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mgftw.com DayZ server (50 slots Amsterdam)

Discussion in 'DayZ Servers' started by marvel, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    where did you order it? We could use a US based one.

    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  2. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    ya but then the US one will be dutch ping?
  3. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    Second server in the US.. that could allow me to play cos my ping will be lower.
  4. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    it will still be dutch pings if i would do that :P or marvel needs to rent a new server in US :P
  5. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    What is the high ping kick set too on the NL 20 server? I can get under 320ms to it, but it still kicked me for high ping of 312ms.

    With so few people online at this time (only 4 people online), I'm sure I could get away with playing with a higher ping.

    Please consider a 350ms kick setting.


  6. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    i will set NL 20 to max 350 ping then
  7. kira

    kira Junior Member

    The problem is, i think everytime server restarts, it goes back to normal low ms kick... =S
  8. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    I joined last night (my time) and ran around for an hour. Not once did I desync :D

    That is the only draw back though, that it has to be manually changed each time it resets. Just don't understand why the devs won't allow a simple little script that changes the cfg back to what you want on restart of server. This is why some servers tend to go private, because the devs are too hard nosed about servers.
  9. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    No NL20 is on 350 now, always.
  10. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    That's awesome, thanks heaps!
  11. MrFiveO

    MrFiveO MG Donor

    Hey everyone,

    Im new to the dayz mod, always play l4d2 at the VI EU server but now i want to give this is try as well..
    was wondering if there anyone who feels like teaming up sometimes or such..

    can add me on steam, [email protected]

    take care!
  12. kira

    kira Junior Member

    U can tag up with kringles and me, we mostly play @night, we are trying to grow up as a group :), do you have a working mic by any chances?
  13. MrFiveO

    MrFiveO MG Donor

    Yeah I do, but at night is not gonna work for me atm cuse I have night shifts haha
  14. kira

    kira Junior Member

    Lol its k, im on vacations atm, i can still join u
  15. kringles

    kringles Junior Member

    We're starting an army, son.
  16. kira

    kira Junior Member

    Found an M249 ;) now we can run like rambo
  17. MrFiveO

    MrFiveO MG Donor

    Hmm weird.. I had to update six launcher this morning and ever since when i try to join the server it keeps freezing
    at "wait for host" but meanwhile it seems like I'm already in the server because i see server msg's and msg's about
    people dying :S
  18. kira

    kira Junior Member

    Try downgrading your beta, i bet u have the newest one and that one might be fucked...
  19. MrFiveO

    MrFiveO MG Donor

    Thanks for the info, but after a while it just worked.. dont know what caused it. anyway, just died again cuse someone felt like shooting at me inside a supermarket.. tho, i had a shotgun and killed him but ended up bleeding to death yay. shame people dont have some common sense and justlook the other way instead of now that we both die xD.
  20. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Just looking at the date one the last post 07.18.2012 and im wondering if mg is still running the Day Z servers and
    if so what patch is it now on?

    Thanks :)