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[PR] Abusing The AFK System

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by erik, Aug 9, 2013.

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  1. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Hi, we've already posted about this, but it is still a problem that is pissing a lot of gamers off. Some examples of abusing the afk system or spectate/slot:

    1.) Occupying a slot on a full server, and not playing for longer than a reasonable amount of time. This applies to all PR servers.

    3.) On any COOP server, sitting in spectate until the finale.

    4.) Repeatedly cycling afk spectate to avoid playing. The "afk manager" is there for a reason.

    It's not a crime to go afk or anything! The major cases like these are what we mean. Cp and Buffs can be done on any server.

    If you're going to be afk for a long time, please rejoin when you're ready to play and have fun. It's as simple as that.
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