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I need to vent!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vitafit, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. Vitafit

    Vitafit MG Donor

    Lol yeah, a cleaning whore, that's exactly how I feel a lot of the times at work. But the thing is, I don't really have a job description. In my case it's not that I enjoy my work so much I'm gonna put so much effort into making this job work. I'm just gonna quit. Least trouble. Also that way I don't create a conflict between my employers and me. Because I got to know all of them and the family and there's this weird relationship between us. Like boss/friends kinda thing. As people, I like them. As bosses, they are, like Vulcan said, bipolar people.

    I started looking for other jobs to be honest and I found a cool and young clothing store which I called for an interview. I'm going to that interview tomorrow and I have a good feeling about it. I do stay realistic though cuz I know it's not for sure yet. But I'm very excited. Could be this coming weekend will be my last weekend working at my current job. If the clothing store would ask me to begin immediatly I'd do it.

    I lol'ed so hard at Vulcan's story. Didn't know if that was your intention but it really cheered me up.
  2. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    I've played l4d2 with Marvel three times ,Honorcode twice, and Collector once Your the one to speak of l4d2 time chris lol.

    To Vitafit, Working in a restaurant sucks i know for almost 3 years of experience. My boss and his son did allot of the same crap to me but I ended up managing the place. The people that work under me are idiots plain and simple. You have to do whats best for yourself though I hope the Clothing store will work out for you. You will do a wonderful job at it and your old bosses will be saddened because they know they lost their best employe.

    In the famous words of Rob Schneider in the Water Boy movie as Townie " YOU CAN DO IT!"
  3. erik

    erik MG Donor

    What a tortured little world your boss must live in... as-if when he's not at work, he's chained to a radiator in his bedroom. lol.

    Your malaise... lol... it made the description "tres magnifique!"
  4. erik

    erik MG Donor


    I used to make a living on helping people dialogue things through and rationally come to conclusions.

    However, with all that aside; you've gotten some nice advice here.

    I think it's cool you felt safe on MG just unloading to the community.

    For what it's worth, I'll always have a spot for your in PR-VS, and buy you an AK-47 if you join late. lol.

  5. Vitafit

    Vitafit MG Donor


    You guys have been so supportive and nice when I went through the whole work-drama. Well I've got some news for you. I've been looking around for work shortly after that and I actually had to be disappointed. Thing is I was 1 hour too late for the job because another girl went there before me and got the job. Anyway, it was a HUGE disappointment because I knew it was my own fault, I was planning on going earlier but I slacked as usual so I got the job taken away from me under my nose. After that disappointment I kinda gave up a little bit, I looked around elsewhere reluctantly and thought I'd just wait it out until I get more info on my studies.

    To my big surprise, the store called my a few days back informing me they were in need of an employee. So next day already I went there for the interview. I was a bit nervous, but less than last time. I kept thinking I shouldn't be euphoric to prevent another disappointment. So I kept it cool. Afterwards they told me they would call me back but that was yesterday. I was anxious all evening but they didn't call me. So I waited this afternoon and still no phone-call. So.. I decided to call them myself in case they'd call me this evening I wouldn't be able to pick up the phone because it's gonna be very busy at my current job. No one answered. Five minutes later she called me again and said she was gonna call this evening or sooner or later but she was just too busy. She would also call me Monday to settle the contract and more about the job etc. So in other words, THE JOB IS MINE!!

    I was hoping I would get it but I kept thinking it wouldn't be the worst thing if I didn't got it so I pushed myself to think I wouldn't get it. But secretly I still thought I'd get it. Haha. Get it? So now I got it.
    It's such a lovely store. I'm sure you've heard of the brand before: SuperDry. I've noticed for about a year more and more people are wearing that kind of brand. It's young and trendy. It's perfect. It's located in this beautiful new-built chic neighbourhood and it's only 15 minutes away with public transport.

    AAAHHH! So excited. The week after next week I can start there! I'll be kind of a salesman. Kind of.. That's what they call the job description. They don't have a problem with me not having any experience in that branch. But I think I'm quite fashionable, aren't I? This suits my studies so well to: Public Relations. It's a beginning. :)


    So I don't know the story of the other girl who first beat me to it before. But I was furious and so disappointed when I saw she got it. I entered the store and referred to the job vacancy or whatever it is called in English. I saw the lady behind the register was dealing with some people but she did look at me. I thought they were plain customers but it was her new colleague she said.

    So It was clear the job was taken. I went outside and cursed to myself. I thought all bad things to myself. I, a twenty-something year old who doesn't live with her parents anymore who pays bills and is responsible for a small household. Or that girl who had her mother drive her over to the store and needed her to stay to take the job interview. Big chance she still lives at home. SHE got the job. I was infuriated. But mostly by myself. I thought it wasn't fair that a Miss Not-a-single-worry-in-life got chosen before I even get a chance. I disliked her before I even laid my eyes on her more than 10 seconds.

    I told myself to get a grip and went back to the store after waiting a few minutes and told the store manager I just wanted to leave my phone number in case something was about to change. She actually took the time to take a job interview along with my number. But she said she promised the other girl she could start working so she had to give her a chance first. I understand.

    But now I realize going back inside was the best I could have done in that case. Now the other girl is probably either fired or she quit. I don't know what did happen to her. It does make me curious about it. Maybe in time I can ask about it. :)
  6. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator

    Good for you; you really deserve it. Hope you have a good time working there ;)
  7. Phobia

    Phobia Guest

    Congrats :D
  8. erik

    erik MG Donor

    maybe the wrong place to say it but wee, your siggy is so boss
  9. erik

    erik MG Donor

    67% happy with their current job?

  10. Vitafit

    Vitafit MG Donor

    I accidentally put multiple choice u_u