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Old Versus vs New Versus

Discussion in '[L4D2] Points Reloaded' started by The_Jackal, Apr 4, 2015.

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  1. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    I made this post because versus servers are riddled with bugs. (I say this with great respect). Idk if it is due to the new changes or other problems.
    Then I will open a poll. Which server you would most like to players. The Old Versus or The New Versus. I think it may be an interesting reference to the relevant changes.

  2. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    To make you understand. Some examples. The old system as a survivor does not limit traps. The new system has limit of 3/3. In the old system the tank is according to the level of the player, and have updated health up to 48,000 HP at level 215. In the new system all tanks are equal to 40,000 hp (I think this ridiculous). Mutations as SI I think are useless (!Buy 3,4,5,6). The bounty is painfully difficult to get as SI. Finally, many bugs.
  3. stephaniee

    stephaniee Junior Member

    sorry that i voted the wrong one lol
  4. Mute

    Mute Head Administrator Staff Member

    The trap thing is irrelevant, those who haven't got it equipped, are unable to equip it, giving a bit of a bad advantage to those who currently do have it equipped. I haven't paid enough attention at tank spawns to comment on that bit. I personally do use the mutations in the buy menu, they do seem nice, but I feel a slight increase in the numbers would be OK. Bounty earning is fine for me. As for bugs, well, of course there are going to be bugs, it is fairly recent, and HC can't solo bug test everything.
  5. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    Each upgrade, each skill and each buff, has its relevance. For players versus the traps are very important. There is much difference between having 3/3 and have no limits. The bounty is also important for both surv & inf. What sense does play hard, get all upgrades, all skills and all buff, then if any low level player can be shaman for example. I think this is not fair to the players who are here long ago (I am here since January 2011) and we played hard times, and we helped other players all the time. This is a very personal opinion. It'is true that we are all guests here. This is a free and equal server for all people. Simply I'm just doing constructive criticism. I have no personal problems with anyone. This is to try to improve the server versus above, which is unfortunately becoming more dead.

    Ty for u time
  6. Adward

    Adward Game Server Moderator Staff Member

    I like the new system more, though obviously tweaking can be performed.

    The new tank hp system allows low-level players to enjoy using a tank without getting shredded in two seconds. I think that's a good way to get retention on our VS servers.
  7. Hawk

    Hawk Member

  8. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    I agree. 1st) Tell Jones that "Boomer traps" is buff. 2nd) The difference between Jones and The_Jackal, is that The_Jackal only polishes own shoes. Jones polish the shoes of others. I'm not "apple-polisher". A good listener, few words.
  9. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    Ty for your participation Guys. The results are obvious: 17 - 0 (Stephaniee vote wrong & Adward, your vote does not count because you admin).
  10. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    Hi Jones, this is a gift for you: http://mgftw.com/stats/pr/hlstats.php?mode=players&game=l4d2 I got the notice that you said that I'm a fucking bitch. However I respond with this gift. It's the closest you will be the number 1 and with a decent tag. It's never too late to admit mistakes and become a better person. It's advice I give to you.
  11. Doctor Jones

    Doctor Jones MG Donor

    Lol... Why don't you come meet me in versus?

    Oh, now I remember, you usually don't play versus. So, what makes you think you're in the position to suggest changes to a mod that you don't even understand?

    And why would I take advice from you again? You lack ingame skills as you lack manners. A respectable Clan-Leader doesn't act this way plus you have no clue what kind of person I am. I think you're just trolling me.
    Please stop embarrassing yourself and the community, that's my advice for you.
  12. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    Everyone knows the reason. Or do you think that people are stupid. Everybody knows u "extra benefits". Absolutely everyone. I'm not afraid to say things. Maybe I baned for this. But my conscience is clear. I'm a professional player. I have competed in international tournaments in CS years ago. But above all I'm a good person. That's the big difference with u. It really bothers me when someone challenges my intelligence. Learn the lesson Jones, we are all human beings and as such are equal. I do not wish evil to you, it's not my way of being. Live a happy life. End to this conversation.
  13. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Thank you for the vote. I don't see much of a purpose in coming to a server once or twice in a few years and then deciding to try to revolutionize the place before truly understanding the mod, but hey, everyone's free to use our polling tools.

    I don't like the bitterness starting here, though.

    Jackal, you're in the wrong, because your shit talk goes way past "normal" and "expected" server talk. Every single player talks shit at some point, but it's in the spirit of competition.

    I've seen you start fights with others and let it go, because they chose to let it go. Intervening would serve no purpose. You've even accused me of using some kind of cheat to make myself a special tank when, in fact, I just got a system-spawned tank. I found it pretty insulting, because that could also convince other gamers that admins can use commands to gain an advantage.

    That is abuse, is not true, does not happen, and we've even taken steps to prevent the possibility of it. Kick/Ban/Slay is about all we can do.

    Let's just all cool off, starting now. Otherwise, others will start getting angry and feelings start getting hurt. We haven't had that in a while here, and I don't want to see it again any time soon.
  14. erik

    erik MG Donor

    One other major point. If people have scores to settle... the way we do it on MG is in the versus servers, as players.

    I often tell others if they're sore, I'll be waiting for them on a hill with a boomer. :)
  15. Doctor Jones

    Doctor Jones MG Donor

    Extra benefits?


    You are not making any sense at all. How about explaining what your problem is, instead of tossing superficial phrases around.

    Show me some evidence, try to explain in a rational way or gtfo.
  16. erik

    erik MG Donor

    3,891 killstreak is impossible. That is farming in 1 spot for hours on-end. It means you took no damage and did this all in 1 map, nonstop. It's not fair to talk about being #1... if #1 is predicated on breaking the rules, cheating, short cuts or anything like that. I don't like seeing it being used against other gamers to make them feel lesser. The only reason we permitted it was because we weren't there to witness it ourselves.

    Please just stop, because I've already requested it and I don't want to have to mediate or point out other painful truths. For anyone.

    I am also not siding with anyone here, but there are some major truths that need to be acknowledged if things like "being #1" are going to be used against other gamers, if false admin abuse accusations are going to be brought into the servers, and especially if it's done to start a fight.

    Again, let's all just cool off.
  17. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    I never accused you. I asked a question, and you answered me badly. You accused me of exploit. (car blocked). But there's no problem. Dont challenged me intelligence please. And baned me now. I have no problem. I do not wish harm on anyone. Live a happy life. With regard to my participation in the servers, the statistics I think who say otherwise.
  18. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    As you call this: http://mgftw.com/stats/pr/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=4893
    I called Super agriculture
  19. The_Jackal

    The_Jackal New Member

    Marvel, in your tree is a rotten apple. That apple is polluting the entire tree. But still you have time to cut and save the tree. A good listener, few words. Ok, bye, game over!
  20. Doctor Jones

    Doctor Jones MG Donor

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