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A bug report and a suggestion

Discussion in 'Server Questions / Issues' started by Blue Sunshine, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Bug report:

    It's about the defibrillator. It seems to be a longtime problem? That is when someone defibs a dead body, sometimes I(or my soul) will be transferred from the body I was in to that revived body...

    Same thing happens when I defib others.

    Hope some fix could be done to this, since it could be quite annoying when having a hard time fighting with tanks :wondering:


    Hope the !buy menu could disappear automatically after we choose what to buy instead of pressing 0.

    There are 2 reasons.

    1.Since the key binding function exists, there's no need to keep the menu exist for further choices, since it's more convenient to use the bound keys to realize this.

    2.In some situations, for example, I bound a key to purchase a pipebomb, but when I want to change to the pipebomb directly by pressing 3(for me actually is a corresponding bound button on mouse ), it'll then give me a vomit jar since the menu exists. So every time to do this I need to close the menu first or use the mousewheel, it's somewhat time-wasting I think.

    Anyway this is just my personally opinion :D
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    One thing you can do in terms of binding a key directly to an item, is to add a wait command and then add the command 'slot10' to the end of it.

    For example, to buy a pipebomb:

    bind j "sm_buy;menuselect 3;menuselect 1;menuselect 2;wait 50;slot10;"

    This would buy the pipebomb if you have the bounty, wait a bit (about a half second or so), and then close the menu. For some reason the wait is necessary, as you can't close the menu immediately for whatever reason.

    So for all your quick item binds, just add 'wait 50;slot10;' to the end of them.
  3. That works, now feel much more comfortable.

    Thanks :P