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About the Weapon Configurator Item (WCIG)

Nov 3, 2021
About the Weapon Configurator Item (WCIG)
  • About the Weapon Configurator Item (WCIG V1.1)

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    The Weapon Configurator Item lets you adjust aspects of a weapon to be biased towards one or the other.

    You can access the Weapon Configurator in 3 ways:
    • By typing in the command !inv weapon to access the Weapon Configurator Item from your inventory.
    • By typing in the command !wconfig to access the Weapon Configurator directly. You can quickly access your config for your held weapon by typing in !wconfig @held instead.
    • By accessing it from !cp > Other Options > Weapon Configurator at the bottom of the menu.

    Things that are worth noting when you are weapon configuring any weapon:
    • You can use the Weapon Configurator item irrespective of gamemodes. This means that the only restriction to using it is that you cannot use the item if any tanks are currently alive.
    • You can adjust the sliders to be either biased towards damage VS fire rate and reload speed VS magazine size. This can be done in increments of +5% or -5% which will affect the values of both damage and fire rate or reload speed and magazine size depending on which statistic is affected.
    • However, you cannot have the same statistics forr damage and fire rate or reload speed and magazine size. Increasing the value of 1 statistic will lower the value of the other statistic and vice versa.
    • Each class also has a unique modifier which can be set for each weapon, not affecting the slider values.
    • Rifles: Disables laser sight, +5% fire rate, +20% ammo save on miss (Spray n' Pray)
    • SMGs: -15% reserve ammo, +5% move speed and slow resistance (Lightweight)
    • Snipers: -90% scoped move speed, no aim punch scoped (Hold your Ground)
    • Shotguns: -20% fire rate, single pellet with greatly increased range (Slug Rounds)
    • Pistols: -10% reload speed, +10% deploy/undeploy speed (Quick Draw)
    • When you turn on the randomize option for any weapon, it randomly sets the DMG/ROF/RLD/MAG values for each map, with the unique modifier special using the current setting. You gain +100% exp and +50% cash for Common/Special kills with the randomized weapon.
    • Custom Weapons ignore Weapon Configurator values as these weapons use their own config.

    The below screenshots is of the Weapon Configurator item as you see it in-game:

    How do you obtain the Weapon Configurator item? <top>
    Currently, there is only 1 way for you to obtain the Weapon Configurator Item:

    Complete the quest: Weapon Mastery - Pistol (Lv. 220) from The Gunsmith's Questline and you'll obtain it as one of the quest completion rewards. This requires you to complete 5 other quests within the questline before being able to do this quest.