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Coop expert

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by joerve, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Yeah I saw that is going wrong with other games so lets not make the same mistake.

    When I play an online game or RPG it annoys the hell out of me when I see features only available for paying customers.
  2. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    but how else is MG gonna generate revenue other than through PR..
    money dont drop from the sky.. and the server rental is mostly paid from revenue gotten from PR customers who actually bought stuff from the store.. This also include marvel's pocket money.. how else did MG started without him renting a server.

    so PR customers are the ones mainly keeping MG running and improving its services.

    and our PR mod is different from other mmorpg.. our players can get abilities through buying or through playing.. so its a win win situation..

    of course i would not want to left out the older mod.. but like any other famous brands that we know.. you have to change your product to keep the business alive..

    and providing some perks like buying extended mag for berseker or vicious mod does not hurt the game at all.. its extended ammunition not infinite ammo.. its just an idea but it helps to pay the rent and buying of better server..
  3. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Wow that sounds really brutal, I like Legends idea of keeping it off PR, I also like the idea of freindly damage from mollies. People must learn not to just throw them indiscriminately.
  4. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Im not saying we should not make money to help with the costs of running the servers
    but that, I feel we should also not go mad with this and have "Pay-To-Upgrade" on to many
    of our servers but just a select few. Of course it helps that the better and more popular
    servers are going to be the ones that have the PR Style Mods on them, because people
    naturally like being able Upgrade and keep there Buffs.

    Knowing that you have built some thing and can keep it will always be a popular concept,
    it because of that, that we don't have to force it and place "Buyables" on too many servers.

    What I meant above is that I have seen some very good Games Servers go way to far with
    making money that they had lost sight of why they really just wanted to make money in the
    first place, ie (in our case) to cover the server hosting costs!

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Yes I read and I think they will work. However the server that we're trying to copy barely has any plugins. Maybe that's what makes it so good.

    As much as I like PR, I dont want it on the server. It will be too easy for survivors. Buying medpack/defib is easy and no skill involved. I want to see and re-live my moments of all those days training at an infinitley hard L4D1 server on L4D2. I don't need help from PR. I know alot of you will be for PR but I am the small majority that represents against PR.
  6. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    O_O Wow loving the sound of this server! its been a while since ive played any l4d at all but im guessing a server like this would whip me back in shape in no time lol...PR coop is no challenge at all
  7. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Beserker is a very old mod which is outdated, and vicious (EU) is empty for most part of the week, so we are not planning on changing them anymore