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Monthly Awards

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by {BA} L., Jan 19, 2011.

  1. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest

    I was thinking, perhaps a cool idea would be a kind of award, similar to the daily ones we have now, but that would be more significant as they are spread over 28 days.

    Ideas: Most kills, most kills as hunter, charger, boomer etc. Most karma charges. Most Karma slaps. Best clan. Most kills with certain weapons. Most MG stats points. Most Deaths. Most suicides. Most revives.

    Also, it'd be good if the stats could be divisible by hours played, so that you get a good idea of points against time. Then, as opposed to being just who spent the most time on, you could see what players are best in small amounts of time as opposed to days on end. Obviously you'd need a cut off, so that those who only played 3 hours in a month aren't counted, due to how they could have just had a few lucky rounds. So the stat would look basically be "average points per hour"

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Re: Monthly Awards

    This'll take some amount of PHP coding. I don't know if HLstatsX can take it xD
  3. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Re: Monthly Awards

    Might be a good way to catch cheaters and exploiters. :mrgreen:
  4. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    Re: Monthly Awards

    You know who the cheaters and exploiters are by the fact they're high ranked on the HLX with less than a weeks connection time.
  5. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Monthly Awards

    Come on we have so much stats already, and now you want monthly awards? En then next yearly awards? :D
  6. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Re: Monthly Awards

    Here's one way to do it:
    1. Find the relevant function call in HLstatsX for daily awards
    2. Store all the relevant daily awards (ie. most killed, most charged, most jumped-- anything cool) in a SQL table and edit/append the database as needed.
    3. At the end of each month (on the 1st, 12:00 am), call a function to add up the values and create a 2nd database listing the award winners. Clear the first database and start all over again.

    It's not that hard to program (depending on how HLstatsX is organized that is) :)