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Charger Fail

Discussion in 'Server Questions / Issues' started by Vulcan, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    For the last couple weeks the problem seems to be getting worse. It is possible that I just suck but I couldn't charge the broad side of a barn lately. I mean over and over I will charge an entire pack of people and come up dry. They can all be crowded in a narrow passageway it does not matter I will miss everyone. :evil: I hear others having the same problem. I hear that ping can have something to do with it but my ping is usually under 166. My blood pressure is not good during these games. I mean I can literally be 2-3 feet away and miss. Sure I do my fair share of pissing and moaning but there is a certain issue here and I am hoping the roots can figure it out. :mrgreen:
  2. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Charger Fail

    Are the players moving when this happens?
  3. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Re: Charger Fail

    Everyone is always moving but they are all congested in a small area and even when they are still at close range
  4. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Re: Charger Fail

    Similarly, when survivors are moving sideways, the charger clearly rams right into them but picks up no survivors about 50% of the time. I think it just has to do with everyone's internet speeds. Many players have pretty bad connection.
  5. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    Re: Charger Fail

    Ok i think i know the problem. Is not really something i could fix but i will post it anyway.

    What happens: The game has a lag compensation installed client-side, this helps to predict physics movement, collision results and entities coordinates on certain game frames. Now, everytime you charge, the "prediction" from the client might trick the real result. For example, you begin a charge on a crowded hall/room (Lets take as an example, the hall before the event with withaker at c1m2). The prediction begins its job and calculates possible future collitions 20-30 units in front. When you collide with a survivor, the server handles this collision in the following way.

    First, the server "asks" the attacker client(charger) if there was any kind of collision, then it "asks" the victim of the collision if there was any too. Sometimes, the victim's prediction might reply "no" and the server might not be aware if it was in fact a valid collision.

    This happens with people with alot of ping.

    Now, the charge collision itself is pretty "fke'd up" by valve, because you might sometimes not event pass al survivors, and kinda get stuck by imaginary "ants".

    Nothing i can really do right now, but since nothing is impossible, ill research :).
  6. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Re: Charger Fail

    Everything you say is what I kind of suspected. My ping is usually under 166-167 but I do notice improved accuracy on USA servers where my ping is usually 75-80. Do you think other players having bad ping would effect my accuracy? Thanks for taking the time to look into it.