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1-12-2012 Bad news: Database reset.

Discussion in 'DayZ Servers' started by JorisK, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

    Hi people,

    Bad news. We cannot upgrade our current DayZ server engine because there is still something wrong with our database. We had some problems before (here) but this time we cannot fix it. According to some people the best thing to do was to start over with a new database, and so we did...

    Our apologies but we simply don't know how the DB got corrupted.

    Some good news:
    - We moved the server to a brand new one (SSD, 2x Xeox blabldiebla, etc. etc.). No matter how heavy the upcoming standalone version will be, we are defenately able to run it.
    - New vehicles added (ambulance etc)
    - Extra crash sites added (medic sites etc)

    NOTE: As we moved DayZ to a new server, the IP has changed aswell! The multilpayer lobby should show the new server but in case you connect to the IP directly, use port 2302.
  2. NSG

    NSG Junior Member

    Can you advise at what times the new server does its restarts. Is it the same as before 7 am and then every 4 hours?
  3. Taniis

    Taniis Junior Member

    No worries fella, stuff like this always happens its no big issue,
  4. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

    10:00, 14:00, etc. etc.
  5. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

    More info: there's a propellor plane availible now aswell :)

    This was me with Phettah last night:


    Ofcourse he wrecked the plane :)
  6. AV_Bolger

    AV_Bolger Guest

    Hi, JorisK.
    And what about your Namalsk's server ?
    Does it still exist ?
    I can't find it with DayZ Commander.
  7. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

    Hi Bolger,

    We took it offline, almost no one played it, i'm sorry if you did.

    MG is preparing for the standalone that will ship. We got the hardware and the connection ready. All we need is the the release :)
  8. AV_Bolger

    AV_Bolger Guest

    In fact, we played it sometimes with french players, but it's not a problem if it is offline now.
    Thanks for the experience you have proposed on Namalsk.