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Want to use Marvelously Teamspeak? Download+Setup Instructions HERE!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by erik, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. erik

    erik MG Donor

    This is a simple, text-only setup that includes EVERY SINGLE screen you encounter and every single option you encounter.

    It's meant to be an easy setup guide.

    Forgive the lack of screenshots, just wanted to get this up.

    1.) Go to http://www.instantteamspeak.com/
    2.) Ignore the "rent"/"create" server messages. Click "DOWNLOAD TEAMSPEAK" at the top-right.
    3.) Choose either 32 or 64-bit, depending on ur OS, just make sure it's CLIENT* VERSION*, not Server!
    4.) Agree to the disclosures.
    5.) Examine your personal donwload link; click to get it downloading.
    6.) Doubble-click the setup icon to get it started.

    Now, we'll set it up.

    Welcome to the TeamSpeak3 Client Setup Wizard

    1.) Click "next"

    2.) Click "I agree"

    3.) Click "Install for Just Me," then click "Next"

    4.) For Install Directory / Destination Folder, leave default (click "Next,")

    5.) For Configuration Location, choose the Recommended method "Save in User Own Files," NOT** "Save Inside Installation Folder"

    6.) For "Create A Start Menu Folder" just click "Next," that way if your desktop shortcut disappears, you'll have a link in Start / Programs to find.

    7.) On that same screen, click "Install."

    8.) After Installation finishes (green bar completes,) click "Close."

    9.) Now, let's configure Teamspeak 3 Client. Double-click the icon on your desktop once you're done with the Installation Wizard.

    The Setup Wizard should say "Welcome To Teamspeak"; Click "Next.""

    1.) "Please Choose A Nickname" <---- Use whatever you want, you can change later. The default is whatever you FIRST set it as. For example, I just type "erik"then click "Next."

    2.) Choose option 2, the "PUSH-TO-TALK"option; VERY important.

    2a.) Click the "No Hotkey Assigned" button. This allows you to create a "bind" for what you push to talk. Make it ANYTHING different* than your in-game settings.

    If you use "PageUp" for L4D2, for example, use "PageDown" here.

    Click "Next" once you successfully assign a key to Push-To-Talk.

    3.) Leave "Test Your Microphone" screen default. Click "Next."

    4.) Leave the next screen default, UNLESS you want a bind to mute your Mic. If you choose one, click "No Hotkey Assigned," simply tap the key you want. Then, click "Next."

    5.) In the "Select Soundpack" screen, not really important, but just choose your gender and click "Next."

    6.) In the "Select Plugins" Screen, DO NOT CHECK "Enable Overlay," click "Next."

    7.) In the "All Done!" screen, UNCHECK "Open Bookmarks," UNCHECK "Open Public Server List," and always UNCHECK "rent your own TeamSpeak Server." Click "Finish."

    To Use / Launch / Configure in-Client

    In the main Teamspeak 3 Window, click on "Connections," then "Connect," (top left corner.)

    1.) Server Address: Change to: teamspeak.mgftw.com
    Nickname: Change to your own name, like erik or whatever.
    Server Password: LEAVE BLANK <--- blank, not those words.

    Click "Connect"

    Welcome to TeamSpeak! Double-click the folder name w/ the users in it you want to chat with. Don't forget your assigned Push-To-Talk hotkey!
  2. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

  3. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Cool, thanks!

    Well, very lo-fi. Certainly no Nova / Stefeman walkthrough, but at least it'll get ppl where they need to be.

    Perhaps I can update this once I get some proper screenshots.