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Ventrilo Server

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by EndOfTime, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. EndOfTime

    EndOfTime Member

    I was talking with Mavel yesterday and mentioned that I have a ventrilo server that MG can use. He told me that a few of you guys where asking about it, so I decided I'd donate it for MG usage.

    Instructions- Go to http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php
    and download ventrilo client for your OS

    After downloading and installing ventrilo start it up, at the top of the program there is a line for user name. Click the arrow pointing right to open the user name page. Click he new button at the top, type in your user name then hit OK at the bottom.

    Below user name is the server line. Click the arrow pointing right to open the server page. Click new and give a name to the server you are adding. (It is key that the following information must me perfect in order to connect to the ventrilo server.) Below that there is the line Hostname or IP.
    The Hostname for the server is vent2.gameservers.com

    Next is the port number 4245

    And last is the password roflmywaffle

    Don't bother with a default channel, nor anything eles on this page. Hit OK and you are good to go. Just click connect on the right side of the page. If anyone has any problem you can contact me via xfire-Faintedsound or steam.
  2. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    A ventrilo server sounds like a great idea, but would anyone use it?
    How would we get players to come and join?
  3. EndOfTime

    EndOfTime Member

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    Auto messages in our servers would help out. That and those that look at the forums will see this post. Also adding something on the steam group page will give everyone that looks at that a heads up as well.
  4. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    What is a ventrilo server and how will it help?
  5. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    Wikipedia my friend
  6. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    AWESOME!!! roflmao!!!
  7. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    I did check this out on Wikipedia and I just cant see how this differs from the chat feature we already have. Would appreciate anyone setting me straight because if it is different or better I want it.
  8. SuperBunny

    SuperBunny Guest

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    Vent (Ventrilo) is a VOIP (voice over ip) service, not all the games out there have VOIP built in, so people whould use these to talk to each othere, also haveing a voip server can mean less lag with in a game, as it keeps voice chat off the main server.

    ofcouse there are many diffrent voip hosting companys but the two leading ones are Vent & TS (team spaek)

    also it dont have to just serve as voip, it also has a built in FTP (File transefer proticol)

    but any way, why will it prove better?
    Honestly in our case we have VOIP in game, and it whould be hader for player to join vent, rather than just useing in game. but like most things it will have its up sides, who can say MG will only stay on left 4 dead ;)
  9. EndOfTime

    EndOfTime Member

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    biggest reason id like you guys to come join me in vent, is that i really haven't talked with any of you besides marvel, wolf, and vulcan on occasions. to be honest if you can't tell all ready im not a forum type of guy. I hate typing. and it would give everyone to get to know each other and so forth. to become more of friends i guess is the best way to put it.
  10. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    I can join but my mic broke a while back and im not getting a new one any time soon cause i'm short on cash. I could still join though :D
  11. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    How many slots do you have on the vent server? :D
  12. EndOfTime

    EndOfTime Member

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    At the moment 25 slots
  13. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Re: Ventrilo Server

    Interesting :)