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Man eats another man's face before cops shoot him again and again....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Warmonger, May 27, 2012.

  1. REN

    REN Junior Member

    Woop. Looks like Florida is the first to go.
  2. Warmonger

    Warmonger Senior Member

    Man eats dog after taking synthetic pot

    So this is not connected to "bath salts"

    But why would a drug that might make you hallucinate, make you want to a eat a furry animal?

    I would assume this wasn't the first time he took K2

    Also, side note, a woman recently took bath salts and she said it made her want to kill and eat someone...

    Seems to me there should be concern that someone might want to release this drug in mass, such as in water supply or
    chemtrails, or big event, like Olympics...


    Michael Daniel of Waco, Texas, was charged on Monday for an incident earlier this month in which he allegedly got down
  3. Warmonger

    Warmonger Senior Member

    Autopsy done on Rudy Eugene


    Now I know people get the munchies but come on...
    Something is missing here. No way did a guy do this because of Marijuana...


    It wasn't bath salts.
    According to a statement on the full toxicology report by the Miami-Dade medical examiner, the only drug detected in the lifeless body of infamous Miami face-chewer Rudy Eugene was marijuana.
    "The department's toxicology laboratory has identified the active components of marijuana," medical examiner Dr. Bruce Hyma said in a statement. "The laboratory has tested for but not detected any other street drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs...This includes cocaine, LSD, amphetamines (Extasy, Meth and others), phencyclidine (PCP or Angel Dust), heroin, oxycodone, Xanax, synthetic marijuana (Spice), and many other similar compounds."
    A second forensic toxicology lab also confirmed the absence of the most common ingredients of bath salts, a synthetic amphetamine cocktail blamed in several recent incidents that bear some similarity to Eugene's attack.
    "Within the limits of current technology by both laboratories," the statement read, "marijuana is the only drug identified in the body of Mr. Rudy Eugene."
    The statement did not address previously reported autopsy findings of what appeared to be undigested pills in Eugene's stomach, and an expert told the Associate Press marijuana alone was not likely to cause such an attack

  4. TJ

    TJ MG Donor

  5. REN

    REN Junior Member

    Uh oh. Maybe the 21 December 2012 world zombie invasion is slowly starting. Started here in the west and is moving east. Everyone go stock up on shotguns, first aid kits and pain killers.

    Also: No way does marijuana make you eat people. These people probably had some hidden mental issues. I "know" people that smoke and the worst thing they ate was a month old pizza slice they found under the bed that had some ants on it.

    LEGEND Senior Member

    I am intrigued.

    Why are there so many isolated incidents of this?
  7. Warmonger

    Warmonger Senior Member


    A 'zombie cannibal' was tasered by police after he charged at them wielding a golf club.
    Karl Laventure, 21, was believed to be high on bath salts when he tried to attack the officers in Lilburn, Georgia.

    And after they had managed to subdue him he began threatening to eat them.
    Laventure appeared out of some woods and was seen running naked around a golf range near Atlanta, swinging a club around his head and screaming.

    Police said that it took several officers to subdue the man who had 'super-human strength'.

    'He came running at us out of the woodline,' officer Ross Hancock told local station WSBTV.
    At first, they tried using pepper spray to stop him, but that left him undeterred.

    'He didn't even wipe his eyes, he just kept them open,' Mr Hancock said of the pepper spray.

    They then turned to their Tasers and though that momentarily shocked Laventure to the ground, it did not stop him.

    We had to Tase him approximately five more times on scene to get him down. It took several officers to hold him down to get him cuffed,' Mr Hancock told the station. A video clip of the June 14 arrest shows Laventure lying face down on the ground, shirtless, mumbling seemingly disconnected thoughts and threatening to eat the faces of the officers.

    Among other things he said "I'm'a eat you. I'll eat you, I don't want to eat you but I will,"' one witness told Fox News.

    Though they controlled him enough to force him to a nearby hospital, he attacked one of the nurses on the scene and another fight ensued.

    His behavior is being blamed on the use of the synthetic drug called bath salts, which was also linked to previous violent outbursts throughout the country.

    'I've never had to encounter somebody who acted like this before, so there's no telling what they may do when they are high on this drug,' Mr Hancock said.
    There have been a number of 'cannibal' incidents linked to bath salts in recent weeks.
    Bath salts, a synthetic amphetamine cocktail known as 'the new LSD', was the believed drug of choice for Rudy Eugene, who he chewed off homeless man Ronald Poppo's face in Miami in May.
    While a man in Louisiana, Carl Jacquneaux, was arrested when he bit off a piece of his neighbour's cheek, which a friend blamed on bath salts.
  8. Warmonger

    Warmonger Senior Member

  9. Warmonger

    Warmonger Senior Member

  10. Warmonger

    Warmonger Senior Member

    maybe the Main Stream Media (MSM) wants to keep these ideas floating in peoples heads.

    Not sure how any drug could make you do these things.

    Maybe the drugs are cover stories.

    Is this a case (some) of human rabies?

    Reading about rabies, I learned that when the weather is different (high heat), there are more incidences in history of rabies attacks. Also I did not know that animals with rabies have a high fever and the sweat on an animals coat can have the rabies virus. So someone could get rabies from petting a dog and never to have been bitten by animal. This might explain why some of them have gotten naked.

    However, if it was rabies then these people's victims would have the virus. I find it weird that the homeless guy from the op story has not had more media coverage so we can know his side of the story. That might help.

    Other ideas are that this is something mental and not physical. There are several ways to make someone turn to violent, cannibalistic "zombies". Mind control is a possibility. The freedom information act in USA revealed CIA mind control experiments since WW2. These people might have been triggered. This is common for assassinations.

    Another option is a disruption in the mental process through electromagnetic energy. A change in the brain's frequency can alter your state of mind.
  11. Warmonger

    Warmonger Senior Member

  12. erik

    erik MG Donor

  13. REN

    REN Junior Member

    Well you know April showers bring May zombies.

    Oh wait, I don't think that's how it went...
  14. Larrikin

    Larrikin MG Donor

  15. Warmonger

    Warmonger Senior Member

    [h=1]Naked man arrested after rampage, attack in St. Augustine[/h]

    Read more at Jacksonville.com: http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/...ter-rampage-attack-st-augustine#ixzz20SI9SXnO

    Florida again. No word on drugs or bath salts.

    NAKED again (is this rabies or a virus or just a heat wave)

    It took five officers with two sets of handcuffs, leg shackles, a spit-prevention hood and Taser strikes to control Haughee, police said. Three officers were kicked, hit or bitten during the arrest. Haughee was taken to Flagler Hospital and anesthetized to calm him down, then jailed.
  16. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I think this is some form of a Pulic Service Announcement for personal hygiene.