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New release info

Discussion in 'DayZ Servers' started by JorisK, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin


    Yesterday the new dayz-code arrived but there is at this moment still no official private hive release available. Current hives all run with lots of modifications to the code to make it run on the release.
    In the past Bliss (we use this private hive setup) made a private-hive package instant available when a new dayz version was released but Rocket gave up on supporting Bliss so that project came to a halt. It now has been taken over by Reality but it seems that they still need some more time to get the private hive packaging working properly with the dayz code.

    I read a lot of issues with the new code, some of them are:
    • Tents not saving
    • Vehicle repair does not save
    • Battleye kicks/bans for no reason
    • Taviana 2.0 (.com) version is not supported
    • and more...

    Once we get our hands on a proper release we will test it immediately. There could be a chance that all inventories and vehicles will be wiped as there might be no upgrade-path available.

    UPDATE 16:30 : The Chernarus server has been updated to, database info is untouched.
  2. Blackf00t

    Blackf00t Guest

    I'd better take all my antibiotics out of the tent and keep them in my backpack, as the chance of being infected by something is going to be huge after has been installed :toilet:
  3. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

    Some first impressions:

    - Loot is harder to find
    - Ammo is more scarse
    - Zombies come in much larger groups and keep on following you in larger groups. (the bigger the city, the more zombies. I've seen over 100+ zombies in one city only spawned by me...)
    - Zombies notice you faster (too fast imho)
    - More random crash sites

    To get the server more populated we are now using the same settings as the Taviana server: 3D person enabled and veteran mode. Whitelister is off at this moment.
  4. ZombieGirl

    ZombieGirl Senior Member

    Zombies can now hit you when you are in a vehicle,a friend of mine almost died when starting a chopper and wait for it to lift of.
    Also you can't log out when zombies have seen you,and they see u fast now,even in a chopper 120 meters above ground.

    Also the backpacks have lesser slots,at least the alice pack,from 20 to 16 slots :(
  5. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    This is a good improvement. Now you need to be afraid of both zombies and bandits, the way it's meant to be. Too often I watch videos of people just coasting past a horde of zombies and if getting chased they just jump on a motorcycle. No longer can we do this without getting hit. I think this is much better and gives more reason to get the glass windows for your vehicles.

    I read they now included HMMMV's in the spawns... if you get one of those, hold onto it for dear life.

    Also, the DayZ standalone is coming a long really nice with new videos and screenshots. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/
  6. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

  7. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

    Update: i updated the server with the official private hive for, and no database migration possible. That means we will have to start from scratch :)
  8. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    On Taviana? Dang, just got me a Ural with a heap of supplies too, but at least it has now, I love the new combat roll.

    PS: Can you increase the ping kick limit on Chernarus to the same limit as the Taviana server, that would be great.
  9. kasseta

    kasseta Junior Member

    whats happened with server DB? wipe? but why? O_O
  10. Warpig

    Warpig Junior Member

    I've read on the DayZ forums that the problems with non-saving tents was a server-side problem.
    Have any clue about that, Jorisk ?
  11. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

    Pig, we run the latest server version now. Tent issues should be gone.

    DayZ version is btw.
  12. Blackf00t

    Blackf00t Guest
