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(PR) Gang of Devils [G?D] | Lvl 120+ only

Discussion in 'Clan Introduction & Recruitment' started by TJ, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. tank

    tank MG Donor

    welcome back all
  2. ALIN

    ALIN Banned

    Alex kick god alin.. alex noob crazy.
  3. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

  4. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I'm not gonna say that gang of devils isn't what it used to be; that would be kind of rude / haughty on my part.

    I WILL say though that when I was a member, it really MEANT SOMETHING to be in the clan... not just skilled players, but GOOD players. I didn't think I had what it took to be in the guild.

    A different clan at the time was in direct competition w/ us. You guys know who I mean. We made a daily, per-map practice of kicking their asses all over the place.

    Good memories, lots of laughs, lots of legendary players,
  5. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I ran into Tracer on a GC server a couple months ago. He seemed bitter about MG. I'm not positive, though. Maybe ask him to come play with us again?

    I'd like to see my old buddy Saczva on the servers again. :-)
  6. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    i see alot of inative players on the list? don't now if it is correct?

    but my thought on the subject and the "bring the guild back" kinda attitude in that post i made, was in reference to "things" that were floating around recently, hint hint, and i would like to see this guild at it's peak for those "things", not any reference to the guild now (just to clarify). i did not think i was good enough to be in this guild either, i would see the GOD tag on a tank and be like, shit were done!!! i suck at tank and would rather pass it, personally!

    my decision to stay guildless for the first bit, till the hype/drama went down, was my own and i think a good one. but now alot of good players are gone for what is now to come!

    i would like to see the old guilds make a comeback up the ranks! or we might have to combine forces, half GOD and half Legit and we just smash every other guild, hahaha!!!!

    don't hate!

  7. erik

    erik MG Donor

    lol true... TJ once told me that there are simply "MG Legends" that you don't delete
    over inactivity alone... liek YoYoGOD; that was the example i remembered

    may be diff now
  8. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    Yeah It would make sense since GOD and Legit have been always like "together" and were the first 2 guilds who started to care about reputation(like no rushing etc).
    But I'd say better dismiss second guild and move players from god 2 to god 1
  9. TJ

    TJ MG Donor

    There is no second guild; unfortunately there's no leader to dismiss the guild, but everyone should hopefully be in God 1. I just havent updated the first post in awhile lol.

    Yea, Alex and I tried to make sure that the most skilled and least boosted players got into the guild. No rushers (unfortunately a few slipped in lol) and vs players only. It seems like you're talking about guild wars and as usual, I'll believe it when I see it. It does suck that players are inactive but they all are frustrated just like me with the lack of improvement. Idk about Tracer, but I know YoYo told me he stopped playing because MG never changes. Oh and Legit is more dead than we are (except during those random times that Cpt Obvious decides to post "we are Legit" on the forum) so they don't even have a half to add to ours lol... Idk what will happen, but I know it's in good hands. Angel and Alex and all of you guys have been taking good care of it so no worries.

    One thing I've always said is those who leave are doing us a favor. Since I created this guild, I've realized more and more the types of people that I don't want in it (like guild-hoppers for example) and unfortunately I've made the mistake of adding them. You, abstract, and avenger were all guild hoppers and by my standards, I shouldn't have added you guys. That was my mistake. So thank you for leaving lol. As for jones, he was a great player and leader and despite what happened, out of all the players that left to go to EOP, he's the only EOP member that I don't regret adding to GOD.
  10. tank

    tank MG Donor

    some inactive players in god stopped playing L4D2, i have them on steam list ,they play other games now guys, they got bored of L4d.
  11. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    i don't think there is a second GOD, i am pretty sure everyone is on 1 guild, i am not good with this kinda stuff, why the other guild cannot be "dismissed" i am not sure.

    i did not mean officially combine GOD and Legit, but if either guild needed the numbers for a bout/war, i am sure we would get together on the same team to fight other guilds, i am in for sure!!!! i would like to see Atreyu come around more too! his followers might join him????

    i bugged Tracer for a few months to come back, he hasn't, so i do not bother him, i hope he will come back eventually! the in-actives is not my call, i see lots but don't know the real reason why they r gone? so i'll leave it at that.

    i think there has been many changes and are many more to come, people need to keep an open mind to the new changes though! i keep joining games and have to catch up on the new adjustments, Alot are in COOP though, i don't see many full vs games on the weekend at night in my timezone so i have to play COOP, it is getting crazy though!!!! i would love to play more vs if some of the people would calm down in it! everyone i see on it are pretty pro, makes for a good game but not at the expense of noob-kicking and people taking it wayyyy to seriously that it ruins the game, that is why i am on COOP more, it is just more relaxing to me. A good VS game can be epic when you get one though!!!

    i hope to start seeing more of the old folks come back,

    thanks, :W
  12. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

  13. szSteam_76561198049914430

    szSteam_76561198049914430 Last Online: 39 hrs, 42 mins ago

    Derp gods never die :o.
  14. tank

    tank MG Donor

  15. TJ

    TJ MG Donor

    I had a response, but I deleted it because I don't have anything to prove to you. This guild has proven itself already.. At the end of the day, haters gonna hate. No sense feeding trolls like you.

    PS. Google translate sucks so your response was 90% incomprehensible.
  16. TJ

    TJ MG Donor

    BTW, updated the member list finally lol. Let me know if I forgot anyone..
  17. erik

    erik MG Donor

    No sense in leaving a guild floating out there that people put money into.

    The fields that can be changed in the database are VERY particular/specific - Let me see if I can assign someoen to the guild so it can either run or be dismissed.
  18. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Nothing, I tried a couple things. I will ask the right person but they're away for a week.
  19. Cobra119

    Cobra119 Junior Member

    sorry guys but i cant join any server i always get this message from console:Invalid host version, expecting 2119, got 2120.Problem solved
  20. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Contact me when you get this; we DID find a solution for the "GOD 2 Has No Leader" issue.

    It has to be someone who (either leaves GOD and is GUILDLESS,) or isn't in any guild.

    I need their STEAM_ID. We can then fix it.
