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iPad 3 (the new iPad)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chocobo, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. evilpaul

    evilpaul <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Apple Zombies

  2. evilpaul

    evilpaul <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Zombies Love Apples

  3. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Lol I just found this, could they get any more serious

  4. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

  5. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member


    Can't agree more. I never bought anything with an Apple logo on it, not even a cable for a couple of bucks. I hate that company.

    If they payed me 1000 euros to use an iphone 4s and ipad 3 for a year long I wouldn't do it, that's how much I hate Apple ;)

    I did follow the news on the ipad 3 though, and it surprised me that it's heavier and thicker. You can see that Steve Jobs is gone now because I doubt he would ever allow that to happen.

    The screen resolution is great though, but I want that for my monitors and not for a tablet.
  6. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Yesterday I went and purchased a wireless keyboard from the Apple store to use with my iPhone so I can write essays and crap without dragging my laptop around.
  7. Ping

    Ping Guest

    Not sure if this is a serious... or a troll..
  8. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    Hes serious saddly.
  9. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Only usable product from them so far.


    If you happen to have apple shaped ass..