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Vs Scramble

Discussion in '[L4D2] Points Reloaded' started by Ian, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Ian

    Ian MG Donor

    When is scramble going to be fixed?

    I know admins are going to say that they can force scramble and help us.. but that is not a long term solution.

    just a couple of pics, on what the scramble system is like, didnt bother taking other pics/uploading

    #1 always putting all players on 1 team

    #2 putting high levels on 1 team and low on the other

    Is this the definition of a fixed scramble system?




    LEGEND Senior Member

    Unpopular opinion: Personally, I think that the scramble system is flawed anyway.

    I do not get the logic behind scrambling every round. Yes, I know it's to make the game fair and balanced but the whole point of the game is to play as a team from campaign start to campaign finish. With the current scramble system, your team mates are not on the same team from start to finish.

    An idea that I had was (bear with me on this):
    1. To launch the scramble and team placement on campaign start only.
    2. Then make the game memorize what teams you were in so that if a player switches team he/she cannot.
    3. Similarly, if a player quits the game and rejoins to switch team, they cannot.
    4. If the teams are unbalanced, for example on one team there was 1 player versus 5 players, the switch feature will be enabled only for the team with more players.

    The only time this would fail if there was a low amount of players on each team on campaign start. In that case, dynamically add players to each team based on level when they connect.

    This scramble system (or a subsidised version of it) could be deployed on other non-PR servers, which would position players and disallow them to switch based on the number of players on a team, rather than level.

    Sound good? :P
  3. Duncan

    Duncan New Member

    The auto scramble should work on map 1 only and the vote option should be open of all the other maps even when the "teams seems balanced".. scramble is not only useful to balance teams for levels, we may wanna start a vote because one of the teams sucks even though they are high lvls. Thats why the memory of the player in x team is a bad idea. Besides allowing players to switch... what if it is 5 vs 1 and the the 2 low lvls of the 5 ppl team decide to move to the other team.. It is not that simple as saying keep playing with your team because if they suck and we cant scramble they will quit, it's as simple as that. To play a full campaign with your team just enable cw :S








    those are from yesterday at different times of the night/day...
  4. Ian

    Ian MG Donor

    Is this getting ignored by the admins or anything? not saying anything, just asking because i see admins active on forums and this important issue isn't getting addressed, if possible, could you tell us what's gonna happen from now on? are the admins going to work on it? or are you admins just going to leave it as it is?

    and by saying admins, im talking about those who have the power to fix this
  5. Duncan

    Duncan New Member

    OK, maybe no one wanna work on vs now, but at least for now can get the old scramble back ? I mean, it was no good, but at least ppl wont leave because of it :S