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Exchange "Enhancements Stones" to "Gems"

Discussion in 'Game Server Ideas' started by Rising, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Rising

    Rising MG Donor

    A few days ago the new PR version was in test, and I realized that most of the upgrades and skills will require more "Gems" than "Enhancements Stones", so I suggest a simple addition to PR, the ability of players to exchange their enhancements Stones for gems.
    currently it is possible to exchange 75 gems per 1 enhancements stones, no it would be nice if the opposite were possible ? :P
  2. Insomniac

    Insomniac Junior Member

    I vehemently disagree with the idea. Having a 1 for 1 exchange for something that's bought is like introducing a refund for every single item that's bought off stores. There's a reason people aren't allowed to refund items in both virtual reality and in reality, in most cases. It's for the same reason that you can't exchange gems for the original $500 and get a "refund" between a range of $1 to $500, much less than the original value.
  3. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Similarly, it lacks decorum to simply tail people and disagree/dislike virtually everything they say. I believe you're above taking cheap shots like accusing someone of being so shallow as to artificially inflate their online reputation, w/ no justification.
  4. erik

    erik MG Donor

    In theory, it's a good idea, "why not allow the converse?," but if we pidgeon-hole ourselves into recycling what are a cuople of our more important Store products (that fund these servers, btw...) we sort of over-saturate PR.
  5. tank

    tank MG Donor

    Or you can just easy craft your gems,crafted around 400 gems last couple of months and I don't play to much coop. :)
  6. Rising

    Rising MG Donor

    I understand, however would not exactly a direct exchange for example:
    1 Enhacement Stone could give to player only: 35, or 50 gems or other value determined by mgftw.
  7. Rising

    Rising MG Donor

    For a high level and that is already in a guild lv. 20 and with the buff "Craft Mastery" this may be an alternative to get many gems, some time ago I was in "GOD 1" and the craft simply was not viable for me, sometimes I spent 100,000 Cash to achieve approximately 40 gems and this in my opinion is not worth much less for a low lv.
  8. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I was in your guild at the time :)

    Those are 40 free gems, though! You always have the option to buy them from the MG Store

    I know how you are about your gems lol