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Decreased Defense (S) (SEIG V1.1.12)
Decreased Defense Bad Status Effect (Survivors)
Decreased Defense against infected, you will take more damage.
Buff Effect
Defenseless Buff (Jockey Special Infected Only) (Damage Dealer and Debuffer Class)
Each hit with your claw decreases the survivor defenses by 1%
<Stack decay rate: 1% each second>
PR Notifications (Buffs)
(Not Yet)
Ability Effect (Infected Only): Void, Bloody, Infernal, Supreme Bloody, Supreme Infernal, Heartbroken Tank
Bloody Tank:
(Active) Curse: On cast, 4 witches will start cursing the nearby area slowing down survivors by 50% and randomly cursing them. Once the curse ends, any survivors inside the area will receive 25% Max HP as damage (Doubled if cursed). Cursed survivors will receive 1000% additional damage from all other sources.
Infernal Tank
(Active) Tentacles: The tank uses tentacles to attack near survivors. These tentacles deal 60HP damage per hit and can trigger the Earthquake passive. Tentacles stay in the ground for 3 seconds and then explode, dealing damage to near survivors. Each tentacle hit reduces the survivor defenses by 10%. Survivor regains defense by 1% each 3 seconds.
Supreme Bloody Tank:
(Passive) Bleed Vulnerability: Increases damage taken by incapped survivors by 300%.
(Active) Curse: On cast, 4 witches will start cursing the nearby area slowing down survivors by 50% and randomly cursing them. Once the curse ends, any survivors inside the area will receive 25% Max HP as damage (Doubled if cursed). Cursed survivors will receive 1000% additional damage from all other sources.
(Active) Supreme Curse: On cast, 4 tanks will start cursing the nearby area slowing down survivors by 99% and randomly cursing them. Once the curse ends, any survivors inside the area will receive 50% Max HP as damage (Doubled if cursed). This ability is active every 5th curse.
Supreme Infernal Tank:
(Active) Tentacles: The tank uses tentacles to attack near survivors. These tentacles deal 90HP true damage per hit and can trigger the Earthquake passive. Tentacles stay in the ground for 3 seconds and then explode, damaging and stunning ANYTHING too close. Each tentacle hit reduces the survivor defenses by 10%. Survivor regains defense by 1% each 3 seconds.
Heartbroken Tank
Defense Corrosion: Each tank hit reduces the defenses of the survivors by 1%.
PR Notifications (PR-Guide/Ability Effect)
Heartbroken Tank when he damages you (permanent defense drop on hit (cannot be recovered))
[Dmg] 465 -> 274 Attack (B0%, B:0%, A:0.00) Defense(D
0% B:41% D:0)
- If you happen to be experiencing more damage, it is probably because earlier on you have less defenses, if it's temporary, consider backing off until your defense recovers so you can have the full tanking capability again.
- If the Heartbroken Tank is decreasing your defenses too much, get someone else to tank the hits instead of you so you don't die quicker due to decreasing defense that can't be recovered.
XenCarta PRO
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM