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Extreme COOP update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. ?????

    ????? Guest

    Melee weapons don't even break in the first place. A major flaw in L4D2's gameplay as a "horde denied" advantage.

    But I like the idea of only killing common infected with headshots. Lowering the jimmy count would also be good, there's just too many.
  2. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

  3. I dont want less jimmy gibbs, I want more varied skins for the flame resistant jimmys. Maybe make the jimmys and ceda guys equal so that there's some variety to the zombie models. I think that or make all zombies immune to fire for a while.
  4. ?????

    ????? Guest

    It's not that I don't want the endless amount of Jimmy Gibbs. But it just takes away from the game when you hardly see any other common infected.

    If anything, just mix them into spawning along side with common infected some more; or as Morbid said, ceda+Jimmy+riot.
  5. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    the common infected are spawn with jimmy gibs.. and in some maps like the sacrifice, its mix with ceda, mudmen and jimmy gibs.. was playing it just awhile ago.. mission failed 5 times and then we change to next map..

    not sure what you guys are talking about..
  6. ?????

    ????? Guest

    oh crap, heh guess I wasn't paying attention.

    Before it was just a bunch of Jimmy Gibbs hordes, but maybe it was lowered...
  7. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I removed jimmy gibs now because a lot of server crashes :D
  8. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    Well I have seen the farmers speak, I have seen the players speak, I have seen the admins speak, & I have seen the roots speak. Legend posted a list. I like the list personally.

    Should be only headshots.

    Edit: was a ass so i took out my assyness