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Kyle's Questline (QG)

Nov 3, 2021
Kyle's Questline (QG)
  • Kyle's Questline (QG V2.3)

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    1. Kyle

    List of Quests:
    1. 1. Welcome to Hell (Lv. 1)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. None

      Hello? Hello! Oh thank god somebody finally replied to my calls! My name is Kyle and I'm trapped here on one safe room. I'm trapped because I'm not immune to the infection and if I go out, I might catch the flu and become one of those little bastards. I've been talking to other refuged survivors and you must know that there are a lot of us out there.

      Some say that the infection is airborne, but I'm really sure they are wrong, or else we would all be infected by now, wouldn't we? Well, you and a few amount of people are immune to the infection. We don't know why, but people like you never show the symptoms and never get aggressive like the rest.

      So, could you please do me a favor? I'm really starting to starve now and since I cannot go out and look for food by myself I would really appreciate if you could bring me something. I know what you are thinking at the moment. How can you give me the food without infecting me in the process? Well is really simple. I told you that we were a lot out there right?

      We have putted several empty supply boxes around different locations so immune survivors like you can put and retrieve stuff from them. I know it sounds crazy, but with the help of some ex-ceda members, we protected the boxes from the infection so not even blood on them will infect food or any items inside.

      But still, try to be careful when you open up the box, the risk is always there. Would you please bring supplies to a box? I'll go get them when things are a little more calm out there, specially when the zombies chase you ...Heh... So, Will you help me?

      Quest Tasks:
      1. Collect 5 Snacks
      2. Collect a Box of Food
      3. Collect 3 Bottles of Water

      Quest Rewards:
      • Exp: 3,500 Exp
      • Cash: $275 Cash
      • Unlocks Quest: 2. The Antidote 1 (Lv. 50)

      Hey, you got the snacks! Oh thank you very much, I was losing all my hopes on you. You might be immune, but these fuckers can kill you if you are not careful enough. I left some cash as well on the supply box. Cash is really valuable these days!

      People stole everything from everywhere, including the books from the libraries and book stores that contain crucial survival data! It's impossible to learn new survival tactics without buying new skill books from them. Also, if you want to upgrade your weapons and equipment you will need cash too! I'm really happy to know I have a buddy out there. Don't lose contact with me!
    2. 2. The Antidote 1 (Lv. 50)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. 1. Welcome to Hell (Lv. 1)

      Hey there! It has been a long time since the last time we talked... Do you even remember me? Oh well, let me get to the point. I must warn you about something... I've been watching the infected out there and they seem to be causing mutations on immune survivors. Basically some infected have a strange variant of the original infection that attacks immune survivor's neurons and make them forget how to use their recent upgrades or the latest learned skills.

      Is a really powerful variant but the effect can be easily countered with an antidote I'm able to make. Ow, did I ever mention that I was a doctor? Anyway, all I need to make some antidote are a few samples of blood from Paranoia Tanks.

      It'd be really hard for me to explain how the antidote works, but all you need to know is that Paranoia Tanks are under constant attack of these infection variant and they seem to perfectly counter it.

      Quest Tasks:
      1. Collect 1 Mutated Blood Sample

      Quest Rewards:
      • Exp: 17,500 Exp
      • Cash: $1,800 Cash
      • x1 |Buff| Mutation Shield (1 Day)
      • Unlocks Quest: 3. Medical Research (Lv. 50)

      Awesome news! I'll go get the samples as soon as I'm able to leave this damn place. Also, make sure to visit a supply box after I'm done as I'll leave the antidote there. Good luck now!
    3. 3. Medical Research (Lv. 50)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. 2. The Antidote 1 (Lv. 50)

      Hello again! Yes I know... the antidote didn't last long enough to protect you from the variant. I'm really confused though as I really hoped it would have a permanent effect, but seems like I'll have to study the infection a little bit more.

      Since I'm still unable to get out of here, would you please help me do some research? I luckily have a microscope here so all I need is some information to examine. We first have to check if animals are related to this so it would be wise to examine a couple of them. I'm sure you will find a few dead cows around to examine.

      Next thing would be examining the infected blood. Just collect a few samples and we'll be able to proceed. That's pretty much it, let me know when you have done everything. Out!

      When you go to hold E on the pile of dead cows:
      Examining bodies...

      The result: If this quest is active, the above action will complete the examine task.
      [PR] Bodies have been examined! They stink and look creepy.

      Quest Tasks:
      1. Examine a pile of dead cows
      2. Collect 10 Infected Blood Samples

      Quest Rewards:
      • Exp: 16,500 Exp
      • Cash: $1,300 Cash
      • Unlocks Quest: 4. The Antidote 2 (Lv. 55)

      Nice! Leave the blood samples on the supply box. So, what did you find around the cows?...

      Ah, It's a real shame that you couldn't find anything useful on them. They may just not be related at all. Well, catch me up later... I have some work to do!
    4. 4. The Antidote 2 (Lv. 55)

      Quest Prerequisites:
      1. 3. Medical Research (Lv. 50)

      Hey, it's me Kyle again. I have good and bad news. The good one is that I found a way to make the mutation antidote last way longer, over a month or so. It took me some time but I finally got it working. The bad news are that I found out that some blood fell inside a bottle of water during my research... and I already drank from that water.

      That's why I was so dizzy yesterday. It explains the nightmares I had last night too. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it longer than a few days but I want to help you out as long as I can. In order to create more antidote, you will have to collect a few more mutated blood samples from Paranoia tanks.

      Please be careful and don't let these bastards eat you!

      Quest Tasks:
      1. Collect 8 Mutated Blood Samples

      Quest Rewards:
      • Exp: 16,500 Exp
      • Cash: $1,300 Cash
      • x1 |Buff| Mutation Shield (30 Days)

      Good to hear you are still alive after fighting all those tanks! You are really starting to get stronger and I'm certain that you will survive all this mess. I'm also sure you have a good crew helping you out.

      I have to warn you though. You aren't around all the time to hear the weird chatter that goes on the radio. People are really starting to lose it and are treating this as a game! The more zombies you kill the better... That's crazy!. This is the last time we will talk to each other, so please make sure to remember my words...

      Don't let the power get you. My words may not make much sense right now but believe me, after you talk to a few other survivors, you will understand.

      Well, I guess this is it. I'll just end it with a bullet on my head. So long buddy, and remember what I said...