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New MG Exclusive Feature: Anti-Rush System

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    s you may or may have not noticed, we are running an Anti-Rush system since the last couple of days. It works in a way that it gives penalties to rushers for abandoning their team. This can vary from teleport back to the saferoom, teleport to last player, exploding or kick from the server depending on the amount of rushing, the more rushing the higher the penalty will be.

    There are however, still a couple of bugs that need to be squashed. The basic system is operational but it still has to be finetuned i.e. some exceptions and checks need to be added as well as distances per map need to be tweaked in order to prevent false positives.

    The ultimate goal should be that the entire system won't be noticable by any player except the ones that are constantly rushing and don't care about teamplay. The system is fully automated so once it's finished it should really benefit most players because they can't be falsely acused anymore of rushing (and maybe even get kicked/banned for it). The system will eventually make the decision for us.

    It only works on L4D2 right now but it will be added soon on L4D1 as well and all future servers.

    Remember though It's still beta, so if u find any bugs please report them here or in our steamgroup.

    If you don't report it we can't fix it so please do! If you don't have bugs to report let us know what u think of it.