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Bin Laden dead or complete Hoax???

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fa!l, May 2, 2011.

  1. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    We've had so many problems with terrorists lately that the public is just sick of it. We'd rather not anger the terrorists and get bombed again. The soldiers apparently followed the islamic tradition of throwing people into the sea at the moment of their death, in hopes of avoiding anger.

    Whatever it is, I'm just glad they killed the bastard.
  2. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    So this is the 9th time we have killed the guy. I put a lot of stock into what Alex has to say. I admit he goes over the top sometimes because he is passionate and becomes animated sometimes. But on the night of July 25 2001 I was listening to his radio broadcast where he predicted the attack on the WTC and that they would blame it on Osama "The Boogeyman." So on the morning of 9-11, I said Shit Alex was right. Osama was either dead many years ago or he is still alive but they disposed of the body because it was either not him or they didn't want a body analyzed that has been frozen for years.


    Well he had no phones or internet acces in his house so he wouldnt spotted, and the military wouldnt look in all houses to find him, pakistan is quite big.

    And i heard that the soldiers killed him, but it was the people of pakistan that threw his body in sea

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Osama should never have put his real address on the Playstation Network.
  5. Edward Marlus

    Edward Marlus Senior Member

    he died soon after 9/11, thus i restate what i just said :|
  6. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think it's a hoax, if it was we should've seen a video message of Osama already. US government says they won't release the pictures or videos and I can understand that. I agree it's not wise to do so, it will only create a lot of anger in the muslim world and besides, most people don't seem to care about the proof anyway. I for sure don't.

    I'm sure the pictures will be released at some day, in a few years from now when bin laden is long gone and forgotten. Either that or they will be on wikileaks sooner or later.

    It flatters the US to do it like this, not putting Osama's head on a spike for the whole world to see. It's not the US we are used to because everybody probably expected that.

    I'm sure Bush would've spiked his head on a spike right in front of the white house, no doubt about that.
  7. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    You have no idea how much we wanted to burn his damn body and drag his neck around tied to a race car with a U.S. flag on it.
  8. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    :twitch::usa: lol

    Its not that him being dead is a hoax marvel...he most probably is dead (afterall his death has been announced 8 other times sicne 9/11 =/) The whole things just dodgy though...i urge you to watch some of the Alex Jones videos if you havent already, even if you dont believe what he has to say he makes some VERY interesting points with evidence to back up a lot of his claims (unlike the mainstream media who release false information and pictures that have been proven to be fake).

    I obviously miss a lot of American news being British and everything so ill admit i was fairly ignorant to a lot of stuff going on but after watching those videos i understand A LOT more....all "hoax/theories...whatever" aside he brings up a lot of proven information with evidence that definitely supports what hes trying to say.
  9. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest


    Definitely look in to the Alex Jones video's marvel, as Davzee said, it's all proven evidence. I mean, he's been killed 9 times now..


    I somehow dont believe that osama had much to do with the terrorism lately, i just think they used his name because the citizen is scared of him.
  11. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yes that's true. Oh well, I'm not going to speculate if he's dead or not, or if he has been dead for 5 years now. I don't care so much anymore. Like skinhead says, he was just running and hiding the last years.
  12. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    I think its a wise thing to do, not showing the pics. It serves no purpose. People who don't believe he is dead will still not believe it. They will say its not him, or its fotoshopped or whatever.

    Second, terrorist will only use these pics for propaganda.

    I think its a good thing that obama choses this instead of being the popular one and show and all
    americans should be glad to have him as president.