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BR SERVERS to the max!

Discussion in 'Game Server Ideas' started by Lass, and the pepsi., May 4, 2011.

  1. As far as I've been playing at the brand new brazilian servers, I've realized that they are not reaching it's apex! That happens because a substantial part of the BR players have no contact with the english language, what results on them leaving the server.

    For this reason, if you guys allow, I pretend to translate, for now, the !CP, and next week the WIKI (me and SYD have been planning it for some time...) and present the result to you.

    I guess adding a "language" option on it is not very complicated, right?


  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Hmm.. translation would be needed for sure.. however, i dont think the points reloaded source will be handed to you.. of course that's up to honorcode and others..

    However, there should be way to do this:

    For example, without giving out sourcecode, the english language from the mod could be copied and pasted into a blank text file like..

    Smoker upgrades - <your translation here>
    boomer upgrades - <Your translation here>

    Acid claws: Gives you 10% chance to infect a player - <your translation here>

    Basically a .txt file would be handed off without code but with all english words from the plugin, and you would just translate them to brazil and add your translation inside the "<your translation here>" marks.. and after you have translated everything, you would send the file back to us, and someone could replace thoose following english words with your translation..

    That's the safest way, but it would require tons of work to gather all the english words form the plugin to that text file..

    just an idea i made up fast... i dont think this will happen.. anyway, it's up to others..
  3. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Internationalization is important though, if you want to reach out to more players...
    Wouldn't this work the same way as resource bundles do? You'll just be handing out .properties files with all the variables, and people who want to translate it can, with your consent of course.
    It's not just CP though, it's basically all the server plugins and mods.

    On MG's side, you'd have to make usage of the bundles instead of hard coded strings, and that's what'll take time.
  4. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    No need for the source, the english lines are just in text files.
  5. i wasn't saying i was going to change the sourcecodes.. i was just gonna translate in a word document and send it to you guys hahaha

    "Basically a .txt file would be handed off without code but with all english words from the plugin, and you would just translate them to brazil and add your translation inside the "<your translation here>" marks.. and after you have translated everything, you would send the file back to us, and someone could replace thoose following english words with your translation.."

    that was what i thought of...
  6. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Well I had a talk with L1te and wouldn't Spanish be better? A lot of people talk it, like the surrounding countries and even americans.
  7. Language Options:

    a) English
    b) Espan
  8. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    Im translating into spanish atm
  9. Ok, i give up. =]
  10. Syd

    Syd Member

    Im gona have to disagree with you.

    When we have a server with the name mgftw Brasil and 90% users of the server are Brazilian it's a huge mistake to translate to spanish.

    We do not speak spanish, it will confuse what suposed to be simple.

    We already volunteer to do the translations to portuguese regardless anything, so spanish shouldnt be the choice.
    We dont need codes, just the english lines as u said urself they are alrdy in text files

    But for some reason, that i do not understand why, portuguese isnt a option for you guys, i believe that we should stick with the english. Brazilian ppl knows english way better than spanish.

    Don't get me wrong, i just wanna to bring some enlighten to the matter.
  11. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Please go ahead and translate it to Portuguese then :)

    Btw, nvm Marvel, Brasil doesn't speak spanish :P My bad...
  12. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Maybe you can do both and create a language option
  13. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    if we go that far, it should be put into all servers (The language option), and leave english as default language on all servers, and Portuguese as default for BR servers.. and i could do a Finnish translation myself too :p
  14. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Well a dutch version is not needed because everyone here speaks english pretty good :)

    maybe a chinese version for hong kong

  15. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    If a choice of language is available, anyone can translate into their native language.

    However for Hong Kong, most people there speak english, and there aren't only chinese (JP, SG, KO, most SEA).
    I wouldn't even bother translating to cantonese, it's too much a hassle for people who usually have a good grasp over english, just like the dutch.
  16. well, if you send me the txt I can translate...

    And yeah... though BR is in the Latin America, we don't speak spanish ;D
  17. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I'm sorry I didn't know that. If it was for me everybody would just speak english, makes it so more easy ;)

    Let's do Portuguese then, I'll prepare the file and sent it to you :)
  18. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Ok file sent :)
  19. Dragon

    Dragon MG Donor

    I'm agree with portuguese version, but don't forget spanish, cuz BR Servers is not only for Brazilians players but also for all South American fans of MG. In south America 9 of 12 countrys have spanish as official language, apart from that Spanish and English have almost the same number of native speakers.


    HonorCode said that he was translating into spanish so I think Spanish and Portuguese should be added
  20. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I think a new menu option with 'language' would be cool, so you can select your preferred language. That way anybody can translate the files to any language if they are willing to. Maybe even auto-detect the client language and set it to that. Problem is though, that if we change something in the config we have to change it for all languages.

    I don't think we need anything more than Portuguese and Spanish for now though.