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Team Switcher

Discussion in 'Server Questions / Issues' started by Jost, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. Jost

    Jost Game Server Moderator

    Team Switcher!
    It's getting on my nerves! and it happened again even now (so i left the game).

    There are so many players who switch to the better team by press M after mapchange, and i get swapped to the other team. That sucks!
    Is there a possibility to set "team change counter" (with M) to zero??? because !teams don't work for 1-2 minutes after mapchange, thats nice but M still works for main-positions.

    (I change the team too, sometimes, but only if there's a bot and with !teams.)

    It is sad to see, that also Top 20 players change to the better team after mapchange (-alenka- is the best example..., terrible)
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Team Switcher

    Well, you cant really stop people from changing teams.. you can only make it harder. and it happens on all servers..

    i dont know about the "m" its client side command, and server has to respond it..
  3. SuperBunny

    SuperBunny Guest

    Re: Team Switcher

    there is a 180 sec cool down on map change so no 1 can swap teams, this is an issue with the server trying to balance the teams.
  4. Jost

    Jost Game Server Moderator

    Re: Team Switcher


    The "normal" in-game change still works (with key M) until every main person loaded the game. And if u are a main, u'll get swapped maybe.
    I think you can change the change-limit of key M to zero somehow... (in a normal 4vs4 game, u can switch only once)
    So what do you think?
  5. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Team Switcher

    As i said, the "m" is client side command, and server has to respond it..

    Well of course you can mod that rule.. but its up to honorcode, if he can do that.. i got no idea is it easy or hard.

    And if you reject all team changes, it would be stupid since nobody would play on the server after that..

    Team changing is part of the game.. and admins makes sure that it dosent go into "rage team switching"
  6. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Re: Team Switcher

    M doesn't work for me... It just says I'm not allowed to change maps. However, I see people changing teams at the very end of the game, but I think that's OK. It's normal to want to be on the stronger team. But changing before everyone loads is when it crosses the line.
  7. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Re: Team Switcher

    This is a sensitive topic with me and I have some rage about it as well. "M" seems to work on L4D1 and not 2 where you must use !teams command. It would be cool if we could limit any single player to switching 3x in 24 hrs, that way you can switch but you better mean it when you do. I volunteered to switch teams today to be with my buddy "The Hood" even though it meant playing against Bonekeep, we got our asses handed to us but we stuck it out and gave them a hard time. I was glad to have the option to teamswitch because the teams were way out of balance as it was.

    I am not the best player and have asked myself on several ocassions after rage quiting to the winning team for us to then start losing if it is just because I suck. Then there are times when we are sucking and I just stick it out and we win. Don't forget that bad players also try jumping on the winning team and people ragequit the losing team leaving slots open for good players to join and it only takes 1-2 players on one side or another to make it for a team or blow it for a team. In my experience it is more satisfying to stick it out as the losers and manage to win than to play with a stacked team and somehow lose it in the end. Sh*t happens both ways.

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Re: Team Switcher

    To stop any team switching using M:(sm_cvar) "vs_max_team_switches" "0"
    Plus a !jointeam2/3 blocker should stop unlimited switches.
    Its just a matter of another root implementing the !jointeam blocker. *cough Honor cough*

    This forces the player to use !teams. Epic win.
  9. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Team Switcher

    Even I can do that ;) I removed the !jointeam commands and set max team switches to 0 so M can't be used anymore.

    Will be active on next mapchange. Both L4D1 servers.
  10. LEGEND

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Re: Team Switcher

    That is an extreme win.
  11. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Re: Team Switcher

    Awesome :)