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Need Community Ideas for Event! (Free Stuff)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by erik, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Left4Bed

    Left4Bed Guest

    It really should be a team event, whatever it is. I can see a lot of not so friendly fire in a survival course xp.
    Maybe small prizes for the entire team, first place on the team gets first prize, then their teammates get lesser prizes, like gems, cash points, etc. It would be a great motivation to really work as a team, if everyone benefits a little, not just a single person. Otherwise it would be like Battle Royale, lol.
  2. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I like the feel /sound of this... perhaps something like a round of Scavenge?
  3. erik

    erik MG Donor

    This is a GREAT idea, as it encourages activity in our PRCO servers. Some would complain that they're lower level, i.e. no buffs or skills/upgrades to help them dash to the item but, more or less, it's a fair concept.

    My personal vote is for this one. Let's see what Collector thinks!
  4. MarksmanR

    MarksmanR MG Donor

    Last man standing in survival would likely be the biggest coward.:P

    Maybe score the players by their performance: being the best, 2nd or 3rd best in a category gets a certain amount of points.
    Player with most CI kills, SI kills, tank damage, most revivals of incapped teammates ect.
    The top 4 players with most points based on their overall performance win the event.

    edit: maybe last man/woman standing gets a bonus point.
  5. m0t0k1

    m0t0k1 Junior Member

    I got a suggestion. Since MGFTW mostly have vs players how about use that awesome mutation vs survival and create a tournament with it in Left 4 dead 2. With the mg plugins VI style. players need to form teams of 4 and join a competion. best survival map is Dead Centre or the bridge from the parish. players play 2 rounds once as Survivors and Once as Infected to kill the survivors. The one who has the best survivor time advances to the next round. until there are 4 players left (1 team) those win the prices. if you want to make the competition longer. both players can vote a map to play and if it is a draw you do a random map like best out of 3 instead of just 1 round.
  6. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    Maybe Luke can shine some light on this if its possible :)
  7. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I think that's a great idea. The fact of the matter is, you extended a VERY generous hand in this, that day in Teamspeak when you said you'd sponsor a competition for 4 copies.

    I was simply raised to "never ignore another person's courtesy." And, in that right, ppl. are overlooking an opportunity for something they'd love to have.

    Whatever it takes, I'll be happy to help or kick things off.
  8. Left4Bed

    Left4Bed Guest

    I dunno if you are still taking suggestions, and this is probably the wrong place to post this, but:

    I really think there is a need for a vs. server for lower levels, under fifty.
    Recently the lower levels have really been increasing, and not all of them are good at working with others. I don't mean passing tanks and spitters which is up to them, I mean in general, letting other higher level people heal incapped, or waiting for one person to do a group heal instead of running back and forth out of the safe room healing people as they arrive in order to get the bounty and using up all the kits, that kind of thing. Basically ignoring things that other people tell them, because they know better lol.

    On the other hand, despite being protected by the higher levels who hang in the back to help them, they get slaughtered pretty easily, usually taking down their protectors right along with them. I know you can say this is a part of teamwork, and that's fine, but I'd get really discouraged if every time I join a server I'm getting decimated in seconds after leaving the saferoom.

    There are always one or two servers that are empty. Why not take them once in a while and sponsor a below level fifty vs. event? It would give them competition against others on their level which would be more fun for them, and not let it be some kind of picnic for higher levels (myself included, lol)