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 165 FR-Pills (132 FR-Pills)
    |<| Volatile Tank Blood: x3 (|<| Volatile Tank Blood: x2)

    2. |<| Corrosive Acid Sample

    <Rare Crafting Material>
    A sample of corrosive acid carefully wrapped to prevent damage.

    Cash Cost: $81,255 Cash ($65,004 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 472 FR-Pills (378 FR-Pills)
    |<| Volatile Tank Blood: x3 (|<| Volatile Tank Blood: x2)

    3. Traveller Box

    A box containing one of the following items: Infected Lure, Mimic Ticket, Master Crafter, Charismatic Speech, Itemfinder, Tank Beacon (Tier 1), FR-Pill Discount Voucher, Craftable Bag, Area Mutator or Tank Bait.

    Cash Cost: $25,980 Cash ($20,784 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 93 FR-Pills (74 FR-Pills)

    4. Area Mutator

    Using this item will force enable a random Map Mutation. Each active Map Mutation increases exp/cash rewards by 25% (50% for CI/SI kills).
    <Must be used inside the first 30 seconds of the round>
    <Must be Advanced/Expert difficulty, can't be used in survival/versus>

    Cash Cost: $33,602 Cash ($26,882 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 111 FR-Pills (89 FFR-Pills)

    5. Supreme Defense Booster

    You receive 70% less damage from all sources for 10 minutes.
    <Doesn't affect fall damage>
    <✖ VS>

    Cash Cost: $31,982 Cash ($25,586 Cash)
    FR-Pills Cost: 161 FR-Pills (129 FR-Pills)
    |<| Volatile Tank Blood: x1 (|<| Volatile Tank Blood: x1)

    6. |<| Tempered Rock

    <Rare Crafting Material>
    An extremely tough chunk of rock that was a part of the Craggy Tank. Can be ground into a fine powder to reinforce other structures or items.

    Cash Cost: $184,953 Cash
    FR-Pills Cost: 869 FR-Pills
    |<| Volatile Tank Blood: x7

    7. Precious Box

    A box containing one of the following items: Mechanical Parts, Tempered Rock, Broken Flesh Prison Bar, Sealed Dark Toxic Gas, Razorblade Katana or Expired Flesh Eating Parasite.

    Cash Cost: $110,800 Cash
    FR-Pills Cost: 555 FR-Pills
    |<| Volatile Tank Blood: x5