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Helms Deep Reborn & Suicide Blitz 2 Weekend!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    i believe you installed the .vpk? or did you copy and pasted in addons folder?
  2. Who's Ya Daddy

    Who's Ya Daddy New Member

    was able to play for 5 minutes then got this message

    Left 4 Dead 2
    Map: l4d2_helms_deep_serious
    Players: 16 (0 bots) / 16 humans
    Build: 4777
    Server Number: 3

    CAsyncWavDataCache: 2 .wavs total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of capacity
    Duplicate sequence 3 in sheet file

    Host_Error: CMapLoadHelper::Init, unable to open maps/l4d2_helms_deep_serious.bsp

    CAsyncWavDataCache: 2 .wavs total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of capacity
    Error! Variable "$blendframes" is multiply defined in material "particle/smoke1/smoke1_add_nearcull"!
    BinkOpen( c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\media\l4d2_background01.bik )
  3. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I had that once. I think it happens if you came fron another (non-helmsdeep) server and connect to helms deep without restarting the game. If you exit the game, start it and then join helms deep it works.
  4. Striker

    Striker MG Donor

    OHHH YESSS!!!! HD EU! Thank you so very much! :) :) :)
  5. Left4Bed

    Left4Bed Guest

    I finally was able to join. Then the game shut off and went to desktop with no error message. :(

    It was a fresh install, no other games in my folder, dl from the links given.
  6. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    Did u try joining the server again and does it happen if you join a normal coop or VS server. Finally, do you have the correct version of Helms Deep and placed it in the addons folder?
  7. Left4Bed

    Left4Bed Guest

    I double clicked the installer. Yes it was the version that was linked in the first post.
    It only happens when I try to join that game.

    When I try to rejoin, the server is always full.
  8. smokke1982

    smokke1982 Banned

    That is because they removed the ticket requirement. Back in the good days of HD if you had a ticked you had a saying in who you play with and were able to build up really good teams. Now without the ticked every tom dick and noob join and you have really good players left on the outside. Therefore all noobs want helm's deep because it's free XP without them actually doing anything!!!!!
  9. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I don't agree. I just removed the ticket requirement for now because HC is very busy right now and we needed to give the servers a boost. Besides I can see a lot of level 200+ on it so most people just play it for fun because it's a great map with great music and there are no rewards like vending machines or anything. Sure, a Shaman spawns now and then but the server has exactly the same configuration as Extreme COOP only now it runs Helms Deep, Extreme COOP was always empty, Helms Deep is always full.

    So don't worry about it, I have the entire week off next week and I hope HC has some time as well then and then we can start doing some serious work and make some progress again :)
  10. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    iam off entire week too, and i believe HC was also. gone be a fun week

    btw people dont run the .vpk file. just copy&paste into folder is enough.
  11. Striker

    Striker MG Donor

    I totally agree Marvel. The servers really did need a boost and HD is the perfect answer. That said, it is still possible to farm in there so making it just for 1 weekend is probably a good idea :)
  12. jtork

    jtork Senior Member

    new version is .15 right?

    that's the one i got from link above, re-DL 2x to make sure still errors
  13. Thank you marvel for the shamans in Helms deep , now im lvl 125 =D.

    Btw , sometimes the SI dissapear and there are only tanks and CI.

    NEMESIS MG Donor

    this is great news.
    does not have to extend not until Christmas?
  15. jirva

    jirva MG Donor

    yessss thank you a lot !!!! (just need to wait a bit to enter in the server > EU)
  16. Ping

    Ping Guest

    You need more servers for this... they are always full xD (EU)
  17. I think this servers have to be only for weekends , because ppl is lvling up too faster , and using the map a lot , the others servers are empty.

    Is a nice event but for weekends not forever
  18. AirBorn

    AirBorn Guest

    Need confirmation if this will last all week with Shaman or not. Debating on buying 10x if it will stay all week with Shaman in it.
  19. atreyucore

    atreyucore Senior Member

    suppose to be only this weekend
  20. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I will shut it down tonight but it will be back for the christmas weekend :)