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The Blue Guy

Discussion in '[L4D2] Points Reloaded' started by Vulcan, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    I was just playing Vicious Infected USA and one of the survivors on my team was blue and another time black. Can anyone tell me what this is. I have seen it before although infrequently. My best guess is that it is the primary MAIN. I have seen red players as well but not today. Can anyone tell me what this means and if there is a difference between colors.
  2. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    O.o ive never seen that...sure its not just a graphical error lol? unless its just on the VI servers or something, havent played on them for quite a while now.
  3. PepsiDay

    PepsiDay Guest

    Saw it in L4D1, that's on modded servers. All i know is that black tank = tough tank :p
  4. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    I know that you can change survivors colours (black,red,blue,green,etc..)
    Maybe it's an admin messing around with the admin panel?

    If it is - it's cool, however don't do it to other players, do it to yourself then reset it :P