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Buying a New PC - Need Input :)-

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mr Zombie, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Captain Obviuos

    Captain Obviuos MG Donor

    I play almost all my games in 3D now; I play L4D (1 and 2) in 3D, and they're both just sick -- NVIDIA rated L4D1 as Excellent and L4D2 as Good, and I hardly see a difference. MW3 looks ridiculous. You can look at a list of 3D-ready and compatible games here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/3d-vision-games.html
    But the real treat is watching 3D Blurays: just as good as watching 3D movies in theatres, and you can see everything, as one thing this monitor is not is DARK. With the glasses on, the brightness is needed, but it dazzles your eyeballs otherwise! :bloodyeye::bloodyeye:
    Only complaint -- and don't think I am uncognisant of the ironic fact there are starving people in the world while I complain about this -- is, the 3D glasses are horrible! Uncomfortable, heavy, worst nose-pieces EVAH... but again, I just feel grateful to have them. :yo:
    So would I recommend 3D? HELLS YEAH!
    It's like waking up from the Matrix, man.