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Map Voting Suggestion

Discussion in '[L4D2] Points Reloaded' started by TastyFish, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. TastyFish

    TastyFish Member

    I think it's easier explaining my suggestion with this method:

    Five people use votemap
    Player 1 votes Dead Air
    Player 2 votes Passing
    Player 3 votes Cold Stream
    Player 4 votes No Mercy
    Player 5 votes Dark Carnival

    One vote for each map...yet No Mercy wins the vote. I understand if only one person votes a map then it will change to that map...HOWEVER, I don't understand when you have 1 vote for multiple maps that the server switches to the map that is highest up on the votemap list.

    Is there a way where if you have a situation with multiple 1 vote maps that it can pick one randomized or based on who votes first?
  2. dT_Tb

    dT_Tb Member

    In order to change the campaign "based on who votes first" we can have a quick fix

    I assume we are using ACS.
    Find SetTheCurrentVoteWinner() method,
    After the following loop:
    for(iMap = 0; iMap < iNumberOfMaps; iMap++)

    Add the following content:
    if(bSomeoneHasVoted == true && iMapVotes[iOldWinningMapIndex] == g_iWinningMapVotes)
      g_iWinningMapIndex = iOldWinningMapIndex;
    If we are going to "pick one randomized"
    we might have to save all winning results to an array and pick one in CheckMapForChange()

    Just my thoughts, hope it will help :)