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Marvelous Gaming Key Bindings
Hello all
Hope you all are having a good day. Today to help the marvel in wiki page for mgftw servers I made a small guide/tutorial for binding keys on mgftw servers including list for all the possible bind keys for buy menu as well as some common bind keys.
Watch the video first to know how the binding is done.
Tutorial Video:-
Here are the all binding keys:-
Buy Menu
A. Ranged Weapons
a. Pistols
1. Pistol
bind key "sm_buy pistol"
2. Pistol - Magnum
bind key "sm_buy magnum"
b. Rifles
1. Rifle M16
bind key "sm_buy m16"
2. Rifle AK47
bind key "sm_buy ak47"
3. Rifle Desert
bind key "sm_buy desert"
4. Rifle M60
bind key "sm_buy m60"
5. Rifle SG552
bind key "sm_buy sg552"
c. Shotguns
1. Auto Shotgun
bind key "sm_buy auto"
2. Pump Shotgun
bind key "sm_buy pump"
3. Chrome Shotgun
bind key "sm_buy chrome"
4. Spas Shotgun
bind key "sm_buy spas"
d. SMGs
1. SMG
bind key "sm_buy smg"
2. SMG - MP5
bind key "sm_buy mp5"
3. SMG - Silenced
bind key "sm_buy silenced"
e. Snipers
1. Hunting Rifle
bind key "sm_buy hunting"
2. Sniper - AWP
bind key "sm_buy awp"
3. Sniper - Military
bind key "sm_buy mili"
4. SNiper - Scout
bind key "sm_buy scout"
B. Melee Weapons
1. Baseball Bat
bind key "sm_buy baseball"
2. Chainsaw
bind key "sm_buy chain"
3. Cricket Bat
bind key "sm_buy cricket"
4. Crowbar
bind key "sm_buy crowbar"
5. Electric Guitar
bind key "sm_buy guitar"
6. Fire Axe
bind key "sm_buy axe"
7. Frying Pan
bind key "sm_buy pan"
8. Golfclub
bind key "sm_buy golf"
9. Katana
bind key "sm_buy katana"
10. Machete
bind key "sm_buy machete"
11. Tonfa
bind key "sm_buy tonfa"
12. Combat Knife
bind key "sm_buy knife"
C. Upgrades and Throwables
a. Throwables
1. Molotov
bind key "sm_buy molotov"
2. Pipe Bomb
bind key "sm_buy pipe"
3. Vomit Jar
bind key "sm_buy vomit"
b. Upgrades
1. Ammunition
bind key "sm_buy ammo"
2. Explosive Ammo
bind key "sm_buy eammo"
3. Explosive Ammo Pack
bind key "sm_buy eammopack"
4. Incendiary Ammo
bind key "sm_buy iammo"
5. Incendiary Ammo Pack
bind key "sm_bu iammopack"
D. Health Items
1. Adrenaline Shot
bind key "sm_buy adr"
2. Defibrillator
bind key "sm_buy defib"
3. First Aid Kit
bind key "sm_buy medkit"
4. Pills
bind key "sm_buy pills"
E. Miscellaneous
1. Gasoline Can
bind key "sm_buy gas"
2. Gnome
bind key "sm_buy gnome"
3. Grenade Launcher
bind key "sm_buy gl"
4. Ammo Pile
bind key "sm_buy ammopile"
5. Disposable Knife
bind key "sm_buy dknife"
F. Buff Activation
1. Activates Berserk Buff
bind key "sm_berserk"
2. Activates Love Is In The Air
bind key "sm_favourite"
3. Activates Protective Bag
bind key "sm_protectbag"
4. Activates Bodyguard
bind key "sm_bodyguard"
5. Activates Beyond The Grave
bind key "sm_beyondgrave"
6. Activates Strength Burst
bind key "sm_strburst"
7. Activates Bird Whistle
bind key "sm_bwhistle"
8. Activates Enraging Waves
bind key "sm_enrage"
9. Activates Hidden Strength
bind key "sm_hiddenstr"
10. Activates Emetic Agent
bind key "sm_emetic"
11. Activates Battle Cry
bind key "sm_battlecry"
12. Activates Non-Aggression Pact
bind key "sm_pact"
13. Activates Sacrifice
bind key "sm_sacrifice"
14. Activates Slaying Automata
bind key "sm_turret"
15. Spawns Pet Charger
bind key "sm_pet"
G. Some Common Useful Binds
1. Control Panel
bind key "sm_cp"
2. Guild Panel
bind key "sm_gp"
3. Quest Menu
bind key "sm_quest"
4. TankHP
bind key "sm_tankhp"
5. Idle/AFK
bind key "sm_idle"
6. Join
bind key "sm_join"
7. Players
bind key "sm_players"
8. Tankinfo
bind key "sm_tankinfo"
9. Inventory
bind key "sm_inv"
10. Saveme
bind key "sm_saveme"
11. Donor
bind key "sm_donor"
12. CSM (Change Character Model)
bind key "sm_csm"
13. Donor Items On Join (Gives you donor items if have not been provided automatically)
bind key "sm_ditems"
14. Drop Current Item
bind key "sm_drop"
15. Change Buff List
bind key "sm_bl"
16. Craft Menu
bind key "sm_craft"
17. Workshop Menu
bind key "sm_workshop"
18. Slay/Kill Bots
bind key "sm_slaybots"
19. Arrange Scenario
bind key "sm_sn"
20. Buff Menu
bind key "sm_buff"
21. Skills Menu
bind key "sm_skills"
22. Upgrades Menu
bind key "sm_up"
23. Settings Menu
bind key "sm_settings"
24. Points Reloaded Changelog
bind key "sm_changelog"
25. Help Menu
bind key "sm_help"
26. All Available Server Commands
bind key "sm_commands"
26. Check Players Reputation
bind key "sm_rep"
27. Join Infected Team (VS only)
bind key "sm_inf"
28. Join Survivor Team (VS only)
bind key "sm_surv"
28. Take Over Bot
bind key "sm_takeover"
1. Replace "key" with the key you you want to bind without quotaion mark.
e.g [bind F1 "say /buy;menuselect 1; menuselect 2;menuselect 2] For AK47
2. To simply unbind the keys type in console "unbind key". Replace key with your key.
Feel free to suggest any edits. Thanks for reading I hope it will help you.
XenCarta PRO
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM