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Buffs with no restrictions (BaBS)

Jun 17, 2020
Buffs with no restrictions (BaBS)
  • Buffs with no restrictions (BaBS V2.13.1)

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    Go to | Buffs with no restrictions | Buffs that can't be used in Versus

    Currently, there are 65 Buffs that can be used with no restrictions.

    Offensive Buffs: 5
    1. Extra Powder
    2. Ninja
    3. |Q| Piercing Bullets
    4. Excitement
    5. Butcher

    Defensive Buffs: 17 <top>
    1. Anger Ignition
    2. |P| Mutation Shield (Expires)^
    3. |Q| Poison Shield (Expires)^
    4. Guardian Moustachio
    5. Morphine Injector
    6. Blast Padding
    7. Counter Slap
    8. |E| Slow Resistance
    9. Hope on Sight
    10. Group Morale
    11. Infected Swarm Protection
    12. |E| Fentanyl Injector
    13. General Tank Handler
    14. |V| Crush resistance
    15. |V| Acid neutralizer
    16. |V| Protective Bag
    17. |E| Free Spirit

    Ability Buffs: 5
    1. Deadly Shove
    2. Hyperactive
    3. |E| Zombie Eradicator
    4. Tactical Reload
    5. Adrenaline Area Booster

    Equipment Buffs: 17 <top>
    1. Double Projectile
    2. Knife
    3. Hidden Magnum
    4. Grenade Trap
    5. Cheap Goggles
    6. Heat Missile
    7. Floral Grenade Launch
    8. Goggles
    9. Seeking Grenade
    10. Infirmary
    11. Chainsaw Dumbass
    12. Health Dispenser
    13. Frag Grenade
    14. Compressed Shell
    15. Freezing Grenade
    16. |E| Flaming Sword
    17. Dummy Rounds

    Utility Buffs: 13
    1. Adrenaline Run
    2. Death Bait
    3. Special First Aid
    4. High Reputation
    5. Witch Hunter
    6. Heavy Gunner
    7. |Q| Artisan
    8. |E| Knife Recycle
    9. |E| Bullet Scavenger
    10. Healing Shocks
    11. Prescription Medication
    12. Sideloader
    13. Pain Stimulant

    Economy and Exp Buffs: 5 <top>
    1. Moribund Farming
    2. Survival Payment
    3. Peanut Blessing
    4. Hunting Reward
    5. Observer

    Miscellaneous Buffs: 1
    1. Finale Dominator

    Other Buffs: 2
    1. Starting Bounty
    2. Student