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Walking Dead

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mr Zombie, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Ok, So in the Uk tonight a new Zombie Apocalypses program begins, (Channel-5 @ 22:00)
    I was just wondering if you are going to watch it or if you have watched it what did
    you think.

    If you are not going to or have no interest in watching this or programs like this
    I was just wondering why if you like Zombie games and not the films, not that
    you would be the first person I have come across that does not like the films.

    One of the things I noticed in Walking Dead is the number of references to other
    Zombie & Apocalypse Films/Things I mean yeah, there's the usual stuff like shooting
    them in the head an things that get into every zombie film, but im thinking of other
    possible references like -

    Evil Dead - The hitting with a grave diggers shovel.
    Left4Dead - Sound attracting Zombies, (unless some thing else done that first!).
    28 Days - Waking up in a Hospital.

    These are just the one's I noticed, but there must be a load I missed, that ones
    did I miss that you seen?


    Ps. @Legend - What is going on with that Zombie Story you liked, is he still writing
    and do you still have the link for it?

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Is this the hit US series "The Walking Dead"? I liked that series so much. I don't have Channel 5. Bloody faulty Sky box.

    I do have a link to the book. The guy's still writing it. Taking his time over the next chapter though. I sent you a link by PM. :)
  3. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    That walking dead is pretty good, i enjoyed it....pity it was so short though only 6 episodes if i remember correctly. It was something different i mean you dont see many zombie *programs" if any at all, infact i think thats the first one ive ever seen.

    I didnt personally catch a lot of references to other films in there apart from the obvious ones but then again i wasnt really looking, I forget their names but the two hill billy brothers kinda reminded me of Ellis and Francis lol
  4. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Yeah it's that series, It looks really good, this is the very first episode. I have not seen any of them
    before. I remember it being advertised a while back but for a channel I don't have and feeling
    pissed that I could not watch it but now I can :)
    When he got to the city on his horse it reminded me a lot of the film Legend.
    Shame you can't watch it again but you could watch it On-Line @ 5-On demand.

    and Thanks for the Link :) but its not working, its just showing a blank page :(

    aw missed that one, did not even see tham must have
    been when some one kept talking to me :(

    but yeah its not a common thing for there to be programs about Zombies and considering
    how popular they are I would have though there would be more of them or that this series
    was longer.
    Hopefully they may make a second series.:voodoo:

    Poor Horsey :deadhorse:
  5. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    i just watched the entire series on tv.blinkx.com lol i dont really watch a lot of tv so i woulda missed it. I think those two characters come a bit later on in the series like the second or third episode i think so dont worry u havent missed em :)

    And yea i remember thinking "I am legend" when he rode in the horse.....loads of zombie films use that whole 'alone in an empty city' thing now days....I am legend did it, 28 days later did it, Resident Evil did it, im sure theres a couple of others aswel...possibly Dawn of the dead....i cant remember lol.

    +1 in hoping they make a second series though....dont wanna give anything away but they did end the first season with loose ends so as long as the ratings were good they should be making a second.
  6. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    It was a good series too bad it was so short. Does anyone know if they are making a season 2?
  7. ChooChoo

    ChooChoo Head Administrator Staff Member

    I would assume a season 2 would be in the work. I mean, it feels like the ending was like a cliffhanger...
  8. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    It would be cool in season 2 if they just hinted at l4d2. Like they are walking though a building and they hear a charger outside or something and the guy is like "What the hell is that?" Or maybe they come across some corrosion that was done by a spitter. Or they make it to somewhere safe and inside is a poster of "Fuzzy Jungle Taco" or one of the other famous sprays I see in VI all the time. Although I haven't see the big bouncing boobies lately. I miss them. :(
  9. Medi-kal

    Medi-kal MG donor

    Rumor has it that Season 2 of The Walking Dead will premier in the fall of 2011.
  10. evilpaul

    evilpaul <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    The first issue of The Walking Dead was written before 28 Days later came out.

    They are both paying tribute to Day of the Triffids.