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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Carl Weathers, Jan 12, 2011.

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  1. Carl Weathers

    Carl Weathers Member

    Since the server has added !teams modification the amount of winning team joining going on has got ridiculous. Id rather have the old "lock" back , ok sometimes you'd change teams during a map load but id rather have that than !JOIN TEAM WIN .

    Heck I even saw an mg admin do it earlier but was told he just wanted to play with his friend. What kind of example is that settting ?

  2. PepsiDay

    PepsiDay Guest


    If there's 10vs10, u can use swap team with some1 else. There's less chance if u want to swap with some1 from winning team (winners won't change team to losers), so u should change team with some1 from loosing team, i'm sure he will be happy 8-)

    LEGEND Senior Member


    So you want us to remove !jointeam then?

    What about max team switch 10?
  4. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member


    Huh? whats wrong with someone wanting to play with his friend? :)

    Also, theres a possiblity that he just wanted to test the new command.. He just changed team once :D (like 98% of the server's players have done) It's different than constantly trying to rage switch teams..

    LEGEND Senior Member


    It's wrong because everyone can use that as an excuse then.

    If an admin switches team for his friend then what's to stop anyone from doing it? I personally, don't switch team for anyone unless I HAVE to because of persistent nagging - even then, people respect my switch because I waited for a spot to open AFTER several maps, which shows that I help both teams, I'm a real team player 8-) <--cool face.

    No but seriously, too many times I have seen excuses being used left, right and centre. The damn !teams command is getting abused because of constant spam :?
    The thing is, we can't solve this problem because people want to be able to switch for various reasons. We can't just take it away... Actually, we can...

    I propose a trial: Take away !teams command and the ability to switch teams globally for a day.
  6. PepsiDay

    PepsiDay Guest


    HEY! Mayby do something what will disable teamchanging if there is no friend in opposite team!

    LEGEND Senior Member


    Bang! Wouldn't work because a guy can have over 150 friends and one friend can be on the other team, for like, ever making unlimited team switches possible.
  8. Carl Weathers

    Carl Weathers Member


    I really think you should as its also causing the server of 20 players to empty rather fast once all the regulars have got onto the same side and started owning the newcomers that are on. Does not take long for a 10v10 to become a 10 v 3 after the rages and swaps , we never had this problem before !teams was implemented.

    Also any news on !vote team scramble ?

    LEGEND Senior Member


    Nope, I just thought of something, people will just reconnect and hope they get onto the other team. So its useless removing !teams :(

    On the other hand, Honor is looking into !votescramble - should be ready by the end of the week.
  10. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator


    I want to play, but right now there is a total of 1 person playing between all the servers and he is in Viscious Infected, what the heck is going on here.

    On another note I am pretty ticked as always about this team switching bunk. I don't know what we can do about it but I don't think team scramble at the start of every round is the answer. It seems that would be more frustrating than people jumping teams all the time. At this point I am willing to try anything and hope it all works out but tonight is evidence we are losing players and I just can't stand the thought of it.
  11. Bonekeep

    Bonekeep Guest


    Don't think there's any simple solution to keeping teams even. Any attempt to force players to play on teams they don't want to is as likely to drive them away as is having the excessive team switching that goes on regularly. You can learn a lot by watching another team kick your ass... far more than you will by joining a good team that will hide your deficiencies as a player. But most noobs and below average players just dont get it (and most likely never will).

    Today I joined on the team getting it's ass handed to it just as a few other regulars joined and in spite of being down 1200 with two maps to go, we won pretty easily. It's just a matter of letting the server develop a good rotation of regular players that understand how to play. Seems to me that the lower number of players on the USA servers is directly linked to the HDD fail and subsequent server changes from last week and it wont be long before they're back up to full capacity.

    So in conclusion, I say this:

    1. Crappy players (not referring to OP or anyone on this thread) should get better friends to come play with them on MG servers.
    2. Team scrambles after the start of new campaigns blow and wont solve the problem of team switching.
    3. Vulcan should get to play in a full server whenever he wants dammit!

  12. LEGEND

    LEGEND Senior Member


    I just think it would be better to leave everything as it is and just input a !votescramble. Problem solved.
  13. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member


    well lets try !votescramble and see how it gos
  14. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member


    I was thinking: Instead of restricting players from switching at the start of the round 2 mins, i think it would be better to just restrict until everyone has loaded the game. But i think !votescramble would be great.

    When i arrive home, im always writing stuff to improve the servers. It took me some time to write the new donor features and at the end of the day, im tired and just want to play a good game. But, everyday the story is the same. I join the USA server to play and i normally find nine or bonekeep playing on it, then the regulars join to play too. A campaign ends and we want to play together, cuz is fun and i mean, i've been all day joining horrible teams (EU servers) or just coding or fking toasting myself with this hot, and i just want to finally, have some fun xD. Well, the result: regulars stick to one team, and the other team fills with newbies, ragers, rushers or just "WTF" people and at the end of the campaign we finish with one team full, and the other team empty or with 3 players (Normally 10v3) .

    Ill activate the !votescramble and !scrambleteams commands and disable auto-scramble on the campaign. This on L4D2 because i must find a solution first for l4d1.

    I've noticed that our servers are really really less popular recenlty, im not sure what to do to please everyone, i dont know what to code to bring players back, i dont know what to fix, add, replace, rewrite to be popular again.

    I wrote the achievements, the donor system, the !teams command just because players requested them, and about teams they were tired of the team swithing. But they are NEVER happy. Is impossible to write/add/replace/fix something and please all our players, because they always want it either out again, or want more. I am seriously stressed right now because whatever i do, is taken down by the own players that request it. Even if i add the !votescramble command im sure that it wont success and people will start to complain and others will be like "WTF, why did teams scramble? FCK THIS /rage".

    Anyway, ill do those changes to !teams, and add the vote scramble command. But i think the solution would be to delete !teams command, enable 99999 switches and make it as it was before. Just saying.
  15. Carl Weathers

    Carl Weathers Member


    I believe that is the best solution , if it a'int broke don't fix it as they say and the servers were way more busier before !teams was added. Surely not a coincidence ?
  16. {BA} L.

    {BA} L. Guest


    So you seriously want to stop people playing on the same side as their friends?
    Where's the logic in that? All it will serve to do is make it less fun for those of us who have bothered to befriend people on here, and built up relationships both in and out of the game. If you're seriously willing to disallow people from playing in a social manner, then a lot of people are going to leave these servers, myself included.

    In case you didn't get it, I'm the admin Carl is talking about, and you can be damn sure I'd change teams many times more to play with those I want to play with, whether that be on the winning or losing side.
  17. LEGEND

    LEGEND Senior Member


    Calm down, we aint removing shit.

    We installed a !votescramble and force scramble option for admins on L4D2. So your covered. We're just making it better.
  18. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator


    This is really a hard egg to scramble and we need to cut the root admins like Honorcode some slack who are busting their balls trying to find a compromise that pleases everyone. When there is no way to please everyone. I have done my fair share of pissing and moaning about the situation and have come to realise if it aint broke dont fix it. For me I have decided to impose a 10 min ban for players I feel jumped not to be with friends but just to be on the winning team, especially good players who are needed.

    As far as playing with friends, The Hood has been my best friend for over 35 years and we have just as much fun puking, spitting, charging and shooting each other as when we are on the same team. I love playing with Bonekeep, Honorcode, Legend, Joker and Youngblood as well but when we wind up on opposite sides it is still fun as long as the team I am on is participating in teamwork, even if we are losing badly.

    However sometimes the team I am on has no concept of teamwork and are just a bunch of rushers or slackers who deserve what they get and I like the option of joining the other team in extreme circumstances. After much pondering I do beleive the best thing to do is to leave the option open and I admit I was a primary strong proponent to shut it down. I think the best thing to do is to leave it to admin discretion to discipline those who abuse the option.
  19. Carl Weathers

    Carl Weathers Member


    How you even got to be an admin ill never know. Your attitude is really poor , you always blame other players if u die and as soon as u do die out come the threats to kick ban players. You kicked 3 players last night because they "rushed" (said players actually won the round for their team) and youd rather play a one sided game as long as its with your "friend".

    Thats before i even mention you harassing me in game because i made this thread , laughable.

    If you left i dont think anyone would be bothered.
  20. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member


    This thread is really going off-topic.

    I should close, yes :/.
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