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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by EndOfTime, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. EndOfTime

    EndOfTime Member


    Man it sucks to not have a computer to play games on. Got so board I found the above link as something to pass my time.

    Just stopping in to say I hope you all are having a good holiday season.
  2. Bonekeep

    Bonekeep Guest

    Re: MiniCity

    Yo EndofTime. Seems like forever since you've been on. Any idea when you'll be back?

    Happy holidays to you too!
  3. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: MiniCity

    There is a temporaly solution to play L4D or L4D2 without graphic cards.. However you must use minium graphics unless you have a super processor.. What you are going to need, is a virtual graphic card.. (And yes, it works and it works well without huge lag..)

    Check these articles out..

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Re: MiniCity

    With this software people can just play games without having to buy high-end cards...

    Would crash my system though, I only have 3.2GHz processor. :?
  5. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: MiniCity

    Yeah,for example, with 2.50+ Ghz quad core processor, you could load for example: Nvidia 9600 GT virtually, and play any game without getting lag..
  6. EndOfTime

    EndOfTime Member

    Re: MiniCity

    I've got no idea how long its going to take to get back in action. Looking at buying a car this spring. Then a new laptop. Been looking around at what I may want to get. But chances are when I do get a new computer its going to cost me a pretty penny. When it comes to technology I always aim to buy whats best at the time. So I'm looking at spending maybe 3 grand on a new laptop. Maybe more. Go big or don't go at all, I say.
  7. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: MiniCity

    untill that, you could try an emulator if you get bored :P
  8. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Re: MiniCity

    Man, that must suck. I can't live for a day without my buddy PC over here xD

    Buying high-end models usually mean spending more than $900... Those "high end" models eventually become antiques and you'd be paying another 1000 bucks to replace it. What I do is stay in the middle which still works :) Except only this Christmas my mom gifted me an i7 and my dad a AMD Phenom II X6...