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Helms Deep Reborn & Suicide Blitz 2 Weekend!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Nort

    Nort Junior Member

    [​IMG] Originally Posted by Nort [​IMG]
    just wanted to also say thanks to the mgftw crew for letting us play helms deep, i myself managed to play on there for a total of 3 hours over a period of 2 days, after an hour i leave the server to make room for another player, i do however think it FUCKING stinks when you see players having been on the server for more than 4hours without a break, or making room for someone else to enjoy the event, how about next time you program it so it registers and notes the time spent on the helms deep server and once you have run up so many hours you get autokicked and made unable to join the server again untill next helms deep event is given, something needs be done about this issue, its not fair on players who never get a chance, or have to sit there waiting for hours for an open slot, you tend to always see the same people in the server clocking up hours & hours every single day, its selfish, its greedy, its unfair, but hey, maybe L4D2 is dying. im about ready to move on myself
    [​IMG] marvel
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    First you thank us, next you start ranting for the rest of your post and at the end L4D2 is dead and you're ready to move on :D

    Anyway there will always be players with more time than others, being able to play all day. Should we just block their access because it's not fair they got so much time? I think you're taking this way too serious, it's just a game. Nobody asks you to leave after 1 hour to make room for somebody else.

    Yes i thanked mgftw, yes i ranted on about the farmers soaking up all the event, yes no-1 asked me to leave after an hour, i did that on my own, why? because im a nice guy, & sympathize with others unable to join the server due to a select few who run up 8-10hours+ without a break from the server, Yes i said im ABOUT ready to move on, that means im losing interest, meaning i probably wont play as much now and eventually will stop completely UNLESS mgftw somehow manages to revitalize the game. ie: increase in lvl cap, new skills for infected plus survivors. heres a couple of the top of my head= just like para tank buff, how about a shaman buff or knight tank buff sold through your store? but as said in another thread post of mine, remove the para/shaman/knight tanks ability to regenerate there halth or heal using bounty. what for survivors hmmm, how about another weapon slot, so survivors can have both melee and veteran pistols equiped at same time?

    But also in regards to me saying "im ABOUT ready to move on myself"

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Join DateNov 2011Posts42

    We should also consider and be prepared for the worst. What if L4D2 is simply dying? It's not just our servers that are getting empty. It's global in size. However, as of right now, there are a lot of people on, so I cannot really use any mathematics to predict any outcome. Marv, you have any statistical data?

    Perhaps his right? maybe it is time to prepare for the worst, how could this modded L4D2 server possibly best itself with what its already done?
  2. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    You should have used the "quote" feature for that Nort and that would have made much more sense in reading.
  3. Striker

    Striker MG Donor

    The most important thing here is that regardless of farming I just love playing HD with my PR upgrades. It's ridiculous amounts of fun. So take out Shamans. Take out all PR exp and points as far as I care, just leave me my upgrades and bounty and it's fun enough.

    If that's impossible just disabling shaman's rewards should do the trick as noone will be able to farm for gems and ESs...

    Just find a way and bring back HD, farming isn't the only reason it's full all the time :)
  4. Striker

    Striker MG Donor

    Is the store supposed to be disabled in EU HD? We can't buy anything using bounty and it just makes things ridiculous when facing 2 para tanks and 2 normal ones.....
  5. Left4Bed

    Left4Bed Guest

    You can't crawl either. It's insane lol.
  6. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    You can. Only on one of the LA server which was hardly used by people did not have crawling. EU and other LA servers were fine.
  7. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    Paranoia and normal tanks were no problem for us on LA server. I even teleported the tanks inside to tower where 2/3 tanks would teleport and we still did not have any problem. Maybe because there were high levels on LA HD whereas EU HD had few low levels too and someone left EU HD and joined LA HD for this reason.
  8. Striker

    Striker MG Donor

    Yeah we had a shortage of high lvls in EU HD and I was actually the highest lvl in there (I'm only lvl 163...) but it takes a lot of fun out of the game when you can't buy anything :(
  9. ?

    ? Guest

    I know what you mean but it's way to easy with buy menu and even 3-4 paranoias at one time can be killed without much difficulty with other high levels.
  10. Ami-Lilian

    Ami-Lilian MG Donor

    HD Is pretty much dead right now without a buy menu, and the bugs. x_x, and fact that now its seems beyond too easy.
  11. Left4Bed

    Left4Bed Guest

    It wasn't dead this morning. I think you have to consider it's Christmas day, lol.
  12. -GothaX-

    -GothaX- Member

    I got on the EU HD server, and 12 people were 100 + lvl, i think 3 of them 200 +, and 3 people (including me) were above level 70, with one guy lvl 30.
    We failed to kill the shaman, and paras were still a big trouble for us. No defs anywhere :/
    One guy said that they failed 4 times to kill the shaman before (with all the high lvls)

    So yeah... Either make more defs around the map or enable the buy menu with higher bounty cost for defs, medkits and molos
  13. ?

    ? Guest

    Since HD was a Christmas special weekend event, it may not be up for too long. How much bounty would you recommend to buy defibs with negotiator? The problem is, with paranoias or normal tanks or even shamans, when people get incapped then other survivors keep reviving them which generates alot of bounty in the region of 250-400 so even if everyone had 200 bounty and the defib bounty was increased to 50 (with negotiator), that would mean every survivor will be able to buy around 4 defibs. Let's say 10/16 people have negotiator because most of them are high levels and they buy 4 defibs each, then that is total of 40 defibs in one round of HD.

    That's just an example of defibs and about med kits, well one person could buy a med kit and tell everyone to gather around him for a team heal so everyone would get healed as well so people will have loads of defibs and healing shouldn't be that big of a problem. You have to remember that the buy system was disabled to stop all the exp, gems, ES and points farming and by just playing alone on HD, you get a lot of XP.
  14. soulcatcher2000

    soulcatcher2000 MG Donor

    Im having the same problem i haven't been able to get on the server either keeps crashing to desktop
  15. Striker

    Striker MG Donor

    Raised your numbers are waaaay off... A high lvl player might be able to get 400 bounty if he's the only high lvl out there ( and yesterday that's exactly what happened to me) but in a normal game where you 3-6 high lvls that bounty is spread between them, I normally get a hell of a lot less than that and while I agree 15 bounty for a defib is a bit low 50 would make it possible to buy maybe 3-4 defibs for everyone in there, certainly not per player...

    What ever happens taking out the store made HD a lot less fun and doesn't that beat the whole point of a Christmas event?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. ?

    ? Guest

    I always get 300-400 bounty regardless of how many high level players there are on the server. One of the reason could be is that i teleport the tanks to the survivors location so we keep fighting the tanks non-stop and usually most of those tanks are normal tanks so they only drop exp, points and bounty toasters which is why other high levels also manage to get high bounty in one round. I guess those 2-3 farming days made up for more than a Christmas event when people managed to get 1000 gems, 50 ES and shit load of exp. Now i know everyone didn't get that many Gems or ES but in those 2-3 days, i only spent around 8-12 hours without spamming molos or anything coz i would just run around and look for mutated blood to complete one of my quest and i managed to get 40 mutated bloods, 400 gems, 20 something ES and god knows how much exp because i wasn't getting any exp anyway so in short, people got things in 2-3 days what took me 3-4 months when i needed them.