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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Who's Ya Daddy, May 1, 2012.

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  1. Who's Ya Daddy

    Who's Ya Daddy New Member

    I just dont understand the concept of votegag. Is it to annoy people or to have clean fun?? But either way theres been a lot of Votegagging going on these days. People randomly gag each other for no apparent reason & theres not much admins seem to be doing about it. IMO the votegag feature should be removed completely... If theres someone annoying too much then we do have our admins & the votekick feature.
  2. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Or, the votegag should cost 20 bounty :P
  3. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator

    Votegag/mute does tend to be more trouble than it's worth, and if someone is abusing chat, asking them to stop then votekicking should suffice. That or make the name of whomever initiates a vote readily visible to all.
  4. Wow...i usually votemute myself, is that considered bad...
  5. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    yeah It's super annoying if someone starts those votes all the time:tsk:
  6. Who's Ya Daddy

    Who's Ya Daddy New Member

    ugh... as a tank i had over 400 bounty today for 20 bounty each gag I can gag 20 people in the server :drum: NICEEEEEEE
  7. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Do you randomly votegag people? Besides, 20 was just an example :P it could literally be anything
  8. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    I think this would stop alot of the vote[whatever] problems.
  9. achilles

    achilles Banned

    King has voted gag me near about 50 times . I have stopped complaining about it .Its better get a donor account and help MG .. peace
  10. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    it should have been unloaded from a few server. guess i missed a few then :P

    so i unloaded them now.

    and btw achilles not only King but also you been votegagging people like crazy i can see lol.

    anyways votegag = now off
  11. achilles

    achilles Banned

    that bullshit collector .. you got proof show me.?
  12. ZombieGirl

    ZombieGirl Senior Member

    I had a few micspammers last few weeks,and they didn't understand english so they kept on going.
    Really annoying so i started votegagvote.
    So we should kick them now?

    I don't know,it feels a bit harsh.
  13. Who's Ya Daddy

    Who's Ya Daddy New Member

    well I know collector is right. Achilles keeps votegagging me atleast like 2 times a day & not to forget all the swearing & namecalling :X
  14. Who's Ya Daddy

    Who's Ya Daddy New Member

    ZombieGirl theres another feature !votemute that mutes them
  15. Vitafit

    Vitafit MG Donor

    i swear all the time. strange i've never been gagged EVER. Except when i join a server without being able to chat.
  16. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    why would i say something like that if i didn't had proof lol.
    And you know its right

    this is from today:
    L 05/01/2012 - 13:46:09: "ôô Achilles [?]<3360><STEAM_1:0:14970577><>" initiated a gag vote against "??Ø'? ?? Ð?ðð?<3631><STEAM_1:1:36387804>
  17. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    i double checked, and its disabled. you sure you saw it? maybe an admin did a vote mute on somebody? :P
  18. achilles

    achilles Banned

    Any one can make up that easily collector ..
  19. achilles

    achilles Banned

    Ha ha stop crying .. I get vote gag all the time by you and king and not to forget you always keeps abusing my parents . If you got a problem with a votegag get MG DONOR and stop bullying
  20. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    you both use it. so no point in pointing fingers to each other.

    Votegag is switched off for now. so case closed.

    Besided Achilles, why would i make up a log file with you doing it lol. that would be a waste of my time. only to proof it to you lol
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